Syrian Embassy in Russia: information on the work of the diplomatic mission

The Syrian Arab Republic has long been in the news. Events in this country are the subject of discussion by all European leaders, without exception. Naturally, these meetings cannot do without the participation of representatives of the Russian Federation. After all, our states have long been linked by close friendship, as evidenced by the active work carried out by the Syrian Embassy in Russia for several decades. Our today's article is devoted to this activity.

Syrian Embassy in Russia

Russian-Syrian relations: historical background

The Syrian Arab Republic established diplomatic relations with our country in the forties of the last century. Almost forty years later, a special document was signed that regulated all aspects of cooperation between our states. It is worth noting that the parties adhere to it until today.

After the collapse of the USSR, Syria recognized the Russian Federation, which continues the practice of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two states. Four Syrian ambassadors have been working in Moscow since this period; currently, the interests of Syria in Russia are represented by Riad Haddad.

Syrian Embassy in Russia: address

The Syrian diplomatic mission on the territory of the Russian Federation has not changed its location for many years. The Syrian Embassy in Russia is located in Moscow at Mansurovsky Lane, building 4. An old building was given over to the mission, where in the pre-revolutionary times the merchant's profitable house was located.

I would like to clarify that the Syrian Embassy in Russia has only one representative office in Moscow. Residents of other cities and regions must come with documents to the capital of our country. The plans of the Syrian government do not yet include the opening of other diplomatic missions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Syrian Embassy in Russia

Syrian Embassy in Russia: telephone and schedule

The schedule of the representative office is limited to a five-day working week. You can solve all your questions from Monday to Friday from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon.

Please note that the Syrian Embassy in Russia is open by appointment only. Therefore, before traveling to Moscow, be sure to call the phone number listed on the official website and arrange a time for reception. Otherwise, members of the diplomatic mission may refuse to meet you.

Syrian Arab Republic Embassy Services

The diplomatic mission works with citizens of Russia and Syrians working and living in our country. With the help of the representative office you can solve the following issues:

  • visa application;
  • consultation on the conditions for finding Syrian citizens in Russia;
  • civil registration;
  • issuance of passports;
  • obtaining citizenship and much more.

The professionalism of the diplomatic mission staff is always aroused only by admiring reviews from those who applied for help from citizens.

Syrian Embassy in Russia phone

Visa to Syria: features of registration

Before traveling to the Syrian Arab Republic, Russians must apply for a visa. For her, it is necessary to provide a package of documents:

  • passport and copies of its pages;
  • two photographs (color or black and white);
  • questionnaires in duplicate (filling in English);
  • confirmation of payment for a hotel or tourist package.

A visa is usually issued within five business days. But do not forget that military operations are ongoing in Syria and tourist trips to this territory are not recommended by our government.

If you still need a trip to this country, then the Embassy of Syria in Russia will help to make the process of paperwork comfortable and quick.


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