Visa to Malta for Russians: instructions for self-registration

The identity of Malta annually attracts thousands of tourists who are ready not only to bask under the pleasant warm rays of the sun, but also to nibble on the granite of science. After all, this is one of the most popular destinations where people go to study English. Some remain in this paradise forever, acquiring housing or entering full-time at a local university. But most still go for beach vacations and excursions to numerous natural and historical attractions.

Like any other country that has signed the Schengen Agreement, Malta requires an entry visa for Russians. The most popular such document is a category C Schengen, which, among other things, gives the right to freely move across the borders of other states participating in the above agreements.

Types of Visas

So, we will analyze what are the visas to Malta for Russians:

  • Visa for transit border crossing. It is made out if the Malta airport is used by a tourist as a transfer hub when traveling to a third country. You can fly in transit without first obtaining this visa. A visa to Malta is not required if the waiting time does not exceed twenty-four hours, there is no need to change the airport terminals, and the country of final residence is not included in the group of countries that have signed the Schengen agreements.
Malta needs a visa for Russians
  • Type C Schengen. This is a short-term visa to Malta for Russians with a maximum stay of 90 days. It is issued for tourism purposes, transit stops, to meet relatives or friends and on business trips related to business meetings and conferences. This type of Schengen visa to Malta allows you to visit other countries participating in the agreement. Such a document can be both single and double, as well as multiple. That is, a person can call in only once on a visa, or two, or use it as many times as he wants. Multivisa is also suitable for transit crossing border territories between Malta and the Russian Federation. Validity of a visa to Malta may be several days or years. The permitted number of days of stay is 90 for six months, even if the visa is issued for a period of 2 years. But there is the possibility of extending the stay for the same period, however, in this case it will be forbidden to call in the Schengen area for the next six months.
  • Visa to Malta category D, or national. Such visas are available to all Schengen member states. It is long-term, since you can stay in the country for up to a year. It can be extended. On this visa to Malta you can move between countries belonging to the Schengen zone, but only within 90 days for the entire period of validity of the document.

Where can I get a visa?

A visa to Malta is obtained at one of the official representative offices of the country in the Russian Federation or through intermediary organizations:

  • Embassy in Moscow. The consular department deals with the issue.
  • Visa centers are available in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Samara, etc.

When applying to the above institutions, the applicant collects and draws up all the documents independently. Moreover, this is the most economical way to apply for a visa to Malta, as you do not have to pay third parties for the production of any papers and their delivery to the representative office. Despite this, no one is immune from failures.


First, the applicant should decide on the purpose of the visit and what kind of visa is needed in Malta. To contact the embassy, ​​a citizen should make an appointment taking into account that there will be a large influx before the start of the season, which means that it is advisable to submit the paper at least a month before the trip.

In the case of using the services of a visa center, an appointment is not required. The appeal takes place in a live queue on weekdays. The advantage of such centers is that workers will be able to explain to everyone who is poorly versed in the requirements for collecting documents for a visa to Malta, and to help in applying. The minus is the additional costs. But it is worth considering that they do not consider documents, but only send them to the consular department of the Embassy of Malta. In some centers it is possible to make all copies for a fee and order courier delivery. When applying to the visa center, processing may take a little while, since they first collect a sufficient number of applications, and then they are already taken to the representative office.

Malta visa for Russians

Important information for Russian citizens living on the Crimean peninsula: unfortunately, no matter what visa they want to apply for Malta, this can only be done at the Spanish Embassy, ​​which is located in Kiev, because Malta still does not recognize the legitimacy of Crimean referendum and the accession of the peninsula to the Russian Federation. It is worth mentioning that this applies to those who received Russian citizenship after 03.16.2014. In other words, despite the fact that Crimeans are Russians, they will not be able to obtain a visa to Malta in Moscow.

