What to see in Minsk on your own?

Many tourists who have never been to the capital of Belarus are wondering what to see in Minsk? After all, there is an opinion that it is impossible to see anything particularly interesting in this city, except for museums and the National Library. Indeed, during the Second World War, all of its buildings were almost completely destroyed by the Nazis.

Of course, there is no special cluster of attractions in Minsk. It is better to go to Vienna or Paris for them. The capital of Belarus is distinguished by the fact that the spirit of the Soviet era is felt everywhere in it. However, it will be quite difficult for anyone who wonders what to see in Minsk in 1 day. Indeed, in order to explore this city, you will need to devote much more time.

Gates of the Belarusian capital

What to see in Minsk on your own? Tourists who come to the capital of Belarus by bus or train will certainly get to the forecourt. It is on it that the first attraction, which is called the "City Gate", is located. It represents two symmetrically located 11-story buildings designed in the style of the Stalinist Empire. Five-story houses adjoin these towers, the appearance of which is more modest.

city ​​gates

Tall buildings were built in 1953. The author of their project was Leningrad architect Boris Rubanenko. In the upper part of one of the towers is the coat of arms of the former BSSR. The second is decorated with a trophy brought after the end of World War II from Germany. This is a watch with a dial diameter of more than 3.5 m. It is the largest in the country.

In earlier times, these towers were decorated with concrete sculptures depicting a worker, soldier, collective farmer and engineer. However, in the 70s, these statues during the restoration of the facade were dismantled. Later, their place was taken by sculptures made of silumin metal , which is resistant to corrosion.

The street located between these towers is traditionally considered the main entrance to the capital of Belarus. That is why those who are studying the question of what to see in Minsk, should plan their route from here.

Independence Square

What to see in Minsk next? Not far from the "City Gate" is Independence Square. It is one of the largest in Europe and covers an area of ​​almost 7 hectares. However, those who saw this square for the first time are unlikely to say that it is huge. Its entire territory is surrounded by a harmoniously thought-out architectural ensemble. Moreover, the area at any time of the year looks well-groomed, neat and very cozy. Somewhat apart from all the buildings on it stands the Red Church. He bears the name of Saints Simeon and Helena. This church in the center of a modern city looks as if it got here by some sort of magic. However, this building also harmoniously blended with the overall architectural look.

Red church

The authorities of the Belarusian capital were created in 1934. At that time, the Government House was being built here under the leadership of the Leningrad architect Joseph Langbard. It was then that the decision was made to lay out the front square near this building, which was named after Lenin.

Independence Square

This is where Independence Avenue originates from. Its length is 15 km. According to this indicator, the main avenue of the Belarusian capital is considered the longest city highway in Europe.

Independence Square has changed over the course of its existence. Today it is an excellent place to relax and walk in the nearby park. In addition, there is a large shopping center on the square, shops and boutiques of which occupied three underground levels. Here, tourists can have a meal by going to one of the cafes and making purchases.

Pishchalovsky castle

What to see in Minsk after Independence Square? Having passed from it past the Red Church in the direction of the Nemiga River, you will certainly see a structure whose architecture is similar to the example of medieval architecture. This is Pishchalovsky castle. Tourists will not be able to get inside, and you should not try to do it. Indeed, at present, Pishchalovsky Castle is nothing more than a pre-trial detention center No. 1, in which death sentences passed by the court are still carried out. In Europe, such a place is the only one. The castle is located directly on the territory of the prison, which is surrounded by a high fence.

This building was built in 1825 according to the project of the architect Kazimir Khrschanovich, commissioned by Rudolf Pischallo. However, this local landowner was only a contractor. There is no information about the true owner of the structure in history. A few years later, under pressure from the authorities, the owner sold his building, and it was turned into a prison. Since then, the purpose of the Pishchalovsky castle has not changed. Because of its reliability and appearance, pre-trial detention center No. 1 is called the “Belarusian Bastille”.

