Pension abolition for working retirees: details

The abolition of pensions is what is so often discussed in Russia. The crisis sometimes makes you take risky actions. The main problem is the cash shortage in the treasury. Therefore, you have to think about how to save at least a little money for state needs with minimal damage to the population. This is not the first time that Russia has discussed pension reforms. What do the government say about this?

pension abolition

Myth or reality

The first thing you should pay attention to is the reality of the discussions. Someone says that the abolition of pensions for people who are currently working is a hoax and a myth. And some do believe that payments to retirees can stop.

How are you doing right now? Was a decree signed? The abolition of a pension is a very serious step. Therefore, many questions arise about this. At present, there is no decree on the complete abolition of pension payments. But such a discussion should not be considered a myth. After all, amendments to the pension system are indeed very actively discussed.

Without insurance

The abolition of pensions for working retirees is what causes fear and apprehension for many. After all, old age is an extremely vulnerable moment in the life of everyone. Therefore, many even in retirement age work. Someone is able to save money, and some work only to feed themselves. Is it possible to leave the population without support in old age?

You should not worry too much. Indeed, no one will leave the population completely without support in retirement age. In Russia, there are several options for discussion. For example, many say that the abolition of pensions will only affect insurance benefits. People who continue to work after reaching retirement age may stop paying insurance pensions. This technique will help to raise a lot of money to support the state budget.

Against the rules

Nevertheless, the decree on the abolition of pensions is still not a real law. It is only being discussed. Despite the crisis, the elimination of at least one type of pension payments can lead to enormous indignation of the population and even to rallies and riots. After all, citizens transfer funds to the PFR specifically so that in old age there is no place to take money for their own maintenance.

pension abolition for working retirees

The abolition of pension payments is also a direct violation of the constitution. The fact is that the state undertook obligations from a certain moment to support the vulnerable layers of the population to one degree or another. And no one can take this right. Therefore, pensioners will not be left without support.

True, they can really remove the insurance pension. But payments to the disabled, as well as to citizens without a breadwinner, will be left. We should not forget about social pensions. Nobody has the right to take it away either, it is the duty of the state.

Without indexing

It turns out that in 2016 you can not be afraid of the introduction of such an act as the abolition of pensions. Since February 1 of the same year, simply many pension payments are not indexed. So far, such a decree has been signed in Russia. It will help to save a lot of money. And with all this, payments to pensioners will not stop.

Since February 1, 2016, the indexation of insurance pensions has been suspended. But all other payments (for example, social) are indexed by 4%. Accordingly, only some categories of citizens will receive an increase in pension payments.

Nevertheless, indexation does not cancel out insurance support for the population. And now the presidential decree on the abolition of pensions does not take place. Russia has not yet developed a system that would help resolve the issue without severe damage and discontent on the part of the population.

retirement decree

Not for all

The country is actively condemning pension reforms. And the abolition of pensions for working retirees is one of the most important issues. On the one hand, the population must be maintained in old age. And therefore, it is required to pay pensions. On the other hand, a working pensioner demonstrates his full capacity for work. Therefore, it is logical to believe that the additional cash paid by the state is far from the support of the population. This is already extra money. After all, a pensioner can earn a living.

The proposed decree abolishing the pension proposes to limit insurance cash payments. But with certain conditions. Some categories of citizens will still be able to receive an insurance pension.

It is assumed that the proposed decree will deprive insurance benefits of only those pensioners who receive more than 83,000 rubles a month (or more than a million a year). That is, the abolition of pensions will be extended to well-off citizens. Indeed, in most regions of Russia, earnings of about 80,000 rubles are above average.

At the same time, as already mentioned, social payments, as well as pension payments to people with disabilities will not stop. And a survivor's pension, too. This technique will not completely stop, but only limit payments.

Negative consequences

The decree abolishing pensions for some categories of citizens is not a very good reception. So far, in the form in which it is presented in the government, it is not suitable for use. Indeed, such a step, despite the incomplete cancellation of insurance pension payments, will lead to a number of negative consequences. Which ones? There are a lot of them. Therefore, you will first have to work through the amendments carefully. And only then enter them.

pension abolition signed

What negative aspects can follow if the pension is abolished for people who continue to work after reaching retirement age? The first and most obvious is the prosperity of salaries in envelopes. The population will be very pleased to agree to "gray" and even "black" payments. And this is only to stay at the standard of living at which they were before the introduction of change.

Secondly, many citizens will refuse to work at all. This is especially true for those who after retirement in retirement age will receive good retirement benefits. Therefore, the abolition of pensions for working people is still a fatal step for Russia. It will lead to the flourishing of "dirty" earnings, as well as to a shortage of personnel in many positions. For example, in the field of medicine or education.