Act of 2015

The answer to the question of whether a visa to Malta is necessary for Russians is unequivocal - yes, it is. However, you should be aware of the mandatory passage of the new procedure, introduced on September 14, 2015. This procedure contains the transfer of biometric data in the form of fingerprinting and the design of photographs according to new requirements. This information is valid for 5 years. The procedure is carried out directly with the participation of the applicant himself, so he will need to appear in person at the official representative office. Fingerprinting is not required from children under 12 years old, however, for photography they will still need to visit the embassy.

Schengen Category C

What visa for Malta is issued for Russians if the applicant indicates that his goal is tourism? The simplest design is category C. Schengen. In addition to tourism, it assumes that a citizen can visit friends or relatives, relatives, make a business visit or a business trip, and also make a transit stop when flying to a third country.

What documents are needed to apply for this type of visa:

  • A passport with a validity of at least 3 months after the expiration of the Schengen or the trip itself. The passport must contain 2 blank pages so that the consular department staff can paste the visa, and the border guards must affix the entry stamp.
  • 2 photos in color format. Photo size - 35 by 45 mm. The photo should not have slices, corners or oval curves. The face is located on a light background.
  • Application form. It is filled in Latin letters, and the necessary semantic information is entered in English in block letters. You can enter data using a computer, or you can first print it and then use the pen (with black or blue ink) to enter the required data.
  • In case of expired Schengen visas in other passports, copies of these documents should be enclosed.
what visa is malta
  • Papers that can confirm the legality of the applicant's residence in the territorial lands of Malta. For example, booking a hotel room as a confirmation. To do this, you should request a letter from the hotel by fax or e-mail, in which personal data will be indicated: full name, travel dates, address, telephone and fax numbers of the hotel. The letter must be certified by the seal and signature of the person in charge of the hotel reservation department. A confirmation can also be a printed reservation from an international Internet resource, a copy of the invitation sent by fax from an individual or legal entity, indicating the number of the host ID the applicant will be living with, his address, phone number, as well as all guest details (official address residence in Russia, phone numbers, purpose and duration of the trip). The letter is accompanied by a copy of the Maltese passport, if the owner is a citizen of a given country, or a copy of a residence permit or a document confirming ownership of the apartment / house at the address indicated in the invitation. The landlord takes responsibility for all expenses and responsibility for the invitee.
  • Copies of any tickets confirming not only the entry, but also the subsequent departure of the citizen. In the event of a transit stop, a ticket to a third country and a copy of the visa. You can provide confirmation paper on the perfect booking of tickets. An open date on the ticket is not possible.
  • Scheduled route of the proposed Schengen tour if the applicant plans to travel to several states during the trip. The route is compiled in English.
  • If a citizen flies to study at one of the country's universities, training centers or linguistic schools, then he provides the appropriate confirmation in the form of a copy of a student card and other documents.
  • For pensioners, you need to attach a copy of the pension certificate and a sponsorship letter from loved ones who pay for this trip. In addition, the sponsor provides data from a personal bank account, a certificate of employment indicating the monthly salary and a copy of the page from the passport where the basic information is indicated.
  • Supporting papers on the solvency of a citizen. Malta wants to be sure that the applicant can provide himself financially throughout the trip. The calculation should be made from the amount of 48 euros per day per person. In the form of confirmation, bank statements indicating the general monetary condition or a receipt on the purchase of foreign currency can be used.
  • Copy of health insurance. It must be valid for the entire duration of the trip and cover at least 30,000 euros throughout the Schengen area. You can also attach a printed insurance policy purchased on the Internet resource of the insurance company.

Visa by invitation

If a citizen of the Russian Federation intends to fly to Malta using an invitation from a citizen of Malta or a friend / relative who is a resident of that state, then a personal invitation should be sent to him. An inviting person can be a legal entity in the form of a company or firm.

The letter shall indicate:

  • Any contact information (phone numbers, fax, email).
  • Number and personal data from the Maltese ID.
  • Copy of passport data or residence permit, as well as copies of documents on property ownership.
  • Place of residence
  • Purpose of visiting the country.
  • Duration of stay from check-in date to check-out date.
Malta Schengen Visa

The inviter may be a sponsor. In this case, he proves his solvency in the form of bank statements or certificates of employment. If the inviter is a relative, then a copy of the document proving the relationship between him and the applicant is made. If this inviting citizen is not close, then evidence of previous meetings should be provided. In other words, people should be familiar with each other.

