Spikelet mushroom that does not exist

Many mushrooms have periods of growth. They are called “layers” or “waves”. Usually they emit 4.

spikelet mushroom

Snowdrop Mushrooms

Usually the first layer begins in April-May with the appearance of lines and morels. Their germination is accompanied by the blooming of aspen earrings and swelling of birch buds. There is little mushroom at this time due to lack of heat, although moisture is quite enough. This wave is short - 7-10 days. The first mushrooms are scouts and are called "snowdrops."

spikelet mushroom

Spikelet mushrooms

The second layer appears in May-June, when the flowers of viburnum and rose hips open. At this time, spikelet mushrooms sprout. What kind of organisms are these? If you want to search in the directory for the name "spikelet mushroom", you will not find anything. The reason is that they do not exist for science. Spikelets are called oysters, boletus, boletus, russula, summer mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles. The name "spikelet mushroom" is due to the fact that they appear when cereals begin to spike. They grow constantly in one place, which makes it easier for experienced mushroom pickers to find them. In addition, the spikelet must be sought not in the forest, but in the open. Therefore, it can be easily found. The taste of the spikelet mushroom does not differ from those that ripen in the fall. But there are few of them in quantity. Summer mushrooms are the most massive mushrooms in June.

mushrooms spikes


Russula are distinguished by bright colors. Their hats are painted in all colors of the rainbow. They are green, yellow, orange, red. Russula never hide, like other mushrooms, and attract mushroom pickers, like flowers. They are very easy to find. The lack of russula is too much fragility. The taste of these mushrooms is bitter. But after soaking and cooking the bitterness disappears. Mushrooms are called "russula" because they can even be eaten raw. Although their taste is liked only by lovers.


mushrooms spikes

Chanterelles sprout when lilies of the valley bloom. These mushrooms are forest dwellers. They form mycorrhiza with trees. Most often, chanterelles can be found near spruce, pine, oak and beech. They grow in large groups, they do not occur singly. Chanterelles are difficult to confuse with other mushrooms, as their appearance is peculiar. They have properties that give them advantages over others. These are the only mushrooms that do not break and are never wormy. In addition, chanterelles absorb very few radionuclides, unlike others.

King of mushrooms

boletus mushroom to all mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms or mushrooms appear when strawberries ripen. According to mushroom pickers, it is with their appearance that the real season begins. It is no coincidence that white is called the "king". After all, the mushroom-boletus is a mushroom for all mushrooms. It occurs in a variety of forests. But basically it can be found near blueberries, lingonberries and fly agarics. They like ceps to settle near anthills. They meet in solitude or in a group. Depending on the place of growth, mushrooms can vary greatly. The mushrooms growing in the spruce tree are brown in color with bright spots. In the pine forest "mushrooms" with a chestnut-brown hat "live". Such mushrooms, plucked in an oak or birch grove, have a light brown color and a long stalk.

Summer mushrooms

The third layer of mushrooms begins after the end of haymaking, when the linden blooms (in mid-July). It lasts 2-3 weeks. But for its appearance, favorable weather is needed: moisture and heat. At this time, you can meet butterflies, mushrooms, boletus, boletus.

mushrooms spikes

Deciduous mushrooms

The fourth wave is the most plentiful and longest. It starts in August and ends after the first frost. These mushrooms are not afraid of cool dew and morning cold. They can completely freeze, and if melted, they will not lose their taste and smell at all. Autumn mushrooms are not in vain called "deciduous" - they hide among the fallen leaves. This wave includes mushrooms, boletus and cap boletus, chanterelles and mushrooms, pigs and trevushki, autumn mushrooms and mushrooms. The appearance of the penultimate means the end of summer. These mushrooms grow when the cold comes. Longest are the winter mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. They can be found even in winter during thaws. At the same time, the taste of mushrooms is not lost.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33266/

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