Thirdly, some pensioners will go to work in foreign companies, but at the same time they will be entitled to receive insurance pension payments in Russia. That is, people will surely find a way out of the situation - both how to work and how to receive a well-deserved pension. After all, contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia are made for a reason. And I want to get them back when the time comes.

Inability to introduce

Another problem that the decree on the abolition of pensions for pensioners who work can lead to rallies and riots by the population. In Russia, the cost of living for people of retirement age is higher than social benefits. And therefore, many have to work to ensure a normal standard of living.

signed a decree abolishing pensions

In Russia, it is impossible to cancel pension payments on the terms on which it is proposed. In any case, until the mandatory support reaches the subsistence level in the country. Otherwise, people simply fall below the poverty line. And this will cause a wave of discontent. Especially from those who worked diligently and made payments to the Pension Fund of Russia.

Different conditions

The decree on the abolition of pensions for working pensioners is not a myth, but not a reality at the moment. As has been said many times, the system should be designed so that it does not cause much damage to the population. At a minimum, raise social support to the level of a living wage. But in a crisis, this is very problematic.

You can consider the various conditions for the termination and assignment of appropriate payments of insurance pensions to working pensioners. For example, do not make payments if all the income received by an elderly person exceeds the cost of living in the region.

Inverse result

Some generally say that the abolition of pensions for working pensioners means the real death of the country. Why? In a crisis, it is necessary to somehow replenish the state treasury. But if citizens donโ€™t have the money, then there is no one to recover from!

Working pensioners, just like everyone else, make contributions to the FIU. And taxes are withheld from their earnings. Accordingly, the state treasury after all, but replenished.

If pensioners are left without an insurance pension, as has already been said, many will simply refuse to find a job. And then, in general, no additional cash will come to the treasury of the state. Even if we consider the situation with the โ€œgrayโ€ salary, money will begin to decrease anyway. It turns out that the abolition of the pension will have the opposite effect. No workers - no deductions, no deductions - no replenishment of the treasury, to which they initially sought.

abolition of pensions for workers

Unfair decision

All of the above discussions are not the worst. The fact is that the abolition of pensions in Russia for people who work after reaching retirement age may eventually become a very real phenomenon. But then it will be extremely unfair. Why? If you do not take into account the previously given arguments, you should pay attention to some other factors.

Now in Russia for women the retirement age is 55 years, for men - 60. After that, citizens have the right to receive either an insurance pension or social. It all depends on the length of service. Most often there are insurance payments.

If the pension is abolished, this will be an unjust move. Indeed, in Russia the issue of raising the retirement age to 60 years for women and to 65 for men is being actively discussed. Why do many talk about injustice and what does insurance pensions have to do with it?

All because of the average life expectancy in the country. Many current retirees may lose their pension in principle. That is, do not live to see her. And this is only taking into account the increase in the retirement age. It is one thing when a person works and receives money from the state as support, another when he only makes contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia and does not even reach retirement age. Money simply โ€œburns outโ€ for such a citizen.

It turns out a certain injustice - a person works conscientiously all his life, respects a civic duty, and the state will not take on the legal responsibility of providing the population in old age to one degree or another.

Are there any payouts?

What else should you pay attention to? It is already clear that at this stage, laws and amendments imposing a suspension of pensions for working pensioners do not take place. They will only do harm. And well, if they do not cause civilian rebellion. Therefore, this amendment has been postponed.

It has already been said that indexation of insurance pensions will not be in 2016. But what about working retirees? To quit to get insurance type support? Not at all. In 2016, pensions will be paid to all working citizens of retirement age. But only without indexing.

It turns out that the accrual conditions remain the same. Only all non-working citizens who have reached retirement age will receive payments taking into account 4% of indexation. And those who are employed - without additional promotions. The government believes that the abolition of indexation should already be enough to replenish the state treasury during a crisis.


What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? The abolition of the pension will not take place in 2016. Is a corresponding decree signed about this? Not. Instead, the government decided to simply abolish the indexation of pension payments to those retirees who work at the time of accrual of funds as support from the state.

decree abolishing pensions for pensioners

In general, the elimination of pensions for working retirees is an idea that can become a reality in Russia. Only before embodying it in life, it is necessary to revise the level of social support of the population, and also take into account the life expectancy in the country.

There is nothing to fear at the moment. Nevertheless, many are advised to start saving money for old age on their own. After all, more and more often in Russia they say that it is becoming increasingly difficult to make appropriate payments from the state. And if no action is taken, then the country's budget will literally come to a zero balance in a few years. Pensions cannot be paid.


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