Shmelev I. S., "The Summer of the Lord": summary. "Summer of the Lord": autobiographical novel

Between 1927 and 1948, Shmelev created this novel. “The Summer of the Lord,” a summary of which we will consider, is one of the most famous works of this writer. It was first published in full in Paris in 1948. I.A. Ilyin and Natalia, his wife, dedicated his novel Shmelev. "The Summer of the Lord," a summary of which we will describe, is an autobiographical work. Through the eyes of a simple boy, it describes life in a merchant patriarchal family. Father Shmelev was called Sergey Ivanovich, as was Father Vania from the novel "The Summer of the Lord." The content of the main events of the work is also autobiographical. It is known that the devout old man Gorkin, a former carpenter, was the tutor of Ivan Shmelev. A hero with the same surname and in the same role is presented in the novel.

Summary of the Lord

We now turn to the brief content of the work. The novel "The Summer of the Lord" begins as follows.

Clean monday

In the Zamoskvoretsky house, owned by the father of the main character, a boy Vanya wakes up. Everything is ready for Lent, and it begins. The boy hears Vasil Vasilich, the senior clerk, scolding his father. The fact is that his people yesterday arranged the Shrove Tuesday. They got drunk and rolled the people from the slides, while nearly mutilating the audience. Sergei Ivanovich, the father of Vanya, is known to many in Moscow. He is a contractor, an energetic and kind owner. Father after dinner forgives Vasil Vasilich.

ivan bumblebee summer summaries

When evening comes, Vanya, together with Gorkin, goes to church. Lenten services begin here. The boy’s companion, Gorkin, used to be a carpenter. He is already old, so he stopped working. This man is now just taking care of Vanya, living "at home".


Spring morning. The boy looks out the window. He sees the cellars filled with ice. Then Vanya goes with Gorkin for supplies to the Lenten market. The Annunciation comes. Everyone on this day must certainly make someone happy. The boy's father decides to forgive Denis, who drank the owners' revenue. Comes Solodovkin, a merchant of songbirds. According to custom, they all release them together. In the evening they learn that their father’s barges were “cut off” due to the ice drift. However, the father, along with his assistants, catches them.


Next, we will tell about the events that happened on Easter, we will describe their brief content. The "Summer of the Lord" continues with the fact that in the parish church the father of the boy arranges illumination. It also happens in the Kremlin. The festive dinner begins. The owners eat in the yard with the workers. New workers come to be hired after the holidays. The Iveron Icon of the Virgin is brought into the house in order to pray to her before starting work.

Vanya, along with Gorkin, goes to Trinity for birches on the Vorobyovy Gory. Then he goes for flowers with his father. The church, decorated with greenery and flowers, on the day of the holiday turns into a real "sacred garden."

Apple Spas

bumblebee summer

Apple Spas - Transfiguration is already approaching. In the garden, they pick apples. Then Gorkin and Vanya go to the merchant Krapivkin in the Swamp to sell them. A lot of apples are required: for oneself, for a parable, for workers, for parishioners.


Snowy frosty winter. Christmas is coming. In order to “praise Christ”, a shoemaker appears in the house along with the boys. They play a little performance about King Herod. Then come the beggars who are served in honor of the holiday. As always, dinner is arranged for all the wretched. Van is always interesting to watch various outlandish people.

Christmas time

Now we have reached the time of Christmas time, describing the summary. The “Summer of the Lord," as you have probably noticed, is built on events related to Orthodox holidays. During Christmas time, the boy’s parents went to the theater, and he goes to the people in the kitchen. Gorkin invites Van to fortune-telling, using the "circle of King Solomon." Each saying is read out to him. True, Gorkin himself chooses these sayings, taking advantage of the fact that others do not know the letter. Only Vanya reveals his cunning. Gorkin is motivated by the desire to read the most instructive and appropriate for each person.


In the Moscow River at Baptism they bless water. At this time, many decide to swim in the hole, including Gorkin. Vasil Vasilich competes with the German Iceman. They argue about who will be able to stay longer in the water. Both are cunning: Vasil Vasilich is rubbed with goose fat, and the German with pork. The soldier competes with them, and honestly, without resorting to tricks. As a result, Vasil Vasilich becomes the winner. And the father takes this soldier as a guard.


Lord's summer chapter summary

Further, the celebration of Shrovetide is described by Ivan Shmelev ("The Summer of the Lord"). A summary of the events associated with it is as follows. Workers are taken to bake pancakes. The bishop arrives. Chef Garanka is invited to prepare treats for the holiday. On Saturday, everyone skates from the mountains, and the next day they ask each other for forgiveness before Lent. All this is described in detail by Shmelev ("The Summer of the Lord"). The content of further events should also be briefly highlighted.

summer of lord content

Vanya, together with Gorkin, is going to "put things in order" at the icebreaker. The fact is that Vasil Vasilich drinks all the time, and the ice needs to be delivered in time to the customer on time. It suddenly turns out that day laborers do an excellent job with this task without it. Vasil Vasilich loved these people very much. Every day he gives them a beer.

