Social state: concept and signs, functions

Consider the social state: the concept and signs of it. Also from this article you will learn what models of the social state exist. Let's say a few words about the features of its development. What is a social state, the concept and signs of which interest us? This is a principle (characteristic), which refers to the constitutional legal status of a state.

The principle of the social state

social state concept and signs

This principle presupposes the constitutional guarantee of social and economic rights and freedoms of a citizen and the obligations of the state, which should serve society. It seeks to minimize and, if possible, completely eliminate unjustified social differences.

Functions to be performed by the social state

The concept and signs of a social state are closely related to its functions. When considering the latter, you need to keep in mind the following:

a) it has inherent traditional functions, due to its nature as a state;

b) the content of all these functions is imprinted by its social significance, that is, traditional postulates in this case are refracted through the prism of the tasks and goals of the social state, and we can talk in this regard about the existence of a common social policy in such a state.

We can distinguish within the framework of general social purpose specific areas of activity, that is, specific functions that a social state has, the concept and characteristics of which we describe. These functions include, but are not limited to:

1) support for categories of people who are socially vulnerable;

2) the protection of human health and labor;

3) support for motherhood, fatherhood, family and childhood.

Also, the state should take care of maintaining peace. What other functions are included in his concept? Signs, the social purpose of the state suggest that inequality should be smoothed out by redistributing income between different sectors of society. This is realized through taxation, special social programs, and the state budget.

concept signs social purpose of the state

A rather voluminous concept is a social state. The concept and signs, functions - you can talk about all this for a very long time. Among the latter, it should also be noted that the state encourages charitable activities (including by providing tax incentives to business entities that carry it out). Cultural programs and basic research must be supported and funded. Describing the social state (the concept and signs) briefly, it must be said that it should provide employment, the fight against unemployment, the payment of benefits. Its functions also include the search for a balance between a market economy and the impact of the state on its development. The purpose of this impact is to ensure a decent life for the citizens of the country. A social state must also participate in the implementation of interstate social, cultural and environmental programs, as well as solve universal human problems. The concept and signs, functions, types - all this determines its main features.

The main features of the social state

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the welfare state always seeks to ensure the social protection of citizens, decent living conditions, and the opportunity to participate in production management. Ideally, it should be aimed at creating for all approximately equal life chances. The activities of such a state are primarily aimed at the common good, at the affirmation of social justice in society. It smooths inequality (property or otherwise), helps the disadvantaged and weak, takes care of providing citizens with a job or other source of livelihood, ensures the preservation of the world, and the formation of a healthy living environment for people.

The conditions of the social state

social state concept essence signs

The formation of such a state is not only a political and economic process, but also a moral one, which requires a “human” dimension. It can be concluded, taking into account what has been said, that the characteristic features and conditions of the social state are:

1) democratically organized power;

2) a high level of morality among officials and all citizens;

3) great economic potential, which allows you to redistribute income without prejudice to the position of the owners;

4) the structure of the economy, socially oriented, which manifests itself in the presence of different forms of ownership, as well as a significant share of state ownership in the necessary areas of the economy;

5) the development of the state in the legal sphere;

6) the existence of civil society, for which the state is an instrument for pursuing socially oriented policies;

7) the social orientation of politics, manifested in the development of various social programs, as well as the priority of their implementation;

8) the existence of goals to establish the common good, social justice;

9) the availability of social legislation;

10) consolidation in the country's constitution of the formula "social state".

Social State Activities

social state concept signs of function

We can say that the social state implements its principles and goals in the form of legal statehood. It goes through the humanization of society, that is, it seeks to expand the rights of the individual, to fill legal norms with more fair content. The state is also called upon to ensure the benefit of the individual: material conditions for a worthy existence and freedom for every person, social security. It should deal directly with the distribution of the public good, but not at the same time undermine the foundations of a market economy, such as competition, private property, individual responsibility, entrepreneurship, etc., should not contribute to mass social dependency.

