Rosa Cordes diamond: description and features of care

One of the most popular and beloved tea-hybrid rose varieties among our country's florists is considered the Kordes Brilliant rose. It is also called Red Diamond, Diamond or Miss Diamond.

Grade history

The name rose rose Cordes diamond by the name of the nursery Kordes, in which it was bred in the early eighties of the last century. The nursery is located in Germany and bears the name of the breeder who founded it. And the word β€œdiamond” in the name of this flower speaks of its resemblance to a precious stone, with its brightness and indescribable play of shades in the rays of sunlight.

Plant characteristics

bud cordes

As you can see in the photo, the rose Cordes diamond is a tall shrub that reaches a height of one and a half meters, with long, elastic branches upward, densely covered with bright emerald, glossy leaves of medium size, oval-elongated. Cordes diamond rose blooms continuously throughout the summer, capturing September. Even if you do not cut off the blooming buds, the plant will not stop releasing flowering shoots. The buds are collected in brushes. Up to three cup-shaped flowers are formed on one shoot. The diameter of the flower is on average about nine centimeters. The flowers of this variety are lush, double. Up to forty petals can be in one bud. On average, each bud lives about two weeks.

Each Cordes diamond rose flower deserves a separate description. The color of the buds ranges from red or fiery orange to scarlet. In bright sunlight, the flowers seem to shimmer and appear illuminated from the inside. The width of each bush reaches seventy centimeters, which must be considered when group planting.

Grade Benefits

blooming roses cordes

In the description of the rose Cordes, the diamond says that the main advantage of the variety is its high decorativeness. But this is not her only merit. The undoubted pluses can also include:

  • Resistance to all major diseases of roses, especially powdery mildew and black spotting.
  • Resistance to frost.
  • In the rainy season, the flowers do not fall under the weight of moisture.
  • In landscape design, this rose is good as a solo plant, as well as in combination with other shrubs or as a background for stunted border plantings.


in landscape design

For landing, choose a dry, sunny and well-ventilated place. In the penumbra Cordes, the diamond also feels rather well, but it blooms not so abundantly. Strong shading tolerates poorly. This variety does not have high soil composition requirements. The main thing is that it is slightly acidic, with a high content of humus. One or two year old seedlings are most suitable for planting. You can plant bushes with a closed root system throughout the growing season, and with an open one - in late August or September.

Drainage consisting of sand and fine gravel is poured into prepared pits, fertilizer is added, which includes rotted manure and peat bog mixed with soil. The seedling is set directly, straighten the roots and fall asleep in the soil so that the root neck is buried by at least three centimeters. To seedlings take root better, a few hours before planting, they should be held in a solution of the root growth stimulator.


According to reviews, the rose Cordes diamond does not require complicated care. It consists in frequent loosening of the soil, watering, top dressing, pruning and in the fight against weeds:

  • Frequent loosening of the soil is necessary to improve air exchange between the roots and the environment. This is especially true in the first three years, when the shrub actively forms its root system. After loosening the trunk circles, a mulching layer is required.
  • In the spring, a shrub that has reached the age of three needs sanitary pruning. A rose bush is formed into a bowl, leaving five to seven buds on each branch. In the fall, pruning is carried out in order to remove diseased and damaged shoots, thinning out overgrown branches.
  • In May, the stems are recommended to be treated with a solution of sodium humate to stimulate lateral branching.
  • Top dressing is done seasonally: in the spring with nitrogen, in the summer with phosphorus and potassium. Regularly, especially before flowering, you need to make rotted manure.
  • In summer, the plant is watered with warm water at the rate of 15-20 liters of water per bush twice a week. By the end of summer, watering is reduced, and in September it is stopped altogether.
  • Throughout the growing season, you need to cut off faded buds. In August, leave a pair of flowers on each shoot for the formation of fruits. This is necessary so that the roses better winter and bloom profusely the next year.
  • Cordes Diamond Rose Care also includes regular weed and pest control.
  • In winter, the shoots are shortened by two-thirds and covered with spruce branches, humus or loose earth.
Cordes Diamond Shrub

The only drawback of the Cordes diamond roses can be considered only the fact that, thanks to its bright colors, it overshadows all other plants in the flowerbed, attracting all the attention to itself. Nevertheless, a good designer will always be able to choose a worthy partner for this beauty in the design of his site.


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