Independence Avenue

This main thoroughfare of the city at different times was called differently. In the 16th century The first governor of Minsk, Zarya Korneev, redeveloped the postal tract, which after that turned into a wide street. In honor of its founder, it began to be called Zakharyevskaya.

After the city was conquered by the French in 1812, the street received the name "New City". In 1918, the German invaders called it Hauptstrasse. After that, with some interruptions, it became either Soviet or ul. March 25, then them. Adam Mickiewicz, and then again became the Hauptstrasse.

Independence Avenue

During the war against fascism, almost all the buildings on the current Independence Avenue turned into ruins. Only a dozen structures survived. In 1952, the street began to rebuild and received the name of Stalin. It was during these years that it was built up with those houses that can be seen on it at present. These are majestic buildings, which today are considered monuments of constructivism and Stalinist architecture. Conventionally, the entire Independence Avenue is divided into 3 segments, separated from each other by beautiful areas. One of them is the central one, where the architecture of the Stalin era is most traced, claims to be on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Monument to Dzerzhinsky

It can be seen if you turn a little from Independence Avenue to the right. There is a monument to Dzerzhinsky on Komsomolskaya Street, in its picturesque alley. This rather modest bust of the Soviet security officer was created in 1947 according to the project of the architect V.M. Volchek and was made by the sculptor Z. I. Azgur.

bust of Dzerzhinsky

Felix Dzerzhinsky was born in Belarus. His parents were Polish nobles. The father's house of the Soviet security officer is located in the Volozhinsky district of the Minsk region. This family estate of his ancestors - Dzerzhinovo.

National Museum of Art

Passing from the monument to Dzerzhinsky further along the avenue and turning right at the next intersection, tourists approach one of the country's main museums. You can admire this building from the outside and see the open expositions here.

The museum, as well as its branches offer visitors 20 extensive collections, which collected almost 27 thousand unique pieces of art.

The first expositions in this building appeared to visitors in 1939. Then the museum was considered a state art gallery, headed by the famous Soviet artist N.P. Mikholap. Most of the objects of art came to Minsk from other cities of the country, and was also presented as a gift by the Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage and other major museums of the USSR. During the war, many of these exhibits were taken out by the Nazis, and their fate is still unknown.

In the postwar years, the collection of the museum began to replenish with new masterpieces. Today you can find here the best works of masters of Belarus, as well as Europe and the East.


Returning again to Independence Avenue, tourists find themselves at the main shopping center of the country. At one time, the first such store, which was opened in the Belarusian capital on May 28, 1934, was located near the monument to Dzerzhinsky. However, during the war his building was damaged. Permission to build a new Minsk GUM was given by Anastas Mikoyan, who in those years was deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. It happened on July 26, 1945.

Captured Germans began the construction of the GUM in the Belarusian capital. The construction was completed by Soviet workers. The store opened in November 1951, which was a real celebration for the residents of the capital.

By the way, from GUM very close to the Upper Town. Those tourists who decide what to see in Minsk in 2 days can familiarize themselves with it later.

Palace of the Republic

If you go further along Independence Avenue, you can see the huge October Square. Its architectural ensemble includes several attractions at once, one of which is the Palace of the Republic.

The design of this building was developed in the 1970-1980s. The commissioning of the palace took place in 2001. Today, this magnificent complex is the largest cultural and educational center of the country.

In the huge multi-story building of the Palace of the Republic there are two auditoriums designed for 2700 and 500 spectators. There is a state-of-the-art 3D cinema (its visit can be offered to those who plan to watch a movie in Minsk). In the Palace there is a press center, a hall for receptions, as well as many other functional rooms. There is also a café-bar and a billiard room with 8 tables.

The premises of the Palace of the Republic have excellent technical equipment and thoughtful ergonomics. This allows the building to be considered the best venue for concerts in the country. The Palace of the Republic constantly hosts performances by famous artists of Belarus, near and far abroad. Those tourists who are wondering what to see in Minsk in 3 days can visit one of these concerts.

