Clothing "Pierre Cardin": a success story

Clothing "Pierre Cardin" is known everywhere, which is not surprising. Excellent quality, unique and quite practical styles are the formula for the perfect suit. The fashion designer himself knows a lot not only in fashion, but also understands the restaurant and hotel business, cinema and art. You can get to know celebrity a little closer by reading this article.

Curriculum Vitae

Pierre Cardin was born on July 2, 1922 in an Italian commune called San Biagio di Callalta, which is located in the province of Treviso, Venice. Already in childhood, the future designer knew very well how he could defeat many and how to leave a mark in this world.

Pierre Cardin

So, from the age of fourteen, Pierre studied the craftsmanship of tailoring and tailoring from a local tailor, moonlighting as an apprentice. The creator quickly and excellently put the acquired knowledge into practice. He worked as a theater artist and created costumes for a number of productions, while simultaneously being listed in the Red Cross department. In 1946, he made costumes for the film "Beauty and the Beast" by Jean Cocteau.

The end of World War II woke up the desire for change, because of which Carden moved to a romantic and free French city - Paris. Here, for three years, the young man worked in the studio of the already famous fashion designer Christian Dior. The experience gained within the walls of this fashion house had a significant impact on the future fate of the novice designer.

The beginning of the way

1950 - the year the foundation of its own fashion house. After several years of painstaking work, the world saw the first show of Pierre Cardin clothes - these were luxurious ballroom toilets. Spectators and critics were pleasantly surprised by what they saw. Ladies could purchase a demi-season coat with futuristic abstractions.

pierre cardin clothing for women

In 1954, a unique concept of a ball dress was demonstrated in a specialized women's fashion store Eva, which brought unprecedented popularity to the fashion designer. Then Pierre Cardin creates clothes for men. At first, the line was made up of extravagant ties with floral print shirts. Novelties could be seen in the new Adam store of Cardin.

Pierre Cardin's debut ready-to-wear collection of women's clothing was presented in 1959 at the Printemps department store in Paris. The show was delighted, and the couturier received well-deserved praise.

pierre cardin clothing for men

The Space Age collection conveyed an extraordinary vision of the future fashion. Knitted white stockings, tabards over leggings and a “tubular” style of dresses found their place here. Four years later, Pierre created his own carden fabric using heavy-duty fibers and interspersed with various geometric patterns.

Entering new segments

In 1966, the designer became interested in the children's world, after which a children's boutique was opened. At the show, triplets were featured.

And not only innovations for children. Pierre was one of the first seriously interested in denim and used denim in his models. In the seventies, he even developed a design for NASA. Carden became the only person who tried on the suit of Neil Armstrong himself, in which the astronaut took a step on the moon.

carden men's clothing

Created for the theater. He created costumes for the incredible plays "Lady with Camellias" (Broadway) and "Portrait" (Free Theater of Nina Chusova). Also, his refined taste and an extraordinary look is noticeable in the film "Ladies' Tailor" by Jean Bouillet.

The designer has patented the following elements, without which no fashionista or fashionista can live:

  • multi-colored stockings;
  • mini sundresses;
  • ties with floral art;
  • long jackets that do not have a collar;
  • skinny pants with buttons.

Also considered a pioneer in the world of unisex. What can I say, a couturier knows his job for sure.

Worldwide recognition

Clothing "Pierre Cardin" first conquered the eastern markets: Japan, China and Russia. Until that moment, the described zones were considered unpromising and had nothing to do with the fashion world.

For his invaluable contribution to the development of art, Pierre was awarded many awards:

  1. Commander of the Legion of Honor.
  2. Commander of the National Order of Merit.
  3. Big gold medal sep.
  4. Order of Merit of the third degree in Ukraine.
  5. Order of Francis Scorina.
  6. Order of Friendship.
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The fashion designer is an honorary member of the French Academy of Fine Arts, the Russian Academy of Arts and the Goodwill Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The Victoria and Albert Museum of London organized a retrospective exhibition of Pierre Cardin clothing. The event was represented by one hundred outstanding models of different periods of his work.

Pierre Cardin today

The fashionable avant-garde has found himself in other areas. His property includes numerous real estate near the Champs Elysees in the eighth Paris district, the theater complex Espacee Pierre Cardin (formerly Café des Ambassadeurs), the restaurant "Maxim".

pierre cardin biography

Although the man is already more than 90 years old, he still manages to create, and the world pleases both women and men clothing “Pierre Cardin” Many are interested in who will go to such an influential fashion house (it is interesting that Gucci and LVMH have heard the refusal). And Pierre will pull the plot to the last.


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