Prazitel - suspension for cats and kittens (instructions and composition)

There are many animal medicines that are used only in exceptional cases to save lives. However, anthelmintic drugs should be taken regularly even by healthy pets. Seasonal protection will be the basis for ensuring good health of the pet. An effective drug in this regard is Prazitel, a suspension for cats and kittens. Instructions for the drug will open all the features of its use.

prazitel suspension for cats and kittens instruction


This drug is successfully used for the purpose of regular prevention, as well as direct treatment of nematodoses and cestodoses (including the combined type: nematode-cestodose invasions) in animals of different ages, regardless of their breed. The form of the drug is suspension, which is incredibly convenient for safe use by cats. Indeed, quite often situations arise when it is simply not possible to give a medicine to an animal due to its indomitable temperament. The Prazitel composition itself (suspension for cats and kittens) is also safe. The instruction recommends taking it to almost all animals. The main active ingredients are pyrantela pamoate and praziquantel. They do not adversely affect the body of the animal.


Practice confirms the effectiveness of the Prazitel preparation (suspension) for cats and kittens. The instruction explains the principle of the drug as follows. The active substances of the suspension provide the depolarization of all muscle cells of the parasite, disrupting its energy metabolism. Thus, paralysis is caused, and consequently, the death of the helminth. After that, it is naturally excreted from the body of the animal.

instructions for use of the anthelmintic drug prazitel suspension for cats and kittens


Prazitel (suspension) for cats and kittens, the instructions for use confirm this, it is forbidden to use in relation to animals weakened by any infectious and other diseases. In addition, the medication should not be given to expectant cats, especially in the first month of pregnancy, as well as kittens younger than three weeks of age. It is not recommended to be used simultaneously with any anthelmintic agents that contain hyperazine. Another contraindication is the individual intolerance to any of the components of this drug.

prazitel suspension for cats and kittens instruction reviews


The drug is positioned as a tool with absolute effectiveness. The efficacy of the drug "Prazitel-suspension" for cats and kittens instruction confirms the following arguments. The drug is effective for combating helminths of all types and stages of development, regardless of the age of the animal. Practice proves that for the action of the drug in ninety-five percent of cases, a single use of the suspension is enough. The structure of the preparation is such that when it enters the mouth of an animal, the cat will no longer be able to independently remove it from the oral cavity.

prazitel suspension for cats and kittens instructions for use


Instructions for use of the anthelmintic drug Prazitel (suspension) for cats and kittens guarantee its safety for the animal's body. This is ensured by a harmonious combination of effective operating funds included in the composition. There is a sufficient amount of olive oil that protects the cat's body from potential toxicity during the decomposition of helminths. The drug is absolutely safe even for lactating females.

It can be used for cats and kittens of absolutely all breeds. Prazitel (suspension) is fully excreted from the body of the pet within the next twenty-four hours after administration of the drug. The container in which the preparation is packaged ensures its tight storage, not allowing the development of various pathogenic microflora. The suspension bottle is equipped with an autopsy control, which allows you to verify the authenticity of the drug upon purchase. A unique syringe dispenser will help to avoid any injuries to the animal when administering the drug.

Prizitel suspension for cats and kittens instructions and doses


It is important to use the Prazitel drug (suspension) for cats and kittens in the right way. Instructions, reviews contain detailed recommendations for its use. So, for example, it is important to use the drug regularly every three months. The dose is calculated based on the weight of the animal: one milliliter - for every kilogram of cat's weight. The drug must be used with food during the breakfast of the pet. If necessary, repeat this procedure after ten days in order to exclude the possibility of intoxication with helminths. Before using the drug, you do not need to keep the animal on a special diet or apply any laxatives. A pleasant taste of the drug and a convenient syringe for the introduction of the suspension will ensure the absence of any unpleasant consequences for both the animal and its owner.

composition of suspension for cats and kittens

Despite the conditional safety of the Prazitel preparation (suspension) for cats and kittens, the instructions and doses must be carefully observed. In the case of the exact fulfillment of all conditions of use, the effectiveness of the drug will become apparent. The process of deworming is incredibly important for maintaining a healthy physical condition of the animal. Therefore, do not neglect them.

It would also be wrong to purchase low-quality low-cost drugs, because the incorrect action of the drug can lead to severe intoxication of the animal, which can cause the death of a cat. Prazitel medication (suspension) is a high-quality, effective and safe drug that can be used without any fear. Only such drugs can provide quality care for the physical health of the pet, regardless of its breed, age, type of food and vitamins used.


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