Application "Herringbone" - the development of creative abilities of the child.

The artistic education of the child is necessary for his harmonious development. It is important for him to learn to portray the world with his own hands. Let it be modeling, application or drawing - any method is suitable, because the kid likes to create it so much.

From two or three years old, a child can make paper applications with his own hands, of course, under the vigilant guidance of adults. If it is still dangerous for the baby to give scissors or glue to his hands, most of the work will, of course, be carried out by the parent or teacher. The child will only stick small multi-colored pieces of paper, previously smeared with glue, on the base sheet.

During the New Year holidays, the application "Fir-tree" in a simplified form will work perfectly. An adult makes blanks: cuts out several green triangles of different sizes from green paper. Coats them with glue. It remains for the child to glue the triangles one above the other onto the base sheet. An adult can tell the baby the order and location of the triangles. If desired, the Christmas tree can be decorated with smaller details, for example, cut out circles or asterisks. Pieces of cotton wool glued to the Christmas tree will imitate snow.

Work on the application will not only give the child a good mood, but will also help in the development of fine motor skills. It is well known that it is extremely important, because it is with motor skills such skills as fluent speech and quick memorization are associated.

As the baby grows older, more and more actions in working with paper are given to him. At the age of three, the child already confidently holds scissors in his hands, cuts blanks from a whole sheet, spreads them with glue and sticks them to the base. However, the presence of an adult is still necessary.

Together with the child, his work grows up. For example, the Fir-tree applique familiar to us is capable of acquiring the most unexpected forms, even voluminous ones. The application begins with three green triangles, in which several cuts must be made from the base to the top. It is very important not to get involved in the incisions and not bring them close to the top. The resulting shreds are twisted with a pencil. Of course, you do not need to stick curls to the base, just glue the top of the triangle with glue. The resulting Christmas tree-curler can be decorated. The appearance of the completed work is affected by the choice of paper. If it is double-sided green, then the Christmas tree will turn out to be of the same color. If the reverse side of the paper is white, the Christmas tree will be more colorful, as if covered with snow.

When New Year’s creativity from paper is tired, the application “Fir-tree” can be made from other materials. For example, from buttons! Take a few buttons, different in color and size. Glue them to the base paper in the form of an elongated triangle. Of course, the resulting product can be called a real Christmas tree with a stretch, but look how beautiful it turned out!

Or take, for example, rice. No, you don’t need to cook it, we will create from it. Of course, rice is best suited for this function. To get started, prepare the base - spread a triangle on it, which will be a herringbone. We fill it with rice, which sticks to paper. Leave to dry, and then color the glued rice with gouache.

The application “Fir-tree” can be large, on a New Year's poster, or small, on a gift card. There is no limit for imagination.

You can put a snowman next to the Christmas tree, and this will be an applique from the circles. Also a simple but interesting work.

Any creative activity, including application, teaches the child to finish the job, not to give in to difficulties, to help comrades. Perseverance and the ability to concentrate, brought up in childhood, will more than once help adults in performing more serious tasks.


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