Petrovsky post

The summer Petrovsky post begins . Glasha’s seamstress, maid Masha, Vanya and Gorkin go to rinse their clothes on the Moscow River. Here, in port mine, one guy lives, Denis. He fell in love with Masha and wants to marry her. Denis asks Gorkin to talk to the girl.

Don Icon Festival

The solemn procession takes place on the feast of the Don Icon. It is about him that is described later in the work "The Summer of the Lord." The summary of the chapters outlines events only in general terms, so we will not dwell on the details. Of all the churches in Moscow carry banners. Soon the time of Intercession will come. In Vanya’s house, cucumbers are salted, Antonovka is wet, chopped cabbage. Masha and Denis are exchanging barbs. Katyusha, Vanya’s sister, is born on the very holiday. And Masha and Denis finally get married.

Name day of Sergei Ivanovich and Gorkin

A surprise is being prepared for Sergey Ivanovich. The workers want to give him on a name day a pretzel of enormous size, which says: "To the good master." In violation of all the rules, Vasil Vasilich arranges church ringing when they bring this pretzel. Name day pass perfectly. Sergey Ivanovich accepts many congratulations. Pies are brought from all over Moscow. The bishop himself arrives at the house. Vasil Vasilich cries when he receives a blessing from him.

bumblebee summer

Mikhailov’s day is coming . Now Ivan Shmelev ("Summer of the Lord") tells us about the celebration of Gorkin's name day. Gorkin, too, everyone loves. Rich gifts are bestowed upon him by Vanya's father.

Christmas and fasting

Preparations for the Christmas fast begin. Pelageya Ivanovna arrives, father’s aunt. She's like a "fool". Predictions lurk in this woman's jokes. Christmas is coming. Father begins to build an "ice house" in the Zoological Garden. Andrei the carpenter and Denis tell him how to do this. It turns out just wonderful. Father is glorified throughout Moscow. Although, of course, no profit from this enterprise can be expected. Vanya congratulates the "proud proud man", godfather Kashin, on Angel Day.

The boy speaks with Gorkin during the Crucifix week. Vanya is doing this for the first time. This year's house has a lot of bad omens. Gorkin and father see ominous dreams. They dream of how the "serpentine color" blooms - a terrible flower.

Palm Sunday, Easter

Palm Sunday is approaching. Coal miners bring a willow from the forest. Easter. Grishka the janitor, who missed the service in the church, is doused with ice water. Vanya and Gorkin go to the Kremlin in Holy Week. They walk around the cathedrals here.

Egoriev day

Egoriev day is coming. The boy listens to songs performed by shepherds. Again, bad omens: the starlings did not arrive, the dog Bushui howls, the furrier slipped a sacrilegious picture instead of a saint.

The accident with Sergei Ivanovich

Now Radunitsa is the commemoration of the departed for Easter. Vanya and Gorkin go to cemeteries. Having stopped on the way back to the tavern, they find out the terrible news: Vanya’s father “was killed by the horse”. However, Sergei Ivanovich remains alive. But since then he has been sick all the time. Sergei Ivanovich broke his head when he fell from a restless horse. After a while, he feels better. Vanya’s father goes to the bathhouse. After that, he does feel healthy. Sergey Ivanovich goes to Vorobevka to admire Moscow. He again begins to ride on construction sites. However, the disease returns.

The following is a prayer service by Ivan Shmelev ("The Summer of the Lord"). The icon of the healer Panteleimon is brought into the house . For a short time, the patient becomes better. Doctors say there is no hope. In parting, Sergei Ivanovich blesses the children. It is clear to everyone that he will die soon. Sergei Ivanovich assemble.

Father's name funeral

Ivan Bumblebee

The work itself and its brief content are already approaching the finale. The "Summer of the Lord" continues with a description of the father's name day. Once again pies and congratulations come from everywhere. However, these gifts seem to be a mockery to the family of the dying. A priest appears to read the waste. The boy falls asleep. Vanya has a joyful dream. The next morning, he learns that Sergei Ivanovich has passed away. Van is doing bad at his grave. The boy gets sick. He is not able to go to the funeral and only through the window he watches the removal of the coffin.

This concludes the summary. The Summer of the Lord is a work worth reading in the original. From it you can learn about the customs and traditions of our country, about its Orthodox culture.


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