How to calculate pipe surface area

The term "pipe surface area" from the course of geometry becomes vital during installation and construction. The paint can label contains direct or indirect information about the consumption of material per 1 square meter of surface.

The calculation of the quadrature of the surface of the floor, walls and doors is performed by multiplying the length of the object by the width. Measuring the dimensions of the room with a tape measure will give the wizard useful information for calculations.

pipe surface area

But, in addition to rectangular surfaces, the house has a network of water, heat and gas. Determine the financing of the event called “pipe painting” will help calculate the surface area.

Where are bulk metal elements used?

In Russia, six classes of pipes are produced:

Product class

Application area


Low pressure water and gas transportation.

Production of auxiliary structures in construction.


High and low pressure water and gas transportation


Tying units with high temperature and pressure operation


Oilfield equipment


Bearing structural elements of cars, wagons, cranes


Billets of parts of the engineering industry: receivers, bearings, injector cylinders.

The production of metal and plastic products, reinforced concrete and polyvinyl chloride has been established. With a variety of materials, 90 percent of engineering structures for the passage of water, heat and gas in Russia are made of steel. Metal requires corrosion protection. To calculate the amount of protective coating, the surface area of ​​the pipe is calculated.

pipe surface area calculation

Application of the calculation formula

Information about the quadrature of the outer surface of the round figure is necessary for designers, cost estimators, installers and equipment prevention and repair masters, for example, when solving problems:

1. The volume of thermal energy of the “floor heating” design or heating radiators.

2. Losses of the body during transportation from the point of delivery to the border of the balance sheet of the networks.

3. The amount of the cost of protecting the metal from corrosion. The main elements are covered with paint and bitumen varnish. An accurate calculation of the area will prevent the inappropriate use of paint.

4. The amount and cost of insulating material. For example, the distance from the collector of the thermal power plant to the residential village is 2 kilometers. The length of the housing estate is three kilometers. A total of 5 kilometers of trunk networks will require insulation material. The area is required to be calculated without wasting financial resources on the purchase of mineral wool, fiberglass and aluminum foil.

The inside of the pipe is not painted or insulated. But to calculate the speed of water movement, you need to know the internal area. In main water pipelines with a diameter of 1.4 m, the friction of water on the inner walls can be neglected. But on structures with a diameter of 20-30 cm after 10 years of operation, salt deposits are recorded. Corrosion worsens the condition of the inner walls, the speed of the water flow decreases.

pipe surface area formula

Cylindrical designs

The usual form of an overpass is a cylinder with the same diameter at the beginning and at the end. The calculation of the surface area of ​​the pipe for painting and thermal insulation is carried out, mentally sawing the structure along, we get a rectangle with the parameters:

T is the length of the figure, equal to the length of the product.

W - the width of the figure, equal to the circumference of the construct.

The length is measured, the diameter D is marked at the end of the pipe with indelible paint or branding.

The circumference of the cylinder is calculated by multiplying the diameter D by the constant "Pi". The number Pi will be taken to the fifth decimal place 3.14159. Find the area P of the cylindrical pipe.

P = W * T

P = 3.14159 * D * T

For a highway with a length of 5 kilometers and a diameter of 1.0 m, it will be necessary to paint the area

3.14159 * 1.0 * 5000 = 15708 sq.m.

An interested reader can create an electronic tablet in the EXCEL program for calculating the surface area of ​​the pipe painting, so as not to constantly get the calculator.

calculation of the surface area of ​​the pipe for painting

Truncated Cone Detail

Pipes are used not only of circular cross section, but also rectangular and oval in cross section. The dimensions of one end may differ from the parameters of the second end, for example, in a pipe in the form of a truncated cone. An example of a truncated cone is an ordinary bucket. The diameter of the bottom of the bucket is less than the diameter of the top.

The science of geometry will come to the rescue here too. The standard formula for the surface area of ​​a pipe in the form of a truncated cone is as follows:

P = 3.14159 * (P + p) * T, where

P is the desired surface area;

P is the radius of a larger diameter;

p is the radius of a smaller diameter;

T is the length of the product.

The radius is half the diameter. Remember that the ends are marked.

Let the pipeline be made to order with the parameters P = 1.0 m and p = 0.8 m. The length will be 1 kilometer. Then the outer surface of the pipe is equal to:

P n = 3.1415 * (1.0 + 0.8) * 1000 = 2827 sq.m.

pipe inner surface area

The inner surface of the part

The inner diameter is marked at the end. In the absence of a factory mark, the diameter inside the pipe "B" is calculated by the formula:

B = D - 2 * C, where C is the wall thickness.

Next, the calculation of the internal surface area of ​​the pipe is carried out according to the already known formula, only instead of the parameter D use the parameter "B".

P in = 3.1415 * B * T.

Let us return to the considered example with a cylinder. To the known parameters, we add the wall thickness C = 0.1 m. Then the surface area of ​​the inner cone is

P in = 3.14159 * (1.0 - 0.1 * 2) * 5000 = 12566 sq.m.

Heat preservation

Insulation of heating pipes reduces heat loss not only in the central highway, but also in the volumetric room, where the path between the boiler and the living rooms passes through the cold auxiliary rooms.

The difference between the heat conductors and the installation method requires a choice, taking into account the installation location and material properties. Manufacturers offer several types of insulation element:

  • glass wool in cutting rolls; after wrapping around the pipe, it is pulled by a wire and covered with aluminum foil or roofing material on top;
  • basalt cotton wool in the plates; installation technology like glass wool;
  • a flexible pipe made of foamed foil polyethylene with a slit along the product for installation; use for internal engineering networks;
  • Liquid thermal insulation is used on already laid pipelines when there is no room for maneuver with other materials.
  • polystyrene in the form of two detachable pipe halves; during installation, the halves of the shell are put on the pipe, combined and fixed with construction tape; foam insulation is used repeatedly.

The square of the coating material depends on the thickness of the insulation. The formula for the surface area of ​​thermal insulation in this case looks like this:

P = 3.14159 * D * T * K, where

D is the outer diameter of the pipe;

T is the length of the pipe;

K is a variable correction factor for the thickness of the insulation.

To calculate the area of ​​insulation, construction calculators have been developed.

pipe surface area

Paint for pipe

The volume of paint O to the insulation of a metal pipeline is considered by the formula

O k = P * Y, where

About to - the volume of paint;

P is the surface area of ​​the pipe;

U - specific rate of paint consumption per 1 sq. M of surface (we take from the paint label).

Paint consumption is chosen for metal surfaces, taking into account the number of layers applied.

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