Review of the game "Doom 3". Codes for doors and cabinets

The modern gamer must have met the Doom universe through the eponymous remake of an old-school shooter series. Doom 3 is a game that many have been waiting for and which has earned encouragement from players of all ages. The plot tells the story of a brave marines, to whose share the difficult task of destroying infernal creatures directly on the planet Mars fell. If you are familiar with the original series, you are well aware of the hype and the popularity that surrounded Doom. The game was almost swept away from the shelves of all stores, and its ratings were located in each top of any gaming publication.

Doom 3 codes for doors and cabinets

Today we will talk about the resulting remake, and also give you the codes for the doors and cabinets in the game "Doom 3".

A little bit about the plot

Keeping the spirit of the original, the remake does not change itself in choosing the main character - players still assume the role of a brutal space paratrooper. The new Doom 3 managed to bring in a lot of innovations, while still retaining the old charm. The plot looks much more thoughtful, the game has a lot of cut-scenes, scripted moments, as well as a large number of flashbacks in the form of clips and other references.

The protagonist is hired by a research base that needs an experienced security guard. On this base, located on the planet Mars, secret experiments are being conducted. Upon arrival, our hero is given all the necessary uniforms, a small briefing (+ some codes for doors and cabinets in Doom 3), and the first important mission is to find the missing employee of the research laboratory. The scientist, after we find him, begins to carry incomprehensible nonsense about hell, monsters and evil. But we still fail to find out more - the poor man suddenly becomes a zombie, and we have to deal with him. In parallel with this incident, the base is a real invasion of monsters. What remains for us? Reload the gun and go to shoot uninvited guests!

Doom 3 door codes

What about gameplay?

Since the last parts of the original series came to light, the gameplay of the shooters has undergone a number of large-scale changes. All this led to the fact that the gameplay "Doom 3" took the expected step forward and noticeably changed.

But for starters, what hasn't changed? First-person shooting remained unchanged. Here, as in the predecessors, in order to kill the enemy, just hold down one key. However, if earlier this process was a kind of horizontal shooting gallery, now we have a full-fledged survival horror. Focusing on the atmosphere, the developers significantly reduced the overall pace of the game. The crazy dynamics with which the protagonist moved disappeared, and the need for accurate and timely attacks replaced her. Hell fiends can now wait around any angle, so the player is required to have a full concentration of attention and a lightning reaction.

Each subsequent level of the game differs from the previous one. Due to the fact that the monsters invaded the security system, most of the hatches and ammunition boxes were blocked. To open them, you will need codes.

Doom game 3 codes for doors and cabinets

Secrets "Doom 3" and codes for doors and cabinets

These are the secret codes:

  • 3-9-6 opens the cabinet 001;
  • 4-8-3 approaches the door at number 003;
  • 7-5-2 opens office 009;
  • 5-8-6 goes to office 013;
  • 3-4-7 opens 017;
  • 5-3-1 approaches the door at number 023;
  • 4-0-9 goes to cabinet 038;
  • 1-0-2 goes to office 039;
  • 1-2-3 code to the office 047;
  • 1-2-3 opens the door 048;
  • 1-2-3 goes to cabinet 049;
  • 1-4-2 opens the door 054;
  • 2-4-6 opens the door 054;
  • 9-7-2 opens cabinet 063;
  • 5-7-9 goes to 104;
  • 5-3-8 goes to 112;
  • 7-1-5 approaches the doors at number 114;
  • 9-7-2 opens the door 116;
  • 6-2-4 opens the door 117;
  • 2-9-8 - code for office 210;
  • 2-9-8 approaches the door at number 215;
  • 6-9-2 goes to office 216;
  • 6-2-4 - code for the office 217;
  • 8-3-6 approaches the door at number 386;

Here are the basic codes for doors and cabinets "Doom 3". If you could not find this or that code, then it can be searched on thematic forums.

Additional codes

Code 9-3-1 goes to the Abrams office.
Code 1-4-2 goes to the second cabinet 054.
Code 6-2-4 goes to second cabinet 116.
Code 5-8-4 opens the weapons storage chamber; codes for doors and cabinets "Doom 3", compartments 1 & 2.


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