6 places for budget shopping. Where in Moscow to buy clothes, bypassing big expenses?

Agree, it often happens that the financial situation leaves much to be desired, and the need for things of prime necessity cannot evaporate by itself. And perhaps it’s hard for someone to imagine that in a city full of opportunities, such a question can generally be raised. After all, shops and shopping centers are simply full of signs everywhere, inviting and attracting potential buyers. But sometimes, even at first glance, inexpensive brands of clothing are not available. What to do and where in Moscow to buy clothes, having the very minimum funds? About this - in today's article.


Probably wondering where to buy cheap clothes in Moscow, the first thing that comes to mind is a second-hand. And if earlier these places were considered something second-rate, today the attitude towards them has changed in order. Today in second-hand fashion you can often meet fashionable youth in search of their own unique style. Prices in commissions vary depending on the popularity of the place and the state of things. By the way, the statement that wardrobe items in such places a priori from someone else’s shoulder is erroneous. Since current second-hand clothes often sell clothes and new ones with tags. In the capital there are a large number of seconds, where the price of clothes depends on its weight, i.e. the harder things are, the higher the price.

second hand

Stock centers

Another place in Moscow where you can buy clothes and shoes without causing much harm to the family budget is discount centers. All unsold collections from stores are brought here to sell them at a lower price. Quite a lot of good things come across if you come here to the opening itself, while the influx of buyers is not very large. The most popular places to buy clothes in Moscow include: a stock center at 11 Ordzhonikidze, and an outlet center in Black Dirt.

where to buy clothes in Moscow

Sales in the shopping center

Surprisingly, many people still believe that buying things presented in shopping centers is expensive. It's not like that at all. Today, even those whose "finances are singing romances" can easily afford the clothes from the shops of the mass market. Especially when you consider that during seasonal sales, many wardrobe items can do with a 50-80% discount. As a rule, the biggest sales take place when the seasons change and before the New Year. In many cities, there are many large shopping centers, providing a choice of where to buy clothes. In Moscow, these include Metropolis, Vegas and Atrium.

Discount Center

Auchan and Surname

Most often, the Auchan hypermarket is perceived as a place for shopping for products and household chemicals. However, in addition to this, all Auchan stores also have departments with clothes and shoes for children, women and men. And often the prices are minimal. For example, a children's cotton t-shirt with a long sleeve will cost 200-300 rubles, men's demi-season boots - 1000-1500, women's - 1000 rubles. A large number of clothes for home. During periods of sales, you can buy very good things at ridiculous prices. Another place offering where to buy clothes in Moscow is the Familia chain of stores with their huge assortment of clothes and shoes for the whole family at a very reasonable cost.


And so where would our mothers and grandmothers go in search of cheap clothes - so it’s in the markets. Long rows, talkative sellers and a nostalgic note reminiscent of the times when bazaars were not only a place of sale, but also a space for leisure and communication. But I must say that prices in the markets have long ceased to be ridiculous, but rather approximated in stores. But there are still places where it is possible to buy cheap clothes in Moscow. These include: "Gardener", "Moscow" in Lublin and "Dubrovka".

Online stores

And of course, the favorite nowadays by many and perhaps the last place on our list is online stores. 15 years ago it was hard to believe that buying things without leaving your home would become a reality. But progress does not stand still, and here we have hundreds of sites with a wide variety of offers. Just click the mouse, and the courier with the ordered item is already on the road. And although to this day there are doubts about the reliability and reasonableness of online purchases, why not try? In recent years, there has simply been a boom in orders for clothes from China in Russia. As you know, even in shopping centers things hanging on hangers are often made in China. And the prices in Chinese open spaces, for example, on Aliexpress, are really minimal. For example, a women's blouse will cost about 500-600 rubles, a men's shirt - 600-800, and an elegant dress for a baby - 400 rubles. Buyers need to be more careful, the same product from two sellers can cost differently. Therefore, a little accustomed to the online store website, you can find your favorite things at the lowest prices.

online shopping

As practice once again shows, there is a way out of any situation. Therefore, do not despair when financial difficulties occur and your favorite store is no longer affordable, and the question of where in Moscow to buy inexpensive clothes spoils your mood. After all, if you take some difficulties with money as a game and try to be passionate about finding and choosing budget, but beautiful clothes, then this can become an interesting hobby. And at the same time it will help to save the nerves, which, as you know, are more expensive than money.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33397/

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