Cotton wool kaolin: advantages and scope

Cotton wool kaolin consists of mullite-siliceous fibers and belongs to the category of heat-insulating materials. It is fire resistant and is also used to fill voids in masonry and seal slotted holes.

cotton wool kaolin


Material is usually sold in the form of rolls. It is made in the process of melting oxides of silicon and aluminum when exposed to high temperatures in special furnaces. Kaolin cotton wool has been actively used for many years to insulate buildings and surpasses many other materials in its characteristics. Despite the modern variety of other products with similar properties, it is becoming increasingly popular and has found its application in the industrial field. It acts as insulation in thermal devices, combustion chambers, heat exchangers and turbines. The greatest distribution is noted in metallurgy. Also kaolin wool is used in the manufacture of plates and other molded elements.

The material is characterized by a high level of sound and heat insulation, resistance to vibration loads and deformation. In addition, cotton wool has other properties that are not characteristic of many materials with a similar purpose. The insulating agent is not affected by high temperatures in an oxidizing and neutral environment, while the level of stability can be increased through the use of chromium oxides. Despite this, the main property of retaining heat is significantly reduced in reducing environments.

refractory materials


Vata MKRR-130 is ideally suited for creating brake pads, insulation of arches of furnaces and wall structures. Its minimum weight reduces the amount of time and effort required for installation, and also reduces the cost of fuel and lubricants. It is worth noting other positive aspects:

  • carefully cleaned fibers are highly resistant to devitrification;
  • minimum level of heat storage;
  • resistance to thermal shock;
  • preservation of initial characteristics during repeated use;
  • high degree of sound insulation;
  • not subject to the influence of chemical aggressive substances, alkalis and metal melts;
  • inert to mineral-based oils, vapors and water;
  • electrical insulation characteristics remain the same even when exposed to high temperatures.

μd 130


Refractory kaolin wool is made from alumina, the basis of which is quartz sand. In a special ore-thermal furnace, melting is performed at a temperature within 1800 degrees. There are three electrodes in the melting zone, while there are only two at the production site. The blowing technique is used to melt the material, it is based on exposure to special steam, provided that there is a pressure of about 0.7 MPa. The ejection nozzle ensures the passage of the entire blowing process. Liquid binders, clay, or cement may act as binders.

Kaolin cotton wool is sold in rolls up to 10 meters long, thickness and width are 2 cm and 60 cm, respectively. It is characterized by elasticity, which ensures a snug fit to any design. Today, manufacturers are trying to improve the material by adding additional components, for example, yttrium oxide. Due to this, the stability of the fibers is improved and the possibilities of use are expanded.

Fire Resistant Materials

Refractory materials are made from a mineral base and are resistant to high temperatures, while their characteristics remain unchanged. They are indispensable in the metallurgical industry for carrying out distillation, vaporizing and other processes, creating high-temperature mechanisms (motors, reactors) and parts for them. After use, refractories are sent for recycling.

Most often, products of this type are rectangular in shape and light in weight, making them optimally suitable for various linings. Currently, there is a decrease in the production of simple refractories, as more and more attention is paid to the production of special mortars and concrete that are resistant to high temperatures.

cotton wool kaolin refractory

Refractory materials: manufacturing methods

Materials have a ceramic base, are made of refractory borides, nitrides, oxides and have a high level of chemical inertness and strength. A carbon compound is also often used. Refractories retain their properties when exposed to temperatures of 1600 degrees and are used in many areas where it becomes necessary to carry out any action under given conditions. According to the method of forming products are divided into several types:

  • hot pressed;
  • molten, fused from the melt;
  • plastic formation;
  • molded based on liquid foam slurry;
  • Sawed from processed blocks or rocks.


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