House of Culture of Trade Unions

What else can you see in Minsk on October Square? Here is a magnificent building, the architecture of which resembles the ancient Greek Parthenon. This is the Palace of Culture of Trade Unions, which was thoroughly restored in 2003.

It was erected in Minsk in 1956 according to the project of architect Vladimir Ershov. During its development, the author really strove to create his creation similar to antique. On the facade of the building there are decorations in the form of sculptural compositions, and its pediment is supported by beautiful columns forming a beautiful portico.

For a long time this Palace was the main center of the cultural life of the Belarusian capital. And at present, the Theater Hall, which is designed for several hundred people, constantly receives spectators in it. Those tourists who decide what to see in Minsk in 3 days can come here to performances. For visitors to this building there is a cafe where you can have a snack and drink coffee.

Upper city

What to see in Minsk in 2 days? After exploring the main street of the capital, you can stroll through its historical center. For this, tourists are invited to spend the second day of their stay in the city.

In this place it is impossible to find the pathos that is inherent in Soviet architecture. In addition, when passing the route, instead of Orthodox churches, on the way there will be more churches, monasteries of Basilians and Bernardines, and the Church of the Holy Spirit.

Trinity Suburb

What to see in Minsk on the 2nd day of stay in the capital? Of course, the Upper Town. Indeed, when you visit him, you can imagine those distant times when these lands were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. To complete such an excursion it is best to visit the Trinity Suburb, which is a restored quarter of the Old Town.

The beauty of winter Minsk

Many tourists prefer to come to the capital of Belarus on New Year's Eve or in January. What to see in Minsk in winter? At this time, not only the city itself was interesting, but also its festive mood.

So what to see in Minsk in winter? First of all, all the attractions described above and many others that will be interesting to travelers. Favorable weather will allow to get to know them, which at this time, as a rule, does not present any special surprises in the form of severe frosts.

In addition, the city has many outdoor ice rinks. There are indoor ones among them. This, for example, Minsk-Arena, as well as the Ice Palace.

skiing in Raubichi

Fans of outdoor activities can visit the ski resorts located near Minsk. The largest of them is the Silichi complex, which has been operating since 2005. Here, vacationers are invited to ride along the ski slope. There is a snowpark with jumps in the complex, a tubing track, as well as a snowboard track.

In addition to Silichy, guests of the capital can visit the Logoysk complex, designed for winter recreation, as well as the Olympic sports complex Raubichi and the Yakutskiye Gory active leisure park.

Traveling with children

What will interest a child in the capital of Belarus? It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question.

What to see with children in Minsk should be decided not by the parents, but by the little travelers themselves. Among the extensive list of places they can offer the following:

  1. Attractions. The largest Ferris wheel (54 m in diameter), as well as a trampoline, shooting gallery, race track, carousels and roller coasters are located in Gorky Park. Chelyuskintsev Park offers a ride on the 27-meter Ferris Wheel. Various other attractions also work here. In the summer, a lot of fun awaits children in the parks of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, the 900th anniversary of Minsk and Victory.
  2. Botanical Garden. In the warm season, you can get on educational excursions. The garden collection contains almost 9 thousand diverse plants - representatives of almost all corners of our planet.
  3. Waterpark "Swan". This complex has been operating since 2014 and offers visitors a ride with 4 slides equipped in the open air and 7 indoor slides, as well as splashing in the pools with slopes.
  4. Zoo. This place is loved by children. In the Minsk zoo you can see unusual birds and animals. A contact area is also open here, where young visitors are given the opportunity to feed and stroke chickens, lambs and goats.
  5. Dolphinarium "Nemo". It is located in the zoo, offers a look at the performances of fur seals and lions, as well as dolphins.

Have a nice trip!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33251/

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