How to connect gas: procedure and rules for connection, requirements, documents

Natural gas is considered to be the most economically viable raw material for heating private homes. Highways supplying “blue fuel” are laid today in many towns and villages. But connection to them should be made, of course, in compliance with certain safety rules. The owner of the house must obtain permission for this procedure and issue it accordingly. Below in the article and consider how to connect gas to the house.

Main stages

The gasification process is often a lengthy and, of course, costly procedure. However, the costs of tapping into the highway of a private house subsequently quickly pay off. Gasification of suburban residential buildings in several stages:

  • the owner of the house chooses the type of supply;

  • in the gas service a draft of technical specifications is being drawn up;

  • a pipe extends from the main highway to the house;

  • a gasification project for the house is being drawn up;

  • installation and construction works are being carried out;

  • verification of compliance with all conditions and the actual connection.

Gas supply to the house

Choice of gas supply type

Private country houses in most cases have a fairly small area. Therefore, by type of gas supply, they usually fall into the first group. Gas consumption in residential buildings with an area of ​​less than 250 m 2 most often does not exceed 5 m 3 per hour.

For private cottages with an area of ​​more than 250-300 m 2 it is necessary at the first stage to calculate the maximum hourly gas consumption. You can perform this procedure yourself. But it’s better to transfer this task to the compiler of the technical specifications or project. In this case, the gas company will need to provide information:

  • the number of gas appliances used;

  • heated area.

How to connect gas: TU project

First of all, the owner of the house will need to visit a local supplier of blue fuel and get technical specifications for gasification. Indeed, when laying a pipe to a residential building, it is necessary to take into account many nuances - the presence of roads near the house, features of the terrain, the location of neighboring sections, etc.

Documents in order to obtain technical specifications and in the future to connect gas to the house, you will need the following:

  • passport or power of attorney;

  • copy of the paper certifying the right to the site;

  • a fragment of the cadastral map indicating the location of the site and the location of the highway.

If the supply pipe partially or completely passes through the neighbors' area, in order to develop the technical specifications, among other things, a written confirmation of their consent will be required.

Gas line

So, what documents to connect to the gas at home will need to be prepared, is understandable. The supplier will prepare the technical specifications within 2 weeks from the time of the request. A reasoned refusal must also be received by the customer within the same period. After the technical specifications are completed, the owner signs a connection agreement with the company. In this case, the owner of the house agrees to pay for all work performed.

Pipe laying: nuances

For this procedure, gas services charge a fee depending on the length of the supply line. The cost of installing a meter of pipe is usually 2-5 thousand rubles. If the centralized highway is located at a distance of more than 200 m from the house, it will be problematic for the owner to connect to the gas. Laying prices in this case are increasing sharply.

How to connect gas to the house with the location of the highway further than 200 m? In this case, you can pay for laying a pipe to the site, for example, by cooperating with neighbors. If this option is not suitable for any reason, gasification of the house will have to be done using an autonomous container.

How is the project drawn up?

This procedure is the most expensive when connecting gas to the pipeline. The project can be drawn up by both the local service issuing authority and the representatives of a third-party licensed company. In any case, to develop this document, the owner of the house will need:

  • copy of the registration certificate for the house;

  • topographic plan of the plot with the house;

  • documents for all devices and equipment used for connection;

  • TU.

For the preparation of the project, in order to connect the gas to the house, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement. After that, the company will send a design specialist to the owner for:

  • taking measurements;

  • designing a gas communications wiring.

With the representative of the company, it will be necessary to coordinate, among other things, the arrangement of devices, the method of installing the chimney and counter.

The cost of drafting a project in private firms is usually quite high. Gas services provide such a service at reasonable prices. However, in this case, unfortunately, the time period for receiving the project by the owner of the house is often stretched. Sometimes a specialist has to wait up to 8-10 months to develop it from the gas service.

Gas connection

Gas connection rules: installation of equipment

The owner and boiler in the house can be installed independently before connecting to the gas main by the owner. Equipment of this type for private homes is usually used with little power. And therefore, it can be installed directly in the building.

The boiler room, of course, is supposed to be selected taking into account the required standards. For the heating unit, a room with a volume of at least 1 m 3 should be allocated. Also in the selected room must be at least one window with a window.

The wiring of the heating system, hot water and cold water can also be done independently. For a small private house, this will be a very good solution. However, in a cottage of significant area, the installation of the boiler and boiler, as well as the installation of highways of the heating and water supply system should, of course, be entrusted to specialists.

After all work on the assembly of engineering systems is completed, the boiler is connected to the pipe brought to the house. Of course, this procedure should be performed by a specialist in the gas service.

The final stage

All the rules provided for when connecting gas to the house must be observed, of course, without fail. Before supplying the house with "blue fuel", specialists should carefully check the system. Performing this procedure, representatives of the gas service produce, among other things:

  • inspection of all installations;

  • Checking the system for leaks.

If no violations are detected, a technical supervision receipt is issued to the owner of the house, for which payment must be made. At the final stage, the installation organization must transfer all the technical documentation to the gas service.

Then within 3 weeks the employee of this organization will visit the house to connect a gas meter and install seals on it. After that, the owners of the building will be able to use the “blue fuel”.

How much does the connection cost?

Thus, we found out how to connect gas to the house. But how much will such a procedure cost the owner? Prices for drafting, laying pipes, installation works, etc. in different regions of the country can vary greatly. However, on average, the price of the issue at the main stages of gasification of a private house in Russia will be as follows:

  • to collect documents for technical specifications - from 8 thousand rubles;

  • draw up a project - 3-20 thousand;

  • lay pipes from the main highway - 2-5 thousand / meter;

  • connect gas to the boiler - 10-15 thousand;

  • check readiness for operation - up to 2 thousand

In Moscow and Moscow Region, the gasification of private houses usually costs their owners 400-700 thousand rubles. In the Leningrad region, this procedure costs about 300 thousand rubles. In this region, private individuals, among other things, are given compensation for gasification of 70 thousand.

