Morphogenetic fields of R. Sheldrake: description of the theory, features and interesting facts

In the article we will try to reveal the theme of the morphogenetic field. The fact that extracellular information structures may exist was first described by researcher P. Weiss. It happened at the very beginning of the twentieth century. At this point, scientists in the world knew facts that could easily allow one to doubt the validity of those concepts that official science claims. It has been hypothesized that development and formation programs are located directly in the cells of living organisms.

Theory features

It is worth noting that the cell nucleus may contain a maximum of 10 to 10 degrees of bits of useful information. For normal functioning of the whole body, at least 10 to 20 degree bits of information must be constantly stored. Therefore, the total capacity in a person, taking into account all the hereditary programs and other information that comes from relatives and parents, can be estimated as approximately 10 to 25 degrees bits.

Note the fact that all this information must be carried in every cell of our body. And now let's try to compare these volumes of information to roughly represent the scale. Imagine a segment whose length is only 1 mm. In this case, the information that is necessary for the functioning and formation of the entire human body (provided that the cell volume is 10 to 25 degrees bits) will fit in about 7 areas equal to the distance from the Sun to the Earth.

Doubts in the classic interpretation

Even if there are inaccuracies in assessing the amount of information, the ratio of the values ​​cannot be compared. Let's talk about Weiss theory. He suggested that a certain field appears near the human embryo, he called it morphogenetic. All passive cells are directly subordinate to this field. It is she who is the architect of our body, which makes organs out of cells.

The phenomenon of morphogenetic field

It is this field that allows you to determine the specific sequence of cell formation in time and space. In the forties, Soviet scientists Koltsov and Gurvich continued to develop the views of Weiss. Today, research in this direction is ongoing.

The latest revision of the concept

To date, you can talk about the concept about the following. Each cell of the body has its own morphogenetic field, which carries information about the body, as well as its development programs. In individual cells, the fields are combined into a single large field, it penetrates and envelops the body, and all its elements associated with the cells. In this case, the field manages all operations on the functioning and formation of a single cell and the organism as a whole.

If you follow this concept, the information is not stored in the cell nucleus, but in its morphogenetic field. At the same time, DNA allows only to reflect the information that the field generates.

Field Features

It is also worth noting that this field is constantly changing, it reflects the dynamics of the development of the whole human body. Therefore, this concept is based on theses of extracellular information. All cells of a living organism are covered without exception.

Judging from this point, the fields must meet the requirements of the mechanism that governs all organisms. Moreover, this programming mechanism is unknown. In order to confirm the volume and universality of the field, many experiments were carried out. In particular, our compatriot, scientist Yu. G. Simakov.

Simakov's experiments

Let's talk about what experiments this scientist conducted. For example, when a worm is divided into a large number of parts (no more than 300), each part develops. In this case, literally in a matter of weeks, all parts of the worm will turn into finished animals, only their sizes will be very small. Moreover, each animal will have all the organs that were in the original instance.

The mystery of the morphogenic field

Therefore, the information of each individual can be split into a large number of elements that have the fullest amount of initial information. At the same time, you can see that information is being copied. In fairness, it should be noted that such an experiment can hardly explain much. It should also be noted that it can only be carried out with animals of the lower "caste".

If such an experiment is done with complex organisms, for example, with a rat, a dog, a person, then this will only lead to their death. Such a concept cannot determine the nature of the morphogenetic field, as well as the mechanisms by which it acts. This is only a reflection of objective reality.

Experiment Results

Therefore, we can say that with the help of Weiss's concept, we can only state the facts, but in no case explain them. But still, this is the first step to revising all fundamental theories, the concept of functioning and construction of all organic living structures. If we recognize the existence of extracellular information, which interconnects with all organs, genetic memory, then we can raise the question of research by all scientists.

You can also identify all the properties and structures of the field. Therefore, it is possible to put forward a completely new approach to solving all the most important problems in biology and anatomy. Below we consider the theory of the existence of morphogenetic fields of R. Sheldrake.

How do the fields appear?

Judging by the concept, morphogenetic fields begin to form when the cell is fertilized. There is a kind of "budding" of the field of parents. Moreover, such "budding" bears fingerprints of information from the matrices of parents. Moreover, the new field cannot be inferior to the same parameters of the parent. It will turn out completely different, but very similar.

Morphogenetic fields and fields of consciousness

This new field contains programs laid down for the development of the whole organism as a whole. In this case, it completely penetrates the original cell, as well as the entire space that is adjacent to it. After that, using the field it turns out to control cell division. The time and place, as well as the type of cells, are determined. This is how it turns out to establish a specific sequence of formation of all organs of a living organism.

When the body develops, the field expands, permeates already made organs. In this case, of course, a connection is established with each cell, the field acts on it in strict accordance with these programs, which are embedded in it. It turns out to form a single entity, in which all cells are connected together.

If we believe the concept of Weiss, it is in this way that the whole cloning procedure can be explained. True, experiments in this area began to be carried out much later.

Theory evidence

But some scientists, in a sign of proof of the existence of the field, cite the Kirlian effect. These scientists discovered a rather interesting effect - a glow is noticed around the biological structure. But it is observed only if the cell or organism is placed in a high-frequency field. Moreover, you can detect this glow both visually and on film. Sheldrake describes the morphogenetic field in a completely different way; we will talk about his hypotheses below.

