Silicone oil: characteristics and application

Silicone oil belongs to a whole class of products that is used in various fields of activity. The term "silicone" refers to a whole group of organosilicon compounds. It came from the name of silicon in the periodic table of elements ("Silicium").

Silicone oil
Silicone oil belongs to the group of organosilicon liquids and can be of various types, which have different viscosity, freezing and boiling points. These substances are odorless and colorless, resistant to water and most aggressive physical and chemical factors that destroy other materials of organic origin. Silicone oils are heat resistant and practically do not burn. They themselves do not affect at all or affect very little on materials such as plastic, paint, rubber, living organisms and fabrics. Organosilicon liquids have excellent electrical insulating and hydrophobic properties.

This combination of beneficial physicochemical properties is very rare. This is due to the fact that silicone oil and other products based on organosilicon compounds have such a wide scope.

Silicone Oil PMS 200
They are used for the manufacture of: asphalt, various types of lubricants, additives for various oils, damping and hydraulic fluids with a wide range of temperature conditions. In the culinary and food industries, they are used to prevent foaming of jams and jams.

Highly purified sterile silicone oil is actively used in medicine. Organosilicon fluids are also used to impregnate upholstery fabrics and clothes, in various equipment and high-precision instruments, as well as in films that cover the surface of vessels for storing drugs that are sensitive to contact with glass. Silicone oil is part of many cosmetics, paints, automotive and furniture polishes. It is difficult to list all the areas of application of this product.

Silicone oils
After treating various surfaces with organosilicon polishes, a thin film forms on them, which has excellent water and dust repellent properties. After such exposure, dirt can be easily removed from the surface.

One of the most popular organosilicon products is PMS-200 silicone oil (polymethylsiloxane). It is used as a release agent, anti-foaming agent, lubricant, additive to plastics and surfactants. PMS-200 is also used as a dielectric in electrical equipment, for the production of cosmetics and other purposes. For one product - just a huge range.

Highly purified organosilicon oils have also found application as shock absorbing liquids for sensitive instruments, which can increase their accuracy. A well-chosen product eliminates jumps and jitter of the arrow, even if the equipment is subject to vibration. It will also help reduce flywheel vibration in various types of engines.


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