What is the warranty period for shoes and what benefits does it give the buyer?

Everyone who faced the purchase of shoes in specialized retail outlets that have a narrow sales focus, probably turned their attention to the following feature. Packing a box with a long-awaited purchase in a company package, a smiling seller reminds each client that there is a warranty period for shoes. And then comes the gap with the dates of its beginning and end. But what is it and why does it exist? Does the store establish the framework for this period on its own, or are such concepts settled by something? Why is the warranty period for shoes not available when buying goods at fairs and other similar outlets? We will answer all questions in order.

In accordance with the law adopted in the Russian Federation that protects the rights of consumers, a pair of shoes that, as a result, did not fit in the size of the foot, the volume and fullness of the foot, as well as the design or style, the buyer has the right to return to the store and receive in return paid for it earlier amount in full. In addition, if the product turned out to be of inadequate quality, and after several days of active use, an β€œaccident” occurred (the heel came off, the sole came off, the skin cracked, and so on), a person can also return his money for it. Thus, Russian law is trying to protect citizens from unscrupulous manufacturers. After all, the client will not lose anything at all. However, to fulfill this paragraph, a number of prerequisites must be met, which will be discussed below.

The warranty period is the period during which the buyer has the right to come to the store to return the spent amount of money for goods that did not fit for one reason or another. However, there are several varieties of this concept depending on the acquisition, as well as the reasons for claiming funds back.

If we are talking about the case when the buyer got low-quality shoes with defects that were already evident in the process of wearing, this period is 30 calendar days. The countdown begins already from the moment the transaction between the consumer and the seller is completed. All claims are considered solely upon submission of a cash receipt with all necessary details.

But even if you managed to discern a defect when the warranty period for shoes did not end, you may be denied a refund for several reasons.

1. Recommended operating methods were not followed. For example, shoes were dried by an inappropriate method, put on feet without the use of a special β€œhorn”, used during unfavorable weather conditions, etc.

2. The item was returned wet or dirty.

3. Damage affected only replaceable parts of the shoe (buckles, belts, heels, insoles).

4. The product has completely lost its original appearance and its consumer properties.

    There is also a seasonal warranty period. On winter shoes, it starts in November (the very first day). In the spring - from April. In the summer - from June. In the fall - from September. Accordingly, the end date of each period is the day the new season begins. Claims for inadequate quality of shoes that are designed for a certain time of the year are not considered by the seller if the buyer operated it in other conditions. It is also worth remembering that the possible staining of both insoles and the inner surface does not apply to the types of marriage. For this reason, you will not be refunded.

    The warranty period for shoes does not make sense if the consumer makes a purchase without a cash register. After all, only presenting a check is proof that the goods were bought by this particular outlet.

    Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33299/

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