Gas stove in the house

In the European part of Russia, connecting a house to a centralized highway usually costs 70-120 thousand rubles. In Asian regions, in most cases, this procedure is quite expensive. This is due to the remoteness from the industrial centers supplying gas equipment.

Autonomous gasification

Of course, most often the owners of country houses are connected precisely to centralized highways. However, sometimes this procedure becomes impossible. For example, in the village a pipe supplying “blue fuel” may not be laid at all, or it may be located far from home. In this case, the site can be connected to gas independently. That is, using a special storage tank.

Such equipment is called a gas tank and is installed in a pit dug directly on the site. A trench is laid from this pit to the house, along which a pipe extends. Of course, the owner of a private residential building and with this method of connection must obtain permission for gasification.

TU for autonomous systems

So how to connect the gas when using the storage tank? In this case, the registration procedure will be almost the same as when inserting into a centralized highway. That is, at the first stage, the owner of the house will need to submit an application for the preparation of technical specifications. In this case, the specialist, among other things, will conduct a study of the area and determine the site most suitable for the installation of the gas holder.

Gas water heater

According to the regulations, such explosive containers are supposed to be located at a distance of not less than:

  • 10 m from the residential building;

  • 15 m from the source of water supply;

  • 5 m from trees and farm buildings;

  • 2 meters from the fences.

The owner of the site, who decided to connect the gas to a private house, should also be aware that the minimum distance from the gas tank to the power transmission line is equal to half the height of the support. Of course, access roads for refueling should be provided for such a capacity.

Design Features

At this stage, the specialist also evaluates the features of the site. In this case, studies are carried out, for example:

  • degree of soil corrosion;

  • the presence of stray currents, etc.

Based on the information received, the supplier’s representative decides whether it is possible to connect gas to the house using a conventional storage device or whether the owners of the site will have to buy a tank with additional galvanic protection. The last version of gas holders is, of course, more expensive.

Boiler connection

Also at the design stage, representatives of the gas service determine the necessary characteristics of the evaporator and condenser. In addition, the owner of the site is given recommendations regarding chemical and lightning protection, as well as grounding methods. In the future, the autonomous gasification project will need to be agreed with the fire inspection, environmentalists, electricians, architects, etc.

Gas holders: safety requirements

Of course, there are, among other things, regulations designed to ensure the safe use of storage tanks in private homes. In any case, a gas holder installed on a site must meet the following requirements:

  • all tank fittings must be installed above ground level;
  • the distance from the top point of the tank to the soil surface should not be less than 60 cm;
  • designed gas holder should be not only proper for gas, but also for vacuum;
  • lean in the pit capacity should be on the legs;
  • a reinforcing collar should be provided on the neck of the gas holder.

On the storage tank, among other things, there should be a plate with the serial number and basic information about the technical characteristics.

Gas in new buildings

Most often, the question of how to connect to the gas is, of course, asked by the owners of country houses. However, it also happens that the owners of apartments, for example, in recently erected multi-story buildings, have to deal with the issue of supplying “blue fuel”.

How to connect gas in a new building? This is easy enough to do. The owners of the property located in the riser should just write a statement to the gorgaz. If this organization refuses, justifying, for example, that it is not all apartments in the entrance are still inhabited, a complaint should be filed with Rospotrebnadzor. In any case, a response to the application of residents from gorgas must be received within 10 days.

equipment requirements

How the room for the boiler is selected, we examined above in the article. We add only that the ceiling height in such a room should not be less than 2.2 m. But, in addition to the heating unit, of course, gas stoves are installed in suburban buildings during gasification. Such equipment is usually mounted in the kitchen. In this case, if:

  • the volume of the kitchen does not exceed 8 m 3 , it is allowed to install a stove of no more than 2 burners;

  • 12 m 3 - respectively, for 3 burners;

  • 15 m 3 - for 4 burners.

Both the boiler and any other gas equipment should be installed in such a way that a free approach is provided to it. In addition, when installing such a technique, it is expected to comply with the following standards:

  • the back wall of the stove should be at least 7.5 cm from the wall, and the boiler should be 15 cm;

  • the distance from the slab to the opposite wall should be at least 1 m.

Many owners of suburban areas, of course, are interested in including how to connect gas. the column is correct. Such equipment is hung on a wall previously sheathed with fire-resistant material. In this case, the flow-through boiler is supposed to be mounted 3 cm from the building envelope. In this case, the fire-resistant sheet should extend beyond its surfaces by at least 10 cm from all sides.

Each piece of gas technology must, among other things, be equipped with a shut-off valve. To install this structural element of the system relies at a height of 1.5 m from the floor. In addition to special pipes, the connection of devices during gasification of the house can be performed using a flexible hose. Of course, only serviceable equipment is supposed to be installed in residential buildings.

How to apply for gas

Chimney Requirements

Having wondered how to connect gas to a private house, the owner must take care, among other things, of installing a pipe that exhausts combustion products. Such gases, of course, should be removed immediately outside the house. The requirements for chimneys when installing in a boiler house are as follows:

  • when installing the pipe, a moisture collector must be installed;

  • all parts of the chimney must be connected tightly;

  • The chimney should be located vertically without steps (the maximum permissible deviation is 30 degrees).

It is prohibited to arrange more than three turns on gas chimneys. Also, you can not pull such a system through the living quarters.


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