Liberal model

It is based on the liberal principle, which provides for the personal responsibility of all members of society for the fate of their family and their own. In this model, the role of the state is negligible. First of all, social programs are funded by private insurance and personal savings. The task of the state is to stimulate the growth of incomes of citizens. The social states using this model are, for example, the USA, Canada and Australia.

Corporate model

Another model is a corporate one. It assumes the existence of a mechanism for the responsibility of organizations (corporations) and enterprises for the fate and financial situation of their employees. The Corporation provides the employee with social guarantees, including pensions, as well as partial payment for educational, medical and other services. Social states built on this principle are France, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Austria, etc.

Conservative model

social state concept and signs of function

The main task in it is to ensure equal starting conditions, as well as development opportunities for all citizens. The idea of ​​partnership between the private sector, the state, charitable and public organizations is the foundation of a conservative policy. The principle of a mixed economy - dominant in the economic sphere, creates a social market economy. The social states oriented towards this model are Japan and Great Britain.

The models described above are ideal types that are unlikely to occur anywhere in the pure state. In each particular state in reality there are elements of different models. However, at the same time one or another of them dominates, thanks to which it is possible to determine which particular social states these or other countries are.

The most common model of social state

The most common model is one based on the responsibility of society as a whole for the fate of each of its members. The basic principle in this case is the condition according to which the young one pays for the old, and the rich for the poor. The state redistributes the tax deductions that it receives through the budget, social programs, insurance funds, and the social service system. Non-governmental institutions of social assistance (programs, funds, etc.) play a supporting role.

The internal contradictions of the social state

Considering the topic "Social state: concept, essence, signs", it should be noted that it has internal contradictions. The social state goes through certain stages of development and the stage of formation. Reflection of these problems and contradictions was the broad discussion that unfolded in foreign political and scientific science in the 80s - 90s about its future and its crisis. The basis of the processes that caused the aggravation of the problems existing in the social state are the unevenness and cyclical nature of economic development, as well as the exposure of the social sphere and economy to the effects of domestic and foreign policy events. The illusion of harmony between economic growth and the expanding practice of state distribution of socio-economic benefits has been destroyed by the global economic crisis. He showed that there are serious monetary problems, that it is impossible to endlessly exploit imported cheap raw materials.

The discussion about the prospects and crisis of the social state intensified again when socialism was destroyed in the countries of Eastern Europe, when the Federal Republic of Germany faced economic difficulties associated with the development of lands in eastern Germany, when the European Union expanded. All these global economic and geopolitical shifts have found complexity in the relationship between the state and society.

Social and rule of law

What else can be told, revealing the topic "Social state: concept, signs, functions"? Note that the modern social state is a stage of development that follows a paternalistic state. The welfare state is not a legal development stage. Nevertheless, only a rule-of-law state can become social, that is, one in which the mechanisms of the rule of law are already sufficiently developed.

Social politics

Social policy is one of the main tools for the implementation of the social state. The relationship between them is manifested in how deeply and fully the social state implements social policy, as well as in the degree to which it expresses the interests and needs of its citizens.

social states are

Social policy is aimed at achieving results and goals related to improving social and material well-being. Its goal is also to improve the life of the entire population, and prevent the emergence of social tension.

The essence of the state’s social policy, which has set itself the goal of becoming a social state, should be to ensure a high standard of living for the population, conditions for improving welfare. The task of implementing an effective, strong social policy in such a state is highlighted.

So, we talked about what a social state is. The concept, essence, characteristics and models of it were described by us. Each state should strive to maximize its principles. The Russian Federation is also a social state. The concept, signs, functions of it are enshrined in the Constitution of our country. It was adopted in 1993. Since then, Russia is officially a social state. The concept and signs (TGP is engaged in their study) it is used in the policy pursued by Russia. However, in fact, the formation of a social state is in our country at an early stage.

social state concept and signs briefly

Very relevant today is the topic "Social state: concept and signs." A presentation, abstract or term paper on it can be made based on the material from this article.


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