The intensity of the glow, as well as the gamut of colors, is determined by the state of the biological object. For example, if you place a freshly torn leaf of any plant between the plates of a capacitor connected to a high-frequency current source, then intense glow can be observed. Moreover, it will fade as the sheet fades. As you can see, scientists prove the presence of a morphogenetic field in plants, and not just in humans.

Theory of morphogenetic fields description

A similar glow can be observed with the human body, if it is placed in the field. Moreover, the nature and intensity of the glow depends entirely on the state in which the person is. The better he feels, the higher the intensity of the glow. In the same case, if a person is tired, the glow will be weaker.

Kirlian effect

But one cannot say that this effect fully confirms the existence of a morphogenetic field. You can observe the effects if you place electrically charged inanimate bodies in an electromagnetic field. It is worth noting that the glow is closely associated with the functioning of the biological structure and its life. Therefore, we can conclude that when the body dies, the field should completely disappear. True, so far no one has been able to fix the validity of such a conclusion.

A field exists as long as at least one cell is alive. Consequently, the concept assumes that the nature of the phenomenon is local. It is closely related to where the biological entity is located. But subsequently, such an interpretation can be significantly expanded. Many suggestions have been made that extracellular informational structures have a wider nature. But what is a morphogenetic field and how to prove its existence correctly, not a single scientist has yet said.

What is Rupert talking about?

Rupert Sheldrake's theory for some conservative scholars is rather heretical. But the scientist has a fairly high authority, so hardly anyone can object to him. He is a former fellow at the Royal Society at the University of Cambridge. He also holds the position of Director of the Laboratory of Molecular and Biochemical Research at the College, which is located in Cambridge. This is a biologist with extensive experience, his name is known in wide circles.

Therefore, he will not be able to express stupid ideas. That is what most of his colleagues think. But the truth is, if you look at his ideas, you can see that they are very brave, even many of his colleagues literally wanted to disown them. But morphogenetic fields are a new science about the life of organisms, it explains all the processes occurring in a person or an animal.

Morphogenetic fields new life science

Rupert Sheldrake noted that a person is much easier to absorb knowledge if they are known to more people. For the sake of the experiment, he invited several English-speaking students to learn Japanese poems. One of them was a simple set of words, or rather, hieroglyphs. The second quatrain was the work of one little-known author of our time. But the third quatrain was a classic of Japanese poetry, literally every Japanese schoolchild knows him like in Pushkin’s poem in Russia.

As a result of the experiment, it turned out that English-speaking students remembered the classic poem much better than the two previous ones. At the same time, none of the subjects knew Japanese, and also did not understand which of the quatrains is a classic, which is nonsense, and which is a new opus. Based on this experiment, which was repeatedly repeated not only with Sheldrake, the scientist hypothesized that there is some kind of field of images that is common to the entire population of the globe. But the secret of the morphogenic field, unfortunately, is not revealed by such an experiment.

But in this field, along with a lot of different information, there is an image of this Japanese verse, which has been known for several hundred years. Since many people know him, this image is firmly sealed in the field and it is more accessible than the one that corresponds to a recently written poem. And the way this type of field can be literally anything: feelings, information, some kind of behavior model. This is how you can make a brief description of the theory of morphogenetic fields.

In addition, such fields can be found not only in humans, but even in birds, animals, insects and plants. It is worth noting that even in crystals there are such fields. It is worth considering why certain types of crystals take not arbitrary forms, but strictly defined ones. Sheldrake gave the name to the fields, now they are known to us as morphogenetic. In other words, these are those that directly affect the form and structure of things.

Experiments that will change the world

It is the morphogenetic fields that the best-seller written by Rupert Sheldrake is dedicated to. Here he outlined not only the principles of the theory of morphogenetic fields, but also evidence. It is called "7 experiments that can change the world." Besides the fact that he conducted experiments with his students who studied Japanese quatrains, in this book you can find other, no less interesting experiments.

A biologist at Harvard University, William McDougall, spent about 15 years training laboratory rats to find a way out of the maze. As a result of such a long experiment, very interesting data were obtained:

  • The first generation of animals, to find a way out of the maze, made about 200 mistakes.
  • But the last generation made only 20 errors (on average).

The same experiment was conducted in Australia. But there the results were more incredible, rats found a way out of the maze almost instantly, without errors. This partly proves the presence of a morphogenetic field and fields of consciousness in living organisms.

Theory of morphogenetic fields principles

The experiment involved animals that were neither the descendants of those rats that wandered through the maze 15 years ago, nor their relatives. Therefore, we can conclude that they could not at the genetic level receive information about the structure of the maze. Therefore, scientists hypothesized that they obtained this knowledge from the information field.

A few words about termites

You may also wonder where the termites come from with the skills of architects. When arranging a new dwelling, these insects are divided into two teams that build ideally symmetrical halves of the termite mound. In addition, all dwellings are like two drops of water, as if typical construction was taking place, like panel high-rise buildings.

Morphogenetic field

Moreover, nothing will interfere with the coordinated actions of insects, even if you at the initial stage of construction block their future structure with a sheet of steel. Anyway, the socket will eventually come out perfectly symmetrical. We can say that this is one of the phenomena of the morphogenetic field, which misleads many scientists.


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