"Trichopol" from phytophthora - application features, effectiveness and reviews

Late blight is one of the most dangerous diseases of a vegetable crop that a gardener may encounter. It quickly affects all parts of the plant, from stems to fruits, and finally destroys it. In a few days, it is able to completely mow down a tomato plantation and destroy all the labors of the person who looked after it. As a result, only clumsy and dry bushes will remain on the site without a single tomato on them. Vegetables will roll around, all black and half-rotten. The real nightmare of the gardener!

But in reality, not everything is so scary. If all preventive measures are taken in time, agricultural technology is followed to prepare seeds for planting, planting and caring for tomatoes, combating their diseases and pests, the development of late blight can be prevented. When the first signs of the disease appear, more radical measures will need to be taken - spray the bushes with special solutions and preparations. Today, many gardeners recommend using Trichopol phytophthora. This drug can be purchased at any pharmacy.

from late blight Trichopol

What is this remedy?

"Trichopolum" is a medication prescribed for people with trichomoniasis, giardiasis, ulcerative gingivitis and other bacterial infections. The active substance is metronidazole. Preparations created exclusively on its basis cannot be used to eliminate fungi, viruses, and optional anaerobes.

So that Trichopol really helped in the treatment of various diseases, its manufacturers included additional components in the composition of their product: potato starch, starch syrup, gelatin and magnesium stearate. As a result, he began to effectively help in the fight against viruses, fungi and infections, as well as, as time has shown, with late blight on tomatoes and other vegetable crops.

Trichopolum from late blight on tomatoes

The advantages of its use in garden plots in the fight against plant diseases include:

  • lack of need for the use of chemicals;
  • harmlessness to humans;
  • the possibility of eating tomatoes immediately after processing;
  • the ability to eliminate other diseases of tomatoes - powdery mildew and fusarium.

The disadvantages include the rapid addiction of bacteria to the active substances of the drug. For this reason, experienced gardeners recommend using Trichopolum alternately with other remedies, including copper sulphate, Hom or Ridomil.

When to start the application?

It is necessary to use "Trichopolum" for the control of late blight, otherwise it will not be possible to get a good result. The best time is when the first signs of the disease appear. Recall that its symptoms include:

  • rapid yellowing and blackening of inflorescences;
  • the appearance on leaves of black or dirty gray spots;
  • the appearance on the fruit, if any, of brown spots;
  • rapid spread of dark marks on the stem.

If plants have all these signs, late blight has already passed into the active stage. In this case, it is best to fight with the help of chemical means, folk are unlikely to help. Therefore, spraying the plants with the described drug should be done in advance.

Trichopol is an effective remedy for late blight

How to prepare a solution?

To use Trichopol against late blight, it must be properly diluted. To do this, take 20 tablets, crush them into powder, first pour into a glass of water, and then into a ten-liter bucket, mix well. Allow to stand for 20-30 minutes. If you wish, you can also pour a bubble of brilliant green here. Experienced gardeners say that this improves the efficiency of the solution. It can be used both for tomatoes and for other crops (cucumbers, for example).

Trichopol from late blight reviews

Processing Features

After preparing the Trichopolum solution from late blight on tomatoes or other vegetable crops, you can start spraying. This is best done on a fine day. In this case, the effect of processing will last longer. All parts of the bushes should be sprayed. The fluid from them should literally run down to the ground. If it rains after a few days, the procedure must be repeated.

In total, for the season, for preventive purposes, spraying tomatoes and other vegetable crops with Trichopolum should be done twice: at the beginning of summer and before harvesting. But this is if there is no disease, with its appearance it is possible to carry out treatment at least daily until all the signs disappear. It is worth noting that some gardeners recommend increasing the number of sprayings up to 1 time in 10 days. However, this can cause the addiction of bacteria and fungi to the components of the drug. As a result, the processing efficiency will decrease to zero.

Trichopol treatment from late blight

Auxiliary feeding

To "Trichopol" from phytophthora on tomatoes was as effective as possible, in his solution you can add the usual pharmaceutical greens or alcoholic solution of iodine. For a ten-liter bucket, it is recommended to take 1 bottle of any of these funds. It is also worth alternating treatment with the drug spraying the bushes with other means. For example, you can:

  1. Take 2 heads of garlic, grind them well and pour a liter of fermented kefir. Stir and pour into a ten-liter bucket of water. Spray every bush.
  2. Pour 25 drops of iodine into 1 liter of serum, mix well and pour into a bucket of water. Process plants.

When spraying with any of these products, it is necessary to ensure that the escaped liquid is absorbed into the ground near the plants. Thus, it will serve not only as a protection against the disease, but also as a top dressing for tomatoes.

Can it be replaced by other means?

"Trichopolum" is an effective remedy for late blight and at the same time quite gentle. There is practically no harm from him. But if necessary, it can indeed be replaced by other means. For example, in the elimination of the disease can help:

  • Infusion of edible salt (0.5 kg per 5 liters of water, let stand for 2-3 hours, spray as necessary);
  • Infusion of manure (1/4 kg per 6 liters of water, preparation time - 1 day, the number of treatments - 2 times a month);
  • Infusion of wood tinder fungus (100 grams of slurry per 1 liter of water, spray every 2 weeks).

Also, plant bushes from late blight can be sprayed with yeast solution. To prepare it, you need to take 100 grams of dry raw materials and send them to a ten-liter bucket of warm water. Let stand for 2 hours, then spray the tomatoes. The number of repetitions per season is 2-3 times.

Trichopolum from late blight on tomatoes reviews

Reviews about Trichopol from phytophthora

The responses of people about the use of the drug in their own areas are different. Some say that it really helps well, so its use is fully justified. After spraying, the disease recedes rather quickly and does not appear again. They also claim that they will be better off using it than any chemical products of unknown origin.

Trichopol against late blight

Others recommend “not reinventing the wheel”, but spraying tomato bushes with proven means: “Fitosporin”, copper preparations, “Bactofit” and so on. Whose side to follow when reading reviews on "Trichopolum" from late blight on tomatoes, it's up to you. Just remember: in the fight against this “enemy” all means are good. Therefore, you can use the drugs in the garden one at a time.

Cost of funds

In order to process Trichopol from phytophthora, you must first purchase it in a regular or online pharmacy. The price of this drug ranges from 70 to 100 rubles for 20 tablets. If the cost seems too high, you can order its counterpart - Metronidazole, which costs about 15 rubles. You can use any of these preparations for irrigation of tomatoes and cucumbers. The method of preparing solutions for treating plants is one and the same.

Note gardeners!

Spraying "Trichopolum" from late blight of tomatoes and other vegetable crops most often shows a positive result: the disease recedes, the tomatoes acquire a healthy appearance. At the same time, they remain safe for human health. But if the treatment with the solution did not help, late blight still appeared, it is worth resorting to the protection of plants with the help of chemical fungicides: Fitosporin, Bordeaux liquid, Bactofit and others. Good luck in the fight!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33378/

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