Design in the second younger group: tips and examples

Any child likes to create crafts with their own hands. Nothing that is uneven, oblique, crooked, but he did it himself. Children love to sculpt different figures from dough (plasticine), glue applications, draw with paints, pencils, chalk, etc. They are capable of creativity from a year old. That the kid did not like this lesson, it is necessary to develop it daily. From 3 years old, children can be entrusted with scissors in order to learn how to cut simple shapes and help them in a new direction - paper construction. The younger group is only studying a new type of activity, so be patient with children.

Acquaintance with a new kind of creativity

So the moment came when you entrusted the baby with scissors. Now learn to apply them in practice. Usually, construction begins in the second younger group. They need to be taught how to cut simple figures. In order for children to be interested in studying, they come up with different games or fairy tales on the subject. At the same time, teachers form the ability to listen to children, teach different techniques with paper, introduce children to geometric shapes (basic: circle, square, oval, triangle). During training, the kids develop memory, attention, imagination, fine and large motor skills, orientation in space. The task of the educator, in addition to the above, is to teach children neatness, use materials sparingly and leave a clean place after their work. In the first lessons, the teacher prepares the material himself, and only later offers the child to learn how to cut out all the necessary figures for the lesson.

Designing in DOW: younger group

For children 2-3 years old, the teacher suggests making crafts from blanks. As a rule, construction in the second junior group begins at the beginning of the half-year with simple stripes. The teacher gives them the same length and width a few pieces. Let's try to make a "bunny". Take one strip and glue its ends. The head turned out. Glue the ears in separate strips. Separately, we make a bridge to which the head is attached. Look at the pictures of what a hare looks like.

construction in the second younger group

Near him, help the baby make grass, flowers, a bridge, etc. Let the baby help you fantasize. Eyes can be made from buttons or just cut out circles of colored paper. In the same way we make a nose and a mouth. Kids will love the design. The second younger group is the age when the kids are very inquisitive and can easily fantasize. Help them develop in this direction.

Construction. Kutsakova: second youngest group

There is a very interesting construction technique for children. It is called origami. Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova (famous teacher) offers to use this technique from an early age. She claims that the sooner you begin to work with the baby, the faster and easier it will be given to design. In the second younger group, children are taught only the basics, and educators or parents help them in the process of work. Consider what Kutsakova offers.

Cut a rectangle out of paper and fold it in half. Thus, as in the photo.

construction 2 younger group

From this, you can make almost any animal. Children are very fond of dogs, so you can make a four-legged friend. To do this, you need cardboard or any other paper, but denser. Scissors, pencil and paints or felt-tip pens. On cardboard folded in half, you need to draw a body, tail, paws. On another cardboard (separately), draw a head and neck. While not cut, paint with your favorite colors, stains, etc. Cut all parts. Then stick the head to the body. Thus, you can make not only a dog, but also any beast. With this design, children perfectly remember colors, shapes, numbers, etc.

Origami flashlight for children 3-4 years old

It is very difficult for any child in the early preschool age to create DIY crafts. This is especially true for design. Do not scold him if you canโ€™t. He is trying, just skills are still very few. It's not at all difficult to make a flashlight. This is a voluminous craft, and is done relatively briefly. To get started, take a rectangle folded in half. In centimeter from each other, make cuts of strips from one edge to another. Expand the paper and see that you have cuts across the sheet as shown.

paper construction junior group

Fold them with a flashlight and glue these two sides. That's all. It remains to make a pen, and you can put a flashlight for decoration somewhere. Designing in the second younger group is fun and carefree.

DIY garlands

Probably the easiest task for kids. Cut several strips 3-5 cm long. The main thing is that they are multi-colored. Show the children how to glue the strip into the ring. Let them do it with you. Slip the second strip into the first ring and glue another circle. Then put the third into the second, etc.

Kutsakovโ€™s construction, the second younger group

The main thing is that the same colors are not nearby. During this lesson, you will fix colors and learn new ones. Teach your child to think. Such construction in the second junior group is considered one of the easy tasks. This team work is best done. One group of children glues from the right edge, the other from the left. Make a long and bright garland.

Tips for parents and carers

A very important point that should not be missed is scissors. They must be rounded. Always during work, adults should not leave the kids a single step. After all, they have dangerous objects. During the construction period, not only technology learns with children. Pay attention to colors, geometric shapes, paper weight, etc. You can even make crafts from newsprint. Children love a subject like design. The 2nd younger group is just learning it, so show as much warmth and patience as possible.

constructing in the dow younger group
Even if the baby does not succeed, but you see that he is trying, be sure to praise him. For children 2-3 years old, it is very important to hear that they can do the job. No need to do difficult tasks right away. To begin with, let the baby crumple the paper or tear it. This is the first thing that a child should be able to and love. When there is a complete acquaintance with the material, then just proceed to the main task. Construction in the second younger group is more difficult than in older children, since there are still no necessary skills and experience. Only thanks to adults, the baby develops the accuracy of movement and orientation in space. Before doing origami type crafts, teach your kid to just fold paper or cardboard in half. Only when the child learns to understand where the center is, he will start to make crafts. Develop children every day, let them please you with their success.


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