What is personification: from admission to attitude

Nobody teaches a child to talk with inanimate toys and objects, and he talks to them, and even in all seriousness. No one attaches particular importance to the fact that, even as an adult, a person continues this communication with the inanimate world. And, once again cursing at a hovering computer or stroking the beloved car with words of gratitude, he does it so sincerely that the question involuntarily arises: "Where is such a need to endow the objective world with the qualities of living beings?" To do this, first of all, you need to know what impersonation is.

Personification of the soul

what is avatar

The term “personification” (or personification) itself has Latin roots, is stylistic and means “revival” of abstract or inanimate objects. But is animating such a plan always just a stylistic device? But it depends on the attitude and perception of the person. If he sincerely believes that everything in the world has his own soul, then we are talking about animism (animating animate and inanimate nature), and then the objects depicted by the author are a manifestation of his animistic worldview. This must always be taken into account, therefore, it is necessary to clearly define what the personification in a particular work is: whether it is stylistics or a worldview - it can only be based on the personality of the author. If you know the work of Goethe or Tyutchev well, then their examples of personification of nature can in no way be regarded as a simple literary device. These poets have a special view of the world: Goethe has a romantic one, Tyutchev has a philosophical one. By the way, Fyodor Ivanovich even has a poem on this subject, in which he speaks of nature in such a way that she has a soul, freedom, love, and language - all this needs to be felt and understood.

The need to "revive"

personification tricks

And what is the personification in Russian (and not only) folk art? After all, whatever his genre, anyone is replete with animating everything that exists and is mythical. Is it not from here and not because of this genetic memory that people still need to talk with objects? This phenomenon can not be called a stylistic device. This is proof of the continuity (community) of matter, regardless of its living or non-living manifestation. The sun always laughs, the rain cries, the blizzard howls, and the breeze caresses. There is clearly an animistic personification, examples of which have passed the test for centuries and will probably remain with the person forever.

For children and adults

impersonation examples

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on what is personification as a method of fiction . This is, first of all, allegory (stylistic transformation of the subject) and allegory, which are often used in fables and parables. In these cases, the "revitalization" of objects serves to convey to the reader the instructive aspect of the works, therefore, here the objects are selected the most suitable for the expression of a certain thought. For example, one can recall the fables of Krylov, unsurpassed in this genre, such as “Guns and Sails” and “Cauldron and Pot”. In the modern world, the creators of cartoons and commercials are widely used in avatars. If in the first case, revived cars, boots and other household items contribute to the upbringing of children: they teach them to be careful and attentive to everything around them, then in the second case, “live” chocolates or stomachs attract the attention of potential consumers and clearly explain the benefits of a product.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33388/

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