How to choose a motoblock inexpensive and reliable? Professional advice

Today you will not surprise anyone by the fact that in your possession you can have several hundred acres of land. You can use such sites in different ways, but even considering the built house for several people, there is enough space for a garden or a kitchen garden. What can we say about land in the countryside? There, such sites are amazing in size. But it’s quite difficult to process them with your hands, and indeed there’s no time left — there is always another job. So to ease your life does not hurt. Here motor blocks and cultivators come to the rescue.

What it is?

Of course, first of all, you are concerned about the question of how to choose a walk-behind tractor cheap and reliable, but knowing something about the device of this mechanism, and indeed it won’t hurt.

how to choose a walk-behind tractor inexpensive and reliable
So, the walk-behind tractor is a type of small tractor. This is a mechanical device operating on one axis. Its purpose lies mainly in the field of agricultural work. It is the facilitation of such work that is the purpose of using the walk-behind tractor.

What is the difference between a walk-behind tractor and a cultivator?

Speaking purely technically, there are very few differences between them. Or rather, just one thing - power. Naturally, from here comes the difference in size, weight, etc.

The cultivator is intended for preplant land preparation and therefore has much less power than its counterpart. In addition, motoblocks can usually still be equipped with a certain amount of attachments. Actually, this greatly expands the capabilities of the unit, thereby making its choice preferred.

In addition, there is another difference: the device of the walk-behind tractor is such that the traction here is created by the wheels. Due to this, the whole mechanism works. In turn, cultivators are equipped with working tools instead of wheels. Although this design is excellent, the most powerful models of the latter may well be compared with walk-behind tractors.

And the last - cultivators are mechanical. For small plots and beds this is enough. Moreover, the designs for such machines are enough to choose from.

Which device is better?

In fact, the question is not worth it. Just because the best walk-behind tractors and the best cultivators are aimed at completely different jobs. And so you have to choose based on the required volume, as well as the type of agricultural work.

walk-behind tractor

This is precisely the first factor that must be taken into account - for the sake of which equipment is acquired. The second factor is even simpler - the size of your site. Naturally, a device suitable for four to five hundredths will show its absolute failure on a couple of hectares. In addition, cultivators only plow the land, and yet you may need more loosening, hilling or planting. All this can be solved with the help of attachments. So the answer to the question "How to choose a walk-behind tractor inexpensive and reliable?" getting a little more complicated.

Work mechanism

This element, whatever it may be, is a rather complex mechanism. In fact, you need to understand it, since the current repair can be carried out independently.

Technically, the motoblock device can be displayed in four main parts: engine, transmission, chassis and controls. The engine is usually mounted conventional, internal combustion. The transmission, in turn, regulates the operating speed and is controlled by the gearbox - this must be the case on heavy models. However, some medium-weight cars are so equipped. The chassis is the frame and wheels, and the controls are the combined “remote control” (usually on the handles or between them) from which the owner can control the device.

motoblock device

As a matter of fact, a person who has some skills can repair any of these parts on his own. Fortunately, this is no more difficult than repairing a car. And in some ways even easier, at least in size.

What should I look for when buying?

As mentioned earlier, such a mechanism is quite complicated. Therefore, simply taking and answering how to choose an inexpensive and reliable walk-behind tractor is not possible. You’ll have to take a closer look and understand some things, unless, of course, you want to stay with nothing.

walk-behind tractor

Four factors can be considered the main ones when choosing a walk-behind tractor - once you figure them out and choose the right model, you can move on to less important issues. So, these factors are the gearbox, engine, power take-off shaft and trailer. It is about them that we will discuss later.


This factor should not be discounted in any case - after all, the lifetime of the unit depends on it. Reliability, by the way, is also determined by the gearbox. This importance of just one part of the mechanism is explained quite easily: with the help of a reducer, power is transmitted from the shaft of the internal combustion engine to the working tool of the walk-behind tractor.

If you have the opportunity, purchase models with collapsible gear. In this case, you can repair or simply replace the broken part of the mechanism. At the same time, when the gearbox is solid, it cannot be replaced or repaired - you will have to purchase a new walk-behind tractor.


All walk-behind tractors, as well as cultivators, can be divided by the class of their motors. There are three of them - household, semi-professional and professional. The differences between the engines will be in power and their resource.

The most low-power models are equipped with a two-stroke engine, and walk-behind blocks are usually equipped with 4-stroke models. Such an internal combustion engine works on gasoline or diesel.

Power take-off shaft

This detail of the mechanism can significantly increase the capabilities of the walk-behind tractor. A universal mechanism is a good bonus when choosing. It is with its help that motoblocks are equipped with attachments that can work in active mode.

the best motoblocks

In fact, there can be a lot of such devices - at least it is quite possible to attach them in turn. So seeders, irrigators, sweepers, chippers, shredders, active trailers - all this will become quite possible. But the purchase of such additional parts will cost a pretty penny - the price can be even higher than that of the main device itself.


Some models of walk-behind tractors are equipped with trailers. This turns the best walk-behind tractors into mini transporters. But such a modification requires a certain gearbox mechanism — the gear ratio should be high enough for your miniature tractor to move faster than the cochlea.

motor block operation

However, walk-behind tractors with trolleys work quite well, because otherwise they simply would not spend money on the production of such attachments.

How to choose a motoblock inexpensive and reliable?

In fact, there are not so many inexpensive and reliable devices. Yes, and they, at first glance, may seem too expensive. Nevertheless, you can use, for example, the Luch motoblock. This model is no longer available, but it's quite possible to find a used device. And do not let this “scary” abbreviation b / y scare you. In fact, such devices are extremely reliable. This is because the Luch motoblock is designed in such a way that the owner can replace all the parts on his own. That is, care falls on your shoulders. But at the same time, many problems can be avoided. Constantly change only grease and belts.

walk-behind tractor instruction

There is another option - the domestic Sich walk-behind tractor. They are more modern and are available even now. Actually, this is the most optimal choice - a new walk-behind tractor with sufficient reliability. In addition, this is one of the few models that are produced in the countries of the former USSR.

Motor block operation

There is nothing complicated in using a walk-behind tractor. Nevertheless, you need to know a few rules. They are indicated only so that you do not make a mistake. Since this technique is quite dangerous when used improperly, it is justified. So, let's look at which instruction is attached to such a mechanism as a walk-behind tractor.

  • The place of work must be cleared - all third-party objects can severely damage the walk-behind tractor.
  • The engine is started in neutral with the clutch off.
  • Long work on the soil with a strong slope (more than 15 degrees) is better to avoid.
  • Learn the mechanism - each walk-behind tractor is equipped with several devices to quickly turn off the engine.
  • You should not touch the exhaust pipe or wires during operation, otherwise you risk a burn.

So, we have figured out how to choose a motor block cheap and reliable for the garden.


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