Loosestrife loosestrife - fantastic grass poster

A plant with a tall and powerful stem, bright colors from a distance resembles a torch. It is all the more surprising that this decorative flower - loosestrife loosestrife - is popularly called placoon grass. There is an explanation for this. After a warm summer night or plentiful dew, β€œtears” drip from narrow leaves, similar to willow. This exudes excess moisture.

The flower belongs to perennial herbaceous plants. In height, it reaches one hundred and fifty centimeters. It blooms for quite a long time - from July to September. In nature, it is common in lowlands, meadows and swamps, along the banks of water bodies. It can form large thickets. Violet-red or raspberry flowers are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence, they cover not only the main stem, but also the side shoots. Most often it is found in the Far East, in Siberia, as well as in Central Asia.

loosestrife loosestrife

With such a vivid and memorable appearance, the loosestrife loosestrife could not fail to interest florists. Apiary owners value it as a good honey plant. There are many varieties of this plant. They are more resistant to drought, bloom brightly and abundantly, and are small in size. Undoubtedly, the loosestrife loosestrife also has excellent decorative characteristics, the photo testifies to this. For example, a variety of Pink Pearl. The height of the plant reaches one hundred and twenty centimeters. Its flowers are mauve. The version of the Feuerercherts is compact. Height - up to eighty centimeters, the color of the inflorescences is pink-red. Noteworthy is the undersized, salmon-pink variety Robert, as well as Brilliant, Roseum Superbum.

loosestrife loosestrife cultivation

On any garden plot will look great loosestrife loosestrife. Growing a plant dictates certain requirements that must be observed. For a flower, it is necessary to create conditions close to the natural environment of its habitat. It is better to choose a sunny area for him, but even in partial shade the flower will grow safely. The soil for the flower must be moist, even moist, at the same time well-ventilated. The plant is very fond of moisture and well tolerates its excess. It needs to be planted in a land rich in nutrients. It is necessary to regularly weed out, to fertilize. Instead of loosening the earth around the plant, it is better to mulch. For this, compost or peat is used. Plakun grass steadily tolerates cold. To extend the flowering period, it is enough to remove the wilted inflorescences. The flower propagates by seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings.

loosestrife loosestrife photo

Loosestrife loosestrife suitable for the design of ponds. It will look great on a summer cottage in flower arrangements on flower beds, among other bright perennials. It can serve as a background if planted in mixborders in the background. The grass poster will become a bright accent in landscape design.

Good loosestrife loosestrife not only for its decorative effect, but also for medicinal properties. The tops of flowering stems are harvested, they are dried in air, under a canopy and decoctions are prepared. They are used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, diseases of the nervous system, headaches.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33257/

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