Early varieties of pears: photo, description, reviews

Early varieties of pears are very popular among summer residents. As a rule, their fruits ripen from mid-July to early September, depending on the region of growth. Usually the fruits are not too large, but juicy, sweet and dense. They are suitable not only for jam, juice and compote for the winter, but also for fresh consumption. Early pear varieties for the middle lane are especially good, because in the regions belonging to these latitudes, autumn comes earlier, and the first frosts are not long in coming. That is why gardeners need to have fruit trees on their plot, from which it will be possible to harvest a ripe crop as early as possible. Today we will talk about the most popular early varieties of pears. Description, photos, reviews about them you can find in this article. Let's start with the fastest ripe.

early pear varieties

"Early summer"

This is a pear variety of early ripening. It is popular throughout Russia, and its ripe fruits can be harvested from mid-July.

The tree is medium-sized, its crown is pyramidal in shape, very dense. The branches are beautiful, smooth, constantly raised up, as if they want to reach the sun. The bark has a gray or gray-green hue, peeling. The shoots grow brown-brown, and they have small lentils. The leaves are short-pointed, smooth, without pubescence, have a light green color. When flowering from a tree, there is no aroma, as is the case with other flowering plants. The flower petals are oval.

Fruit Description

Today we talk about varieties of early pears. You can see the description and photos of each type in this article.

Speaking about the "early summer" pear, gardeners note that even the most mature fruits do not show off for a long time from the tree. The taste of this pear is amazing, sweet-sour. The pulp is white, fragrant and juicy, as if melting in the mouth if the fruit is well ripened.

The peel of this pear is thin, matte, has a yellow-green tint. When the fruit is fully ripened, it becomes lemon yellow, and a slight pink blush appears. Small dots become visible under the skin.

The fruits are small in size, only up to 120 grams in weight, but this is offset by excellent taste. The shape of the pears is bottle, their surface is even and smooth.

Having planted a seedling of this variety on your site, you can enjoy the described fruits for the sixth year after planting.

pears early grades photo

"Early Moldavian"

The earliest varieties of pears are famous for their beautiful appearance and excellent taste. It is rare that a late variety can boast of a lack of astringent sour taste that few people might like. In the early varieties of pears, you can safely enumerate "Moldavian", as its juicy and ripe fruits are harvested from mid-July to mid-August, depending on climatic conditions and care. This variety was obtained by crossing "Williams" and "Clapp's darling."

The tree is tall, powerful. His crown is thick, extensive, it seems compressed. The foliage is dense, dark green, the usual form is oval, short-pointed.


Early pear varieties are rarely large. "Early Moldavian" is no exception, and one fruit can weigh up to 50 grams. But, again, this size compensates for the taste: sweet and sour, fragrant. The pulp has a cream color, it is juicy, oily.

This variety belongs to the category of frost-resistant, therefore it is ideal for cultivation in the middle lane. Experienced gardeners are advised to plant pollinating varieties next to the “Moldavian” to obtain the maximum yield. Ideally for these purposes, “protect the giffar”, “swallow” and “beautiful” are suitable.

Fruiting occurs in the third or fourth year after planting the cuttings. Productivity is stable and quite high. One tree on average brings seventy kilograms of fruit.

varieties of early pears description and photo

"Early July"

The best varieties of early pears include this species. The fruits ripen in mid-July. The founders of the variety were our compatriots E. I. Kostetskaya and L. M. Sergeev.

A tree of medium height, has a thick, rounded, lush crown. The branches are straight, straight, rising up. The bark is usually brown, but it is also greenish-brown, flaky. The leaves are oval, finely serrated at the edges and pointed at the tip. The color is bright green, saturated, glossy. The flowering is plentiful, without aroma, white flowers, with oval-shaped petals.

Fruit characterization

The fruits, like all early varieties of pears, are small, each weighing an average of 130-160 grams. The form is ordinary pear-shaped, slightly elongated. The skin is delicate and thin, has a greenish-yellow color. When picking fruits, you should pay attention to the color, with full ripeness, it becomes bright yellow.

