Construction stretchers: main types. How to make a stretcher yourself.

In the era of the rapid development of microelectronics and the conquest of outer space, construction stretchers invented back in the days of the pharaohs did not lose their relevance. They greatly facilitate many jobs and increase productivity.

The purpose of the construction stretcher

This is a universal device that allows you to move various bulk cargoes - sand, gravel, cement, etc. With the help of a stretcher, you can also remove debris from a construction site, transport loads, such as bricks, cinder blocks or ceramic tiles.

construction stretchers

The use of this equipment involves the mandatory participation of two people, preferably with the same stamina. It is impossible to carry a loaded construction stretcher alone. Therefore, in the absence of a partner, you will have to use a wheelbarrow or trolley.

Types of Stretchers

Depending on the material, stretchers are divided into three categories: plastic, metal and wooden.

The first are intended mainly for bulk cargo. Most of these models are equipped with wooden handles. Their carrying capacity is not more than 110 kg. When working, it should be borne in mind that even the most durable plastic can crack or crack from a careless blow, especially in the cold. At the same time, building plastic stretchers have such an advantage as light weight, which facilitates the task of carrying goods. If necessary, they can be used as containers for diluting paint and building mixtures.

More durable are metal stretchers. They are adapted to move up to 200 kg of cargo. Made of sheet iron. The handles of such stretchers are usually wooden, in some cases upholstered with iron. When working, safety precautions must be observed, since the likelihood of cuts on metal edges is not ruled out. There is a tin case is not cheap, and almost impossible to repair.

DIY stretchers

For various economic purposes, building wooden stretchers are also used. They are very easy to repair, and it’s quite simple to make them yourself. The disadvantage of such a stretcher is considerable weight. Moving them even without load, you need to make a lot of effort.

The advantages of plastic stretchers

They are made of heavy-duty plastic and, unlike wood or metal, are not susceptible to decay or corrosion. Light weight combined with good capacity makes them indispensable, especially when carrying heavy materials.

The stretcher container is shaped so that the weight of the load carried is distributed evenly. Even liquid solutions can be moved in it. Construction stretchers are equipped with wooden handles, which are more convenient than plastic ones. In order to avoid the appearance of fungus or rot, they are treated with a special composition.

plastic stretchers

For the manufacture of stretchers, manufacturers use shockproof plastic that can withstand significant loads. This affects the durability of the inventory and the absence of deformation during operation. Plastic stretchers are resistant to temperature extremes. This allows you to use them in almost any weather conditions.

How to make DIY stretchers

There are situations when stretchers of a certain size are necessary for work, which are difficult to find in shopping centers. In this case, you can make them yourself. To do this, you need a board with a thickness of about 30 mm, a galvanized metal sheet, mounting hardware and a set of tools.

Handles are cut from the board, which are the basis of any stretcher. A notch up to 40 cm long is made at the bottom of the board to give a comfortable girth shape and reduce the weight of the stretcher. Then a frame is constructed in the form of two boards fixed transversely to the handles at a distance of about 60 cm from each other. This is done using self-tapping screws. The resulting frame is reinforced with steel corners on the inside.

building wooden stretcher

After that, according to a certain pattern, flooring elements are attached. They are laid first at the edges, resting on the ends of the transverse planks and on the handles, lastly the board in the middle is attached. A metal sheet is beaten on the bottom with mounting nails - and the stretcher for construction is ready. All fittings are recommended to be placed on the outside.


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