How horned animals differ: a review of the horns

The fauna of the Earth is incredibly rich. The planet is inhabited by a variety of interesting creatures - predators, herbivores - everyone has their own individual appearance. Horned animals are representatives of herbivores. There are domesticated cattle, and there are wild ones. Their horns also differ in size and shape, for example, cow from deer.

large horned animal


Domestic horned animals are cows, bali, yaks. They are all characterized by large dimensions and the presence of horns. The horns of artiodactyls are peculiar processes growing from the skull, are far from each other, grow mainly in the sides. The horns of cows and yaks are inherent in both males and females. With their help, the herd is fighting for the championship in the herd. And why do they have cows? And they are given by nature to large herbivores so that they can protect themselves and their young from the attack of predators. This is the main weapon for large, clearly visible individuals. It is believed that the larger the size of the cow’s horn, the more milk it will produce. Science has not proved this dependence, but farmers are guided by such an omen and have proved in practice that a connection takes place.

What do the horns of rams and goats look like?

Horned animals are diverse in appearance, and everyone has different horns. In cows, they have a straight shape, a wide base and a thin, pointed tip. Sheep and goats are completely different. There are shapes reminiscent of a corkscrew (for a goat-horned goat), bent by a sickle (for a ram), argali have spiral horns, and the Siberian goat is armed with “weapons” similar to sabers. Domestic sheep have not as big horns as their wild relatives, they are mostly twisted by a donut. Such bagels cannot be done much harm, but they can frighten off a predator and distract them for a while. The goats have a strong weapon that has remained unchanged for many centuries, they are sharp, thin and can severely injure a predator or rival.

horned animals

Elk: animal description

The largest species of the deer family is moose. This is a cloven-hoofed mammal, a herbivore, a very large horned animal. A mighty lanky giant inhabiting forests. These majestic horned animals are beautiful. Males weigh up to six hundred kilograms; the maximum body length reaches three and a half meters. The height at the withers, which has the shape of a hump, is often found at two and a half meters. The appearance of moose is very different from other deer, in the first place - this is the horns. It is also a humpback withers, long legs. An elk cannot bend fully to the ground, so often, in order to drink, he needs to go deep into the water or stand on his front knees to eat. Elk is a treasured prey for hunters. Everything in this animal is appreciated - meat, skins, and even horns - they adorn the walls, make hangers for outerwear.

moose animal description

Features of elk horns

The moose cow is called because of its horns - their structure resembles a plow. Male moose have the largest horns of all living mammals. Their size can reach two meters, and weight - more than thirty kilograms. Females have none at all. Every year, elk drops old horns in autumn, grows new ones during the year. They have a spade-like shape, from the large plane horny processes depart. These processes can be used to judge the age of the succulent. To get rid of annoying horns, moose rub against them on trees, it happens that the horns get stuck in branches and shrubs through which the beast made its way. Often, an elk loses them in battle.

The horns that the elk threw down are structurally different from those obtained by shooting an animal. The discarded ones have a grayish color, a porous structure. The horns of the killed elk are light and dense, therefore they are much more valued. The elk horns are grayish brown on the upper side, and inside, closer to the middle, almost white. For crafts use specimens of young individuals - fifteen-centimeter. They make whole small items decorated with carvings.


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