The pulp is very juicy, soft, sweet and sour taste, does not have astringency. It will begin to bear fruit from the sixth year of life. Productivity is stable, good. This variety is characterized by high frost resistance, can easily survive harsh winters with dense snow cover at air temperatures up to -30 degrees.

early pear varieties for the middle lane

Pear "precocious"

At the end of July, you will be pleased with the fruits of the early ripening pear of the "early ripening", or "early ripening" variety. This variety was developed by S.P. Yakovlev, and he had to work hard before a decent result was obtained. When breeding the “precocity”, three varieties were involved: “bire ligel”, “Ussuriysk” and “citron de karm”.

The tree is fast growing, tall. Its appearance is very interesting, the branches extend from the trunk upward at a right angle, forming a dense, pyramidal crown. The foliage is dark green, elongated, pointed.

Taste qualities of fruits

The fruits are quite small, no more than a chicken egg and the same shape. Initially, the peel has a green tint, by full ripening it is more like yellow. There are small “rusty” spots on the surface of the peel. The fruit looks unattractive, and therefore it seems that the taste will be the same. But having tried it, you will see the opposite. An unsightly and hard-looking peel is actually very thin and delicate. The pulp is juicy, more sweet than sour, has no astringency. The taste of pear is excellent, it is soft, oily and refreshing. Reviews confirm this.

After ripening, the fruits are stored for no more than two weeks. The "ripening" pear is consumed mainly in fresh form, or juices are prepared from it, since it is very juicy. The tree will bear fruit in the fifth year. It tolerates harsh winters easily, therefore it can be grown throughout Russia.

the best varieties of early pears

"Mliyevskaya early"

In this article, we describe pears - early varieties. Photos of them you can see here. It is worth noting that the early varieties are divided into groups: early summer, mid-summer, late summer. "Mlievskaya" refers to mid-summer, and its fruits can be harvested from early August. The cultivation of the variety was carried out by I. A. Shidenko and used “Ukrainian clam” and “Esperin” for crossing. As a result of this relationship, a tree has grown up to five meters. The color of the bark is burgundy brown, the branches are sprawling and lush, for the tree to develop fully, it needs a very large space!

Size and flavor of pears

The variety gained its fans in the north-west of Russia, in Ukraine and Latvia. The tree has high frost resistance and immunity to various diseases and pests.

Fruits are wide pear-shaped, small, up to a hundred grams in weight. But, like all early varieties of pears, endowed with extraordinary taste. The pear tastes sweet, with a slight acidity. The pulp is very tender and soft, cream color. The skin is transparent and thin, honey-yellow in color, during full maturity it is covered with a delicate blush of pink color. After harvesting, gardeners are advised to store in a cool and dark place, its shelf life is two months.

Productivity is high, from one tree you can collect from seventy to one hundred and twenty kilograms of ripe medium-sized fruits.

earliest pear varieties

Moscow early

This variety will give you a harvest in late July and early August, depending on climatic conditions. It is frost-resistant, high-yielding. The development of the "Moscow early" pear dates back to 1991, and its creator was the honored agronomist of the Russian Federation V. I. Susov. There are a lot of "parents" of the variety, so we will not specify.

The result is an amazing pear variety, the tree can grow up to five meters under favorable conditions and begins bearing fruit in the sixth year after planting the cuttings. The trunk and branches have a greenish color with a gray tint. The crown is not too thick, pyramidal.

ripening pear

Fruits and their taste

The round-conical beauty pear is small, its average weight is 130 grams. Tasting taste assessment - 5 out of 5 possible. That is, it is endowed with ideal taste. The flesh of a coarse-grained texture, white or creamy, soft, very juicy and sweet, endowed with a delicate, pleasant aroma.

The skin is quite dense but soft. It has a greenish-yellow color, and when fully ripened, it will be reddened from that side, on which the sun more fell. This “tan” consists of orange-red dots, and they can be seen without even looking too closely.

Productivity is high, the same frost resistance. This variety loves moisture, so do not skimp on watering and do not worry if long rains begin. The fruits ripen at the same time, so you have to climb to the top only once! But, having gathered a rich harvest, share with your neighbors, since the pear is stored for only five days, and in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

We wish all gardeners a successful summer season and a high harvest!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33258/

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