Why does a cat need a tail? What is the meaning of the tail for a cat?

Cats are considered one of the most common pets. Since ancient times, they have been accompanying man, protecting his home from rodents and bringing peace and good mood to him. Despite this, cats have been and remain one of the most mysterious pets. After all, even after living for many years in the neighborhood with his pet, a person can tell about him and his habits not so much. For example, not every professional breeder, not to mention a simple layman, clearly understands why a cat has a mustache and tail and how it uses these organs.

Beauty and charm

For most owners, it is these qualities that are decisive when choosing a domestic cat. Less and less often, animals are used to control rodents and are increasingly perceived as living toys. But even if the kitten was born and raised in ideal conditions, did not see the street in the third generation and never needed anything, the instincts of a wild beast will still wake up, at least occasionally.

It is for this reason that home fluffies sometimes upset their owners with small pranks, tearing apart soft toys, scratching the wallpaper or jumping on the curtains. This happens even with the most thoroughbred individuals. After all, no matter how cute, affectionate and good-natured the kitten may be, it is primarily a predator. And only then - a universal favorite, a living toy or decorating a sofa in the living room.

And still, why is it needed?

why cat tail
The importance of the tail for a cat as a hunter living in the wild is difficult to overestimate. This organ is used by the beast in completely different ways, depending on the circumstances and situation. It is well known that looking at a cat’s tail, one can easily understand the mood of its owner, what is on his mind and what actions he intends to take in the near future. That is, this part of the body is considered as an indicator of mood.

But it turns out that these are far from all functions. During a fight over territory, a female, or something else, cats often sort things out using sounds and their own bodies, including the tail. This struggle does not come often. As a rule, the winner is the one who has a steeper arched back or fluffy tail.

And the tail allows the animal to navigate in the dark in space (in conjunction with a mustache) and balance during jumping, climbing trees or fences.

Tail and feline mood

According to ethologists, cats never hide their thoughts and attitudes to what is happening. And in order to understand exactly what the animal thinks and how it reacts, it is necessary to carefully look at it. That's why a cat needs a tail - to explain to others its intentions, mood or well-being.

why does a cat have a mustache and tail
So, if the animal is comfortable, it rests or just sits, feeling safe, then this organ will lie directly, without movement, or wrap its arms around. By raising the tail vertically upward (or bending it slightly, like a question mark), the cat demonstrates its friendliness. Thus, it makes it clear to a person or other animals that she is glad to see them.

Quite often you can observe the picture when the cat, it would seem, went about his business, but suddenly stopped, as if thinking. If the tip of the tail twitches slightly, the animal saw or heard something curious and tries to understand what is happening, showing its interest.

However, such behavior when stroking the coat should alert the person. Especially if all attention is paid to the hand. The cat is not angry, but believes that flirting with her, so it can respond with teeth or claws.

Animals also show playfulness or sexual arousal with their tail, smoothly moving their entire limb. Moreover, the larger the amplitude and the more persistent wagging, the more it manifests itself. However, sharp jerks do not occur.

why does a cat need a tail
When an animal is angry or annoyed, it immediately becomes clear why a cat needs a tail. He begins to twitch from side to side, with all his appearance showing nervousness. If the cat is furious, the tail fluffs and hangs to one side. In this case, the beast arches its back and can growl or hiss, trying to drive away the enemy. It is better to stay away from the animal in this position.


Cats climb trees perfectly, jump and successfully fall from a decent height. Maneuvering during the flight with the whole body and especially the tail, the animal always lands on its paws. Due to this feature, a fall from the 2nd, 3rd or even 5th floor often ends with nothing more than a slight fright. That's why a cat needs a tail - to jump far and land successfully. Moving along a thin branch or board and balancing with it, the animal perfectly keeps balance. But this does not mean at all that a cat without a tail will not be able to jump far or will certainly crash when falling. In some breeds, this organ is very short or completely absent. It happens that a cat loses it as a result of an injury or other circumstances. Over time, the animal adapts and continues, although not as comfortable, but quite full life.

tail value for cat

On the hunt

Watching how the animal chases the prey, you can immediately understand why the cat needs a tail. After all, it is with his help that she can dramatically change the trajectory and overtake the target. During hunting or chasing, cats often use the tail as a rudder, which allows them to perform sharp maneuvers without slowing down, not to mention jumping.

This technique is also used by larger representatives of the fauna in the wild. Big cats (leopards, cheetahs, tigers) have tails that are much longer and stronger than ordinary pets. And they use them in full force, controlling their body in pursuit of prey and with long difficult jumps.

And the fan and the blanket

In addition to balancing and communication, there are other (less noteworthy) options for a cat to use its own tail. In the summer heat, for example, you can see how the animal, stretched out in the shade, slightly sways it over its own body. Thus, the cat tries to cool by moving air flows and creating a semblance of wind (according to the principle of the fan).

tailless cat
If the room is cold, the animal curls up in an attempt to minimize heat transfer. In this case, the tail often wraps around the body and covers the muzzle. It turns out that the animal uses the heat of its own wool according to the principle of a blanket, covering frozen areas (nose, paws).

It turns out that there is no definite answer to the question “why does a cat need a tail”? This is not just a beautiful, but also an extremely important organ that serves as a means of communication and a balancer, a fan and a blanket, and sometimes even a toy for cubs. Knowing exactly how the animal uses it, and understanding what it wants to say with one movement or another, the owner can significantly improve his relationship with the pet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33432/

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