Restoring interior doors yourself

Each item in the apartment has a specific service life. For a long time, it can remain operational, but the appearance becomes much worse, which negatively affects the interior. Such items include interior doors that are exposed to repeated exposure daily. Residents of the apartment constantly pass through them, open and close them, carry things, and clean the premises. Scuffs, scratches, dents, chips appear on the surface of the wood, and restoration of interior doors is required at some point.

restoration of interior doors

Replacing doors with new ones is not always effective, because the old ones are still in good condition and can last a long time. In addition, modern building stores have everything you need to get them in proper shape. Restoration of interior doors can be carried out at different levels:

  • minor repairs, stripping and painting;
  • stencil mount;
  • alteration of the facade;
  • creating a new form.

Each method requires a certain investment of time and money. In this regard, a comparative analysis should be carried out and the optimal solution selected. If the damage is significant, it is now easy to find new high-quality and inexpensive new doors.

What you need for restoration of doors

First of all, you need to prepare the following:

  • jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • emery cloth;
  • brushes with paint or varnish;
  • antiseptic;
  • putty;
  • primer.

Do-it-yourself restoration of interior doors

For repair, the door is removed from the hinges. On weight, it is impossible to restore it qualitatively. Then the accessories are removed from it and the glass is dismantled.

The old coating is removed with nail polish remover.

do-it-yourself restoration of interior doors
Residues are removed with a spatula, brush and other tools. In this case, you must try not to inflict even more defects on it. If the coating is not removed by liquid, the place is heated to a high temperature with an iron or a construction hairdryer.

Cracks, scratches and chips are repaired with a special putty or putty, and then the door leaf is polished and coated with an antiseptic.

Door decoration

The restoration of interior doors at the last stage consists in applying varnish or paint to it. For good adhesion, only repair varnish is used. To obtain a flat surface, painting is done with a spray gun in two or three layers.

The door can be decorated with a stencil pattern. You can cut out a form or buy a finished one. Firms producing outdoor advertisements can order vinyl stickers, selected or made according to the sketch of the customer. This decor can be removed from time to time and replaced with a new one.

The wooden texture of the door is created by pasting it with veneer. It is sold in construction stores with a different texture and adhesive base. It is heated with an iron and glued to the door in different directions to create a realistic picture of solid wood. A layer of transparent or translucent varnish is applied on top of the veneer. Restoring interior doors in this way allows you to completely hide all defects.

restoration of interior doors

Facade replacement

To change the facade, you can cut a hole with the installation of glass or make overlays.

Install new glass

Old glass is replaced with a new one. To do this, remove the glazing beads, and then carefully remove the entire sheet. For greater light transmission, the glass opening is enlarged with a circular saw. Corners are sawn with a jigsaw. The design will be more original if the glass cloth is divided into parts, each of which must be inserted separately.

After cutting it will be seen that the door inside is made in the form of honeycombs made of thick cardboard or wooden battens. All voids are filled with glued bars, the edges of which are located on the same level.

Glass plates are separated from each other by strips of wood that perform the function of a frame. They are arranged vertically in a row so that the holes are divided into several equal parts. Partitions are tightly fixed with screws. Glazing beads are glued to their inner ends and glass is inserted.

The installation of fittings ends with the restoration of interior doors. The photo below shows how they should look after full restoration with their own hands.

restoration of interior doors photo

Installation of overhead facade

The overlaid facade is installed using PVA glue. Massive products are additionally attached to the door with self-tapping screws. Smooth canvas is decorated with vinyl moldings in the form of frames or shapes. Materials for coating can be very different: rolled bamboo, rattan, fur, leather. The restoration of interior doors is done especially carefully so as not to spoil the surface.


The restoration of interior doors gives them a chance to find a new life and update the interior of the premises.

Door care extends the service life and makes them more convenient to use. In the event of a breakdown, the accessories should be immediately replaced with a new one or repaired.

Periodic polishing will add extra gloss to wooden surfaces.


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