Argentina fish - golden smelt or silverfish

Argentina is a fish that has a very moderate ability to reproduce offspring, despite the fact that from March to May it mosques from three to seven and a half thousand large eggs that are well developed at a depth of three hundred to four hundred meters.

Argentinean fish lives on the European and American coasts of the Atlantic, in the Pacific and Indian oceans. It can be found off the coast of Northern Norway. This fish grows very slowly. For example, it reaches its average length of sixty centimeters only by the age of twenty-five. Her puberty occurs only in the tenth to twelfth year of life.

Argentina fish

Argentina’s fish are deep, so the bottom part of the ocean, which has an average depth of one hundred fifty to six hundred meters and more, provides a full life for the flock. The depths of the flock habitat can be judged by the remains of very deep-sea plankton species found in the fish intestine. She is served by numerous invertebrates, which we are familiar with as being caught in the sea - squids, crustaceans.

Argentina fish
Argentina’s fish is never a champion by catch. Perhaps this is due to low fecundity, very slow growth and late puberty, as well as living at very great depths. Its name is not related to the country of the same name, it is translated as “silver,” so our fishermen have long called it silver, and in some Russian Pomeranian regions they call it a golden smelt. Its average size in catches off the American coast reaches from twenty-five to forty centimeters with a weight of two hundred - six hundred grams. From ocean depths close to the European continent, professional fishermen catch it half a meter long and weighing up to one kilogram.

Sea products

Argentina fish is a very healthy dietary product that contains only two percent fat and up to twenty percent protein. The consistency of the meat is very tender, and the taste is pleasant. Fishing schooners catch it purely for food purposes: cooking, smoking, canning. It comes to the market more often in fresh-frozen form as semi-finished products or as a whole. It is tasty and fried, and baked, so you can not fail to mention at least one recipe with it.

Baked silver with garlic tomato sauce

This dish does not need a large list of products, and it does not take much time to prepare it, but the pleasure of its wonderful taste will be huge.

For cooking you will need:

  • Argentina fish - 500 grams.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Hot pepper - a small piece.
  • Tomato paste - 70 grams.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Spices and herbs.
  • Salt.

Argentina fish

Preparation for cooking

Clean the fish, remove the remaining entrails and wash in cold water.

On the carcass of the fish, make cuts in the form of crosses on both sides, sprinkle with salt and leave for twenty minutes to ripen.

Peel and chop coarsely two cloves of garlic.

Heat the oven to 180 0 C.

Cooking Baked Argentina Fish

Take a frying pan, pour in a little vegetable oil, calcine and fry the garlic, at the end add tomato paste, sugar, a slice of hot pepper and a couple of spoons of hot water. Bring to a boil while stirring.

Grease the form with fat, put the fish in it, pour the sauce, sprinkle with herbs and bake for half an hour.

The dish is equally suitable for lunch and evening dinner, and the sauce will give the fish juiciness and piquancy.


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