A few tips on how to dress a newborn

Everyone knows that newborn babies require special attention. Especially the first couple of months after birth, while they are not yet accustomed to a new life. Particular attention must be paid to the wardrobe of the baby.

how to dress a newborn

What is the problem

Why is it important to dress the baby correctly in the first few weeks after birth? The thing is that the baby, when he was in the womb, lived in a completely different atmosphere. In addition to the fact that he was swimming all the time in the amniotic fluid, the temperature of his habitat was also about 36.6 degrees - the mother’s body temperature. Having been born, the baby feels many inconveniences, including cold. In order to ensure normal thermoregulation for the child, which will only improve over time, each mother should know how to dress the newborn correctly.

to wear a hat for a newborn


Some parents may not even think about this, because they are just going to swaddle the baby. Here the question of how to dress a newborn completely disappears. What can be said about this? There are two options, as usual: one for swaddling, but not tight, but free, others are categorically against it. Here, the parents themselves must decide what they will do. But it is worth saying that in addition to the diaper, the sleeping baby is also important to cover with an extra blanket or blanket so that it does not freeze. And at first do not forget about the hat. Under the diaper, the child should have a body shirt.

General rules

There are simply no strict guidelines on how to dress a newborn. You can find only general recommendations on how to do this to make the baby comfortable. So, it is important to remember that a child’s wardrobe should be made of natural fabrics. This is especially true for body shirts and t-shirts. In the first weeks after the baby's birth, it is necessary to put on several layers of clothing, so the air in the space between them will retain heat. If you have a choice, it is better to wear a light T-shirt and blouse than one thick knitted sweater. It is important to ensure that the baby does not overheat, because it is as harmful as hypothermia. At the time of sleep, the baby needs to be covered with a blanket or diaper - depending on the time of year.

how to dress a newborn at home


Every mother should also know how to dress a newborn for a walk. On this occasion, we can say that it will be preferable to choose one-piece things - slipkie, body. So she will never get lost and not expose the baby’s body. The rest - according to the season, depending on the temperature outside the window. While the child is small, he does not need shoes, but his legs should be warm. In summer, socks, in winter - warm slippers.

At home

How to dress a newborn at home? Again, you need to look at the temperature in the room. If it is above 21 degrees, you can wear a body shirt, and on top of a light suit or sliders. It is important not to forget about socks. If the temperature is above 23 degrees, a light T-shirt and shorts (skirts) will be enough. Socks are again needed. The question may also arise whether to wear a hat for a newborn. The first month it is obligatory, especially after daily bathing, because in addition to the body, it is also important to keep the head warm until the whole body is strong and adapted to the new environment. Further - at will. Strict recommendations on the use of caps are nowhere to be found.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33282/

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