Coral mushroom - a diet and very healthy delicacy

The coral mushroom has many popular names: gelatinous, silver ear, icy, royal, trembling, snowy. All these are alternative names, and the present (scientific) sounds like “fuchsiform tremella” (tremella fuciformis).

The coral mushroom was first described by the Englishman Joseph Berkeley in 1856. However, the Asian world knew a lot about him before. Local herbalists sold white coral mushroom as a miracle cure for colds. He was also an excellent tonic. The transliteration of Chinese characters leads to another interesting name: "snowy tree ear", and in the Japanese version - "woody white jellyfish."

Coral mushroom

Coral mushroom is quite nutritious. It consists of about 70% of dietary fiber, 18 amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, plant glycogens.

For many centuries, the coral mushroom has been used by the Chinese in the treatment of tuberculosis, colds, and hypertension.

Recent studies by scientists in Ukraine and Israel have confirmed: fuchsia tremella is able to increase immunity, protect against radiation, strengthen the respiratory system, improve blood formation, and lower cholesterol. Moreover, coral fungus has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents the development of tumors and neurological damage, protects the liver from the action of toxins, positively affects the brain, improves memory.

White coral mushrooms
The great value of the fungus is the presence of glycogens (special polysaccharides), which are prescribed by doctors for immunodeficiency, serious stress, premature aging. The combination of nutritional properties makes it ideal for smokers.

Due to the content of natural vitamin D, coral (white) mushrooms rejuvenate the skin, accelerate metabolism, and increase blood flow in the skin cells. Important: fuchsia tremella is strictly contraindicated in those patients who are taking (or have just finished taking) anticoagulants. The coral mushroom has almost no independent taste. The popularity of Tremella is explained by a crispy, elastic, but at the same time delicate texture. Many soups, salads and even desserts are prepared from it. In powder form, coral mushroom is added to drinks and ice cream.

The Chinese way of preparing one of the sweet dishes based on such a mushroom is very interesting: the tremella is boiled, then dried and soaked in sweet peach syrup.

white coral mushroom

The dried “silver ear” needs additional processing. First, the product is poured with warm water for a couple of hours, until it swells (increases tenfold), then it is washed and after draining the excess water it is divided into small inflorescences (harsh areas are removed). After that, you can start cooking. Once a coral mushroom was so rare that only very rich people could afford it. Now tremella is grown on an industrial scale and is quite affordable for the average buyer. You can see it in most Asian grocery stores.

Coral mushroom is stored in a refrigerator in tightly closed airtight containers.


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