Riddles about plants in school and kindergarten classes

Why plant puzzles? Isn’t it easier to explain to children in an accessible language how, for example, one tree differs from another? Of course, easier! But - more boring. And there is no certainty that the knowledge submitted in the usual way will leave a trace in the memory.

Why plant puzzles?

The knowledge gained by the inquiry method, empirically and with the application of effort, is always more solid. That is why the best way to submit a new cognitive material is considered a puzzle option. About plants, there are so many! Some make me break my head for quite some time. And to decipher others simply by selection of rhyme.

Especially interesting are puzzles about plants for babies. They quickly memorize rhythmic lines, training memory. And the need to seek a suitable rhyme develops their poetic feeling.

In addition, riddles often use comparison, personification. These are important literary techniques that help people see the beautiful in nature, develop imaginative thinking, learn to express their feelings beautifully, and describe the world around them.

The use of puzzles in employment and drawing

Each teacher tries to present new material in a fun way. Therefore, puzzles for children about plants will be appropriate in the classroom for modeling or drawing. For example, verses about mushrooms will not only highlight their important distinguishing features, but also show a way of literary personification.

I’ll look a little in the forest

Dwarfs near the bumps.

No handles, hat on the leg -

What is it? (Mushroom)

plant puzzles

You can not only confine yourself to riddles, showing pictures to kids, but also give an initial concept of edible and poisonous mushrooms.

Mysteries in the lessons on the world and literature

In elementary school, children learn to distinguish between tree species. Riddles on the topic "Plants of our planet" will provide some knowledge in this area.

In the summer, snow flies from the branches -


Lies on the ground, does not melt.


Many children will immediately guess that the riddle is about poplar. It is this tree that hides its seeds in a downy lump that looks so much like snow.

plant puzzles

But the riddle about willow or veil for many guys can cause difficulty. After all, not all children manage to spend time in the countryside, where they can see these trees and note that liquid often drips from their branches even on the hottest noon.

Woefully lowered branches

Tears drip from them all day.

And when the heat and heat, all the kids

Hiding under it in a thick shadow.

Also, these puzzles can be used in literature classes, when children are given knowledge about comparisons and personifications in Russian. Poetic lines should not only contain information about plants and their distinguishing features, but also be written in a beautiful syllable.

puzzles for children about plants

For example, in the riddle about poplar, fluff is called snow. This is a figurative comparison. And drops from tree branches are compared with tears. The tree is personified by the author. It is like a man crying. And this comparison often appears in the name - a weeping willow.

Important information hiding in a short riddle

Be sure to give a lesson in elementary school, in which children get acquainted with exotic flowers grown in houses and greenhouses. This is where the puzzles about indoor plants come in handy, thanks to which you can learn a lot of interesting and important things.

It blooms in December

The window has become fabulous!

Its stem is a leaf.

It is called - ... (Decembrist).

From a short poem, children will immediately recognize three important features of this flower. Firstly, the Decembrist is a houseplant, since "the window has become fabulous." Secondly, he has an interesting stem, which consists of flat, leaf-like joints. Thirdly, this plant blooms in mid-winter.

puzzles about indoor plants

Of course, it should be explained to children that the Decembrist is room only in the middle lane. And in his homeland, in the tropical forests of South America, this plant has enough heat and outdoors. And his name is there in a completely different way - zygocactus.

Briefly about the main thing

Riddles are the literary genre that appeared in antiquity. Examples of remarkable masterpieces in this genre have come down to us in oral folk art. It is riddles that help not only to learn something new, but also to feel the beauty of the Russian language.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33345/

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