Why do not bloom hydrangeas on the street and at home?

You will not find hydrangea in a bouquet. The reason for this is the appearance. The flower is so beautiful that it is a pity to pluck it from the bush. It happens that the plant refuses to bloom. This is very exciting for gardeners and beauty lovers. Why hydrangeas do not bloom, read the article.


The genus of this plant has up to eighty species. Hydrangea has another name - hydrangea, which is translated from the Latin language as "a vessel with water." The birthplace of the flower is the Land of the Rising Sun.

Why hydrangeas don't bloom

Hydrangea is a bush up to sixty centimeters high. Some garden species of this deciduous ornamental plant have high frost resistance. The texture of large dark green leaves is rough, the edges are serrated. Flowers of white, red, blue and pink flowers are collected in huge inflorescences of spherical or conical shape. Awesomely beautiful plant!

How to make hydrangea garden bloom?

  • Plant it in a sunny and sheltered area.
  • The ground under the plant should be mulched with peat, a thick layer.
  • When shoots appear, they need to be nailed to the ground.
  • In order not to wonder in the spring about why garden hydrangea does not bloom, for the winter, after the preparatory work listed above, it should be covered with a box on top, previously covered with heat-insulating material.

Why garden hydrangea does not bloom

  • With the onset of spring, as soon as the snow melts, hydrangea must be opened so that it does not soprel. But, if suddenly the temperature starts to drop, cover again. The fact is that when the plant is freed from shelter, shoots begin to instantly grow, and even a small frost can destroy them.
  • It is recommended to feed hydrangea with special fertilizers: Florena or Rosop.

What to look for when buying planting material?

When purchasing flowers, you should carefully examine the seedlings, so that in the future there will not be a question about why hydrangeas do not bloom. If they have buds, it means that plants were artificially stimulated for flowering. They were watered by the drip method with the addition of fertilizer to the water. Such plants, if you purchase them, will not bloom for a couple of years, or even die. After planting a seedling in the soil, it is not recommended to drastically change the usual growing conditions. The plant needs to adapt, take root. For this, fertilizers must be applied to the soil over a period of two months with a frequency of two weeks. This will teach the roots to independently obtain food from the ground.

Why hydrangea does not bloom in the garden

Why don't hydrangeas bloom? This may be due to a poorly developed root system. In order for the seedlings to grow rapidly and bloom profusely in the future, it is necessary to mix the soil of the garden with the substrate during planting, the amount of which should not greatly change the structure of the soil.

Why don't hydrangeas bloom in open ground?

This flower has many varieties. So, for example, large-leaved hydrangea garden can grow for many years on the site, please the eye with the shape of a bush, the color of the leaves, but not bloom. Young tree-like and panicled hydrangeas also do not bloom, because they do not have enough strength for this or they are not provided with suitable conditions for growth. But it happens rarely, do not be alarmed. Why doesn't hydrangea bloom in the garden? There are many reasons, consider some of them on the example of large-leaved hydrangea:

Why home hydrangea does not bloom

  • Hydrangea planted recently may not bloom, as its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. Over time, when the plant gets stronger, everything will get better. This also happens when a flowering shrub has been planted in the ground . In this case, a couple of years will have to admire the beauty of the shapes of the bush and leaves.
  • Many gardeners regularly cut the top of last year's shoots, considering it right. Alas, you should know that it is there that hydrangea flowers appear.
  • If flower buds are affected during spring frosts, it is likely that the plant will not bloom this year.
  • The question often arises as to why hydrangeas do not bloom on the street. Yes, they just chose a view that is not suitable for your climate, that's all. There may not be other reasons. It is known that the northern regions differ in short summers, and flower buds simply do not have time to ripen.

Preparing hydrangea for winter

This culture tolerates the winter season. But why does hydrangea not bloom in the garden in spring, after a frosty period? The solution to this issue may depend on how well and correctly hydrangea is protected from low temperatures. The most important thing is to protect the top of the shoots from freezing. And for this, take care already in September, covering the shrub with lutrasil or foil, since at the end of the month there are always frosts. But for the winter it’s too early to hide the flower.

Why do not bloom hydrangeas on the street

Why does garden hydrangea not bloom? One reason may be an uncomfortable wintering. Therefore, until the ground is frozen, inflorescences should be cut. The upper part of the shoots should remain, the buds will be laid on it. The branches of young plants are bent to the ground and, along with the roots, are covered with peat. If you do not have it, then land. Five year old hydrangeas and older have very fragile branches. In order not to break them, stones are placed in the basal zone, then a pillow made of lapnik and leaves. All this is covered with boards from above and sprinkled with a thick layer of earth. Work must be done carefully so as not to injure the plant. In the spring, the embankment is gradually removed. The plant is rejuvenated: all damaged and diseased branches are cut off.

What is needed for flowering at home?

Many housewives are interested in the question of why indoor hydrangea does not bloom. To get her to do this, you need to provide proper care. To do this, you need to determine the hydrangea in a bright room, which is always aired, but so that the sun's rays do not directly fall on the leaves.

Why room hydrangea does not bloom

The flower prefers acidic soil, which should always be moist, this is the most important thing for hydrangea. Therefore, it must be systematically watered and sprayed from above. In the spring, it is not bad to take the plant to fresh air, and to shoot out the shoots that appear from the root half the length, leave only the strongest.

Some tips

  • Why is home hydrangea not blooming? There can be many reasons, but one of them is the temperature difference in the room. It must be stable, especially during flowering.
  • If the plant suddenly stops blooming, it is recommended to cut the shoots in half.
  • After 3-4 years, it is very important to change the plant to a new one. This will ensure its annual flowering, subject to all care rules.

Why hydrangea does not bloom at home

  • In order not to raise the question of why hydrangea does not bloom at home, take heed and exclude such a reason as transplanting and replacing land. This procedure must be repeated every year. When replanting a plant, you need to well loosen the lump of earth at the roots. You can use the soil for azaleas by mixing it with earth and horn flour. A good fertilizer is sleeping coffee. It can be mixed with the ground or scattered on its surface. You can ease the chores and buy ready-made soil for flowering indoor plants.

Helpful information

It is believed that the white color of hydrangea is easy to change to another, using a special solution. This is not entirely true. Varieties of white hydrangeas are not able to change color. This is only possible for large-leaf hydrangea, which can change color if high soil acidity is ensured. But even if a bluish tint appears on the flowers, it will be blurry and dirty pale.

Often in various magazines there are recommendations for pruning stems. Sorry, but the variety of the flower is not indicated. This is important because cutting the shoots to half the length and more, you deprive the hydrangea of ​​flowering.

It should be remembered that the plant can bloom with uncircumcised shoots. But panicled or treelike hydrangea when pruning branches gives stronger shoots. But large-leaved is better not to trim. You need to know that it forms inflorescences in the upper part of the shoots. They, of course, can be cut in the spring. They will also give strong side shoots but will not bloom. It is better to rejuvenate the bush by removing thick and damaged branches.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33255/

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