Wise parables about life

A parable is a story that in a different form contains certain moral teachings, teachings (for example, evangelical or Solomon wise parables), some wise thoughts (parables). Officially, it is a small genre of didactic fiction. Many identify the wisest parables with fables. This article reveals the concept of "parable." In addition, wise short parables are given.

What is a parable?

A parable is not so much a story as an instructive story. Many wise thoughts and parables have been transmitted for centuries from generation to generation. And this is no coincidence: in each such story there is a deep meaning. There are various parables: for example, wise parables about the meaning of life. Thanks to them, people learn the secrets of life, gain access to the awareness of world laws. Moreover, the uniqueness of the parables lies in the fact that they do not “load” the reader’s consciousness, but quite easily and unobtrusively convey to the person something of value, innermost truth.

Wise quotes, parables of Abul Faraj

The famous Abul Faraj said that the parable is "a story refreshing the mind and removing pain and sorrow from the heart." Abul Faraj himself retold the wisest parables from around the world.

wise parables
Paternal insight

Remembering the wise parables about life, it is impossible not to tell such a story. Once a doorbell rang and the man went to open. On the threshold stood his daughter with eyes full of tears, entering the house, she spoke first: "I can no longer live like this, harder and harder. As if daily I climb a huge mountain, and in the morning I start the procession from the very bottom again. Father, what will happen next, how can I not give up? "

He didn’t answer, he just went to the stove and put three saucepans on it, filled with clean spring water, putting chicken eggs in each carrot and pouring coffee powder into the last one. After 10 minutes, he poured the girl coffee in a bowl, and laid the carrots and egg on a saucer. As soon as she brought a cup of the fragrant drink to her face, the man asked her a question:

“My daughter, what has changed in these subjects?”
- Fresh carrots boiled, became softer. Coffee dissolved without a trace. Hard boiled egg.
- You rated only the paramount, but let's look at it from the other side. Strong and hard root vegetable became pliable and softened. As for the egg - outwardly it retained its face, like carrots, but its internal liquid medium became much harder and more collected. Coffee immediately began to dissolve, once in hot water, saturating it with its taste and aroma, which you now enjoy. That is exactly what can happen in the life of each of us. Strong people under the yoke of gravity will weaken, and fragile and offended ones will stand on their feet and will no longer lower their hands.
- But what about coffee, what does its transformation teach us? - asked the daughter with timid interest.
- These are the most vivid representatives of worldly life, having taken circumstances that are difficult at first glance, they are similar to what is happening, while giving each problem a piece of its taste and aroma. These are special people who, overcoming every step of their lives, draw something new, giving the world the beauty of their soul.

wise short parables

Proverbs and wise sayings. The parable of the rose

A mighty wind walked around the world and did not know worldly feelings and desires. But on one sunny and affectionate summer day, he met a red rose, which, with its light trend, looked even more beautiful. Beautiful petals responded to light breaths with a sweet delicate aroma and flowering. It seemed to the wind that he did not sufficiently express his devotion to the fragile plant, then he blew with all his might, forgetting about the tenderness that the flower needed. Unable to withstand such a hard and stormy pressure, the slender and lively stem broke. The mighty wind tried to revive its love and restore its former bloom, but it was too late. The gusts subsided, the former tenderness and softness, which enveloped the dying body of a young rose, returned, it was losing its life faster and faster.

Then the wind howled: "I gave you all my strength, great love! How could you break so easily ?! So, the strength of your love was not enough to stay with me forever."

Only with the same aroma did Rosa accompany her last seconds, answering passionate speeches in silence.

wise parable quotes

Don't cry in vain

Once an old, but very wise lecturer, reading another scientific work, suddenly stopped. In a liberating position, he heard from the rear desks:

- Professor, share with us your stamina and wisdom. How do you restrain your emotions, because each of us knows how hard it is for you.

Instead, the lecturer began to tell a long and bright joke, all sitting without exception burst out laughing. When the audience fell silent, he again told the same story, but only a few smiled. On the face of the others there was a question that hung in the air. Repeating for the third time, the silent scene dragged on for a long time. None of the audience even smiled, on the contrary, everyone was in a suspended and incomprehensible state.

“Guys, why couldn't you laugh at my joke three times?” You are sad every day over the same problem.

The professor smiled, and everyone sitting in the audience thought about his life.

wise parables about life


One fine day, a wise wanderer came to the outskirts of a small town. He settled in a small hotel and every day he received a lot of people who were lost in their own lives.

One young man for a long time was looking for an answer to his fate in books, visiting many old men. Some advised to go with the flow, avoiding collisions with problems and troubles. Others, on the contrary, said that to swim against the current means to gain strength, to gain oneself. He decided to try his luck and listen to the advice of this old man.
Entering the room, the young man saw a man who was looking for something in the chest. He turned for a moment and pointed with his hand to the chair standing at the table.

- Say what’s bothering you, I’ll listen and tell you.

The young man told him about visiting other sages, about reading books and about tips.

- Go with the flow or against it? he said at the end of the story.
- Forgive me, well done, I probably listened to my old age and deafness. Where do you want to go yourself? - not looking up from his occupation, the wanderer asked.

wise thoughts of the parable

The power of a word

A blind old man was sitting on the street with a sign asking for alms from passers-by. In his box there was only a few moments, the summer sun falling on his long thin legs. At this time, a charming young woman passed by, who, for a moment stopping, picked up a tablet and wrote something herself. The old man just shook his head, but did not say anything to her.

An hour later, the girl walked back, he recognized her by hasty and easy steps. The box at that time was full of new shiny coins, which were added every minute by people passing by.

“Sweet girl, did you change my nameplate?” I would like to know what is written there.
“Nothing is written there except the truth, I just slightly corrected it.” She says: "Now it’s so beautiful around, but, unfortunately, I can never see it." Throwing a couple of coins, the girl gave the old man a smile and left.

wise parables about the meaning of life


Three simple men walked along the road on a summer day. They talked about their hard life, but they sang songs. They hear that somewhere someone will forgive help, looking into the pit, and there is happiness.

- I will fulfill your every desire! Say what you want to receive, - happiness turns to the first peasant.
I want a lot of money so as not to live poorly until the end of my days,” the peasant answers her.
Happiness fulfilled his desire, he went towards the village with a bag of money.
“What do you want?” - turned happiness to the second man.
“I want Babu to have more beautiful girls!”

Immediately a beauty appeared beside him, a man grabbed her, and also went to the village.

- What is your desire? - asks happiness from the last man.
“But what do you want?” - says the man.
“I would have to get out of the pit, good fellow,” said happiness timidly.

A man looked around, found a long log, and inclined to happiness. He turned, but began to return to the village. Happiness quickly got out and ran after him, accompanying him through life.

parables and wise sayings

Guiding light

In ancient times, when there were still no networks of the World Wide Web and various engines, people went sailing in simple ships. Then one risk team went on a long journey full of dangers.

A few days later their ship fell into a storm and sank, and only a couple of experienced sailors managed to escape. They woke up on a distant unfamiliar island, in fear and hunger, gradually losing their minds.

On a particularly sunny day, a strange ship moored there. Immeasurable joy brought this saved, and they decided to build a tall and durable lighthouse.
Despite persuasion, they remained on this island until the end of their days, only rejoicing in their destiny. To direct people has become a great happiness and honor for each of them.


The wise parables cited in this article do not really load the reader’s consciousness, but quite easily and unobtrusively convey to the person something valuable, hidden truth.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33309/

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