Legal conflict is a conflict of interest

The concept of "conflict" is a term that is used in a wide variety of spheres of human life. For example, a similar definition can be found both in network technologies, and in sociology and obstetrics. Thus, in geological activity, a collision is a collision of two continental plates, which leads to the emergence of mountain ranges and contributes to the general collapse of the earth's crust. In turn, in legal norms, the above-described term is a confrontation of interests that govern the same social relations. Therefore, a collision is a concept that can be expressed in the following synonyms: collision, overlap, equality, confrontation and so on. However, in this article we will consider a variety that is often found in the process of legislation.

Collision is

Legal conflicts

This term includes all sorts of discrepancies and contradictions between two or more acts of regulatory documentation that is responsible for monitoring and regulating the same aspects of social life or sections of related relations. At the same time, a legal conflict may be in the nature of clashes between points of view that are within the competence of the authorities. In the world arena, such a concept can also be considered as a contradiction that arises between the norms of civil rights of different states. Thus, we can conclude that collision is a term characterized by two main and at the same time mandatory features - collision and autonomy.

Legal conflicts

Two causes

Due to the fact that the processes described by the above term are an important and serious problem in the legal sphere of economic, political and social relations, it is now customary to distinguish only two main causes of conflicts: subjective and objective. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Subjective confrontation

So, they can often be caused by the peculiarities of law-making processes, as well as sometimes blurred delineations of powers of both state bodies as a whole and individual officials. The result of such shortcomings may be that the same social relations receive decisions at different levels of rights. Most often, subjective conflicts are formed due to errors in legal documentation, inaccuracies in the wording of various legal acts and regulations. Collisions can also arise as a result of the use of terms that have many meanings and interpretations.

Legal conflict

Objective disagreement

Such clashes are usually formed by the nature of the considered social relations, as well as the emerging need for their regulation. Often, the above conflicts are associated with the dynamics and development of aspects of the life of society, which, in turn, entails the need to make various additions and changes.


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