The possibility of visa-free border crossing

As such, the possibility of visa-free crossing the Maltese border is absent. Do not forget that Russians need a visa to Malta. But every rule has an exception. So, in this case, the exception will be a 24-hour transplant. Moreover, a third country should not be a party to the Schengen agreements. During a transit stop, the passenger is strictly forbidden to leave the specialized waiting area for his next flight. At the same time, he should have a printout or any other supporting information on his next flight.

Travel with baby

If the applicant plans to travel with children, then for each one it is necessary to fill out a visa application form, as well as add to the main folder with documents:

  • Copy of birth certificate.
  • A copy of the page from the foreign passport with the personal information of the parent who filled out and signed the application form for his child. If the person is a guardian, then a copy of the official paper confirming the guardianship is required.

In the case when a minor child travels with one of the parents or with a third person in the form of an accompanying person, a special form of proxy for travel is issued. It is certified by a notary and is attached to a copy of the Russian passport of the principal.

does Malta need a visa for Russians

When the child is recorded in the parent's passport and does not have one, then an additional visa sticker is pasted into the same passport. Also, a photograph of the specified child should be pasted into the parent's passport upon reaching 6 years.


How much will the whole design cost with independent actions? The calculation comes from 2 amounts: visa fee and service fee. The first, respectively, is 35 euros, and the second - 1536 rubles (in case of using the services of a visa center). If the application is followed by a refusal to issue a visa, then these amounts will not be returned. However, there are some categories of citizens exempted from such payment of the consular fee:

  • The closest relatives of a citizen of any country belonging to the European Union, or citizens of the Russian Federation who have legal documents for permanent residence in any EU state. It can be parents, and children, grandparents, grandchildren.
  • All schoolchildren, students, including those who entered graduate school, teachers who supervise their studies, as well as those who are going on an internship.
  • People with disabilities, and their escort in the person of one person, if the disabled person needs help with movement and other activities.
  • Those citizens whose purpose of travel is humanitarian. For example, urgent treatment, departure for a funeral procedure, as well as to visit a relative who is in serious condition due to an injury or illness.
  • Athletes and participants in various scientific programs and creative trainings. This also includes a student exchange program.

But if the applicant uses the services of a visa center, then the second amount in any case must be paid.

what is the visa to Malta for Russians

When approaching the final destination, the Maltese airport, still on board the plane, special migration cards are usually issued, which are filled out one for each family member, including children of any age.

Visa specifics

In addition to all the necessary information on Internet resources, you should still additionally turn to official sources for more relevant news on prices and the collection of necessary documents. Usually a short-term visa is issued in 5 working days. The questionnaire can be filled out both electronically and with a ballpoint pen, having previously printed it. The data in the questionnaire must be entered exclusively truthful, since false testimonies will lead not only to the refusal to issue any visa to Malta, but also to problems in future Schengen requests.

Due attention should be paid to competent completion and answers to questionnaire questions, since the language of the application is English. Some citizens who are not familiar with foreign languages ​​use special translation centers, which are already aware of all the necessary nuances. But in terms of information content, the application form for a Maltese visa has the least requirements, for the most part it contains columns in which the applicant simply puts a cross in the required field.

If you fill out the questionnaire on the official website of the embassy of the country, you will notice that almost all foreign offers are supplemented by a Russian translation, so it is difficult to mix up something or make an incorrect answer. However, the dates and the total number of days of stay in the questionnaire should be clearly indicated. On the same site you can find a special visa calculator that helps in calculating the exact time formula in the Schengen area.

what visa do i need

Most often, the consular department of Malta issues a Schengen valid for one month. And the length of stay already depends on the dates indicated in the booking of the applicant's hotel. It is also worth considering all the previous Schengen visas received by a citizen, because the standards for all similar countries are the same - for half a year it is allowed to stay in Schengen for no more than 90 days.


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