Preserved the black sun. The meaning of the Slavs and use

Humanity has long used various amulets in everyday life. Magical rites required a variety of devices. So, one of the most powerful and secret signs is the black sun. The significance of the Slavs of this symbol is difficult to overestimate. Wearing it spoke of belonging to a special caste - the owner of the amulet was a priest. The essence of the amulet is a connection with the otherworldly and the mystical, because from ancient times this sign belonged to the world of Navi.

black sun meaning among the Slavs


This name was given to the universe, in which higher beings and spirits lived. The way to a living ordinary person was not accessible there. The exception was magicians and priests, the first owners of such a talisman like the black sun. Which means this sign advises or orders - all this was conveyed to the people "endowed with knowledge", those who had access to the other world.


Nowadays, it is not known exactly how this amulet appeared. It is only known that initially the symbol could not be found in everyday life, since only magicians had the right to use and store it.

However, about 5 thousand years ago, dark times came on earth, what is today called Svarogova night. To give stability to the human race and provide it with the opportunity to survive, the priests allowed the people to use what was previously hidden from them - the most powerful amulets came to the defense of society. One of them was the black sun.

black sun which means

What this gift means can be judged by the fact that our people could survive in these terrible times by defeating the night. Since that time, everyone could use the amulet, but it was not very popular. The explanation is simple: the people were too afraid of the strong connection of the amulet with the world of spirits, which was always inherent in it.

Nowadays, the black sun (the meaning of the Slavs of this amulet was quite clear) was widely used by the Nazis. So, it is well known that this sign was inscribed in one of the halls of the Wewelsburg castle. Hitler's henchmen put him on the floor in the hope of receiving help from the secret spirit world.

However, the fact that the amulet was used for unkind purposes does not make the symbol itself negative. This is only suggestive of its strength and capabilities.

black sun which means among the Slavs


The meaning of the black sun among the Slavs is a connection with the otherworldly. The amulet carrier could interact with the bright world of Navi through a unique channel provided by the sign. The connection with the ancestors of such a person was noticeably strengthened.

Moreover, in this context, these are not just blood relatives, but personification of communication with deceased representatives of the human race in general.

Mages using the black sun, whose Slavs mean a connecting thread with the otherworldly, received from such communication the highest knowledge and a surge of energy. However, the symbol should be used very carefully - a person who does not respect the roots and does what was unacceptable to his ancestors risked losing his soul.

Since this amulet has such great power, it can not be used thoughtlessly, because it is easy to harm yourself. Without special knowledge, you should not take risks - it is better to choose other symbols that have less energy.


the significance of the black sun among the Slavs

Black sun - what does this amulet mean for the Slavs? First of all, a channel for communication with ancestors, built on the idea of ​​the symbol of Kolovrat, meaning the foundation of the world, the cycle of everything. Specialists in this field conclude that three Kolovrats were used simultaneously in the image of the dark luminary, which makes the power of the talisman greatly increased.

Each circle has a special meaning and its own essence:

  • The first is formation: the birth and structure of everything new in life.
  • The second is being: the existence and existence of being in the world.
  • The third is walkthrough: this circle symbolizes the end of the path.

Considering that the last round of Kolovrat does not end the cycle of circles, but closes all three together, we are most likely talking about the infinity of being in different worlds.

The amulet is endowed with such a structure for a reason: three Kolovrats make it possible to easily expand the human facet of understanding, admitting it to the most intimate knowledge.

The black sun (the meaning among the Slavs of this symbol also leads to the strengthening of ties with the race) can, moreover, reveal the talents of a person, since the talisman seeks to rid the soul of incorrect knowledge and thoughts. It is believed that the sign provides an opportunity to realize their own potential and capabilities. The distortion of expanded consciousness does not come from the fact that the dark sun eliminates false illusions and erroneous knowledge, paving the way for further self-improvement and development.


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