We treat a cough, or How effective is the “Prospan” preparation for a child

A cold is the most common disease, which is expressed by a runny nose, fever, sore throat and poor health. For the treatment of cough in our time, the most effective syrup is "Prospan". For a child, it is absolutely harmless due to its natural basis. It contains a plant ingredient - ivy leaf extract. It has an antitussive and antiseptic effect, liquefies sputum in the bronchi, relieves inflammation, tones.

Drug action

Thanks to flavonoids and other substances, the medicine kills microbes, softens cough, thereby facilitating expectoration, promotes the rapid passage of formed sputum from the bronchi, and reduces spasms. Mucolytic and mucokinetic effects on the body are also expressed. The drug "Prospan" is a syrup for children, the instruction of which implies its use in diseases of the respiratory system. It is also used for inflammatory diseases of the bronchi causing a painful cough.

The medicine "Prospan" for the child: release form

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The medicine is available in three types: syrup, tablets with an effervescent effect and drops that can be used internally or inhaled. The tablets contain 65 mg of dry ivy extract. The volume of the syrup bottle is 100 ml. Each milliliter contains 7 mg of ivy extract. What is remarkable about syrup is the fact that it lacks sugar, dyes and alcohol. In drops for inhalation - 20 mg of extract.

In what cases is assigned

The drug is recommended for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, inflammation of the respiratory system, that is, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchial obstruction syndrome, and also for coughing with difficult expectoration.

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How to use the medicine "Prospan"

For a child from one year to 3 years, 10 drops should be given 3-4 times a day before meals. You can dilute the syrup with water. For children from three to seven years, increase the dose - give 15 drops. Persons over seven years of age should be given 20 drops. Shake well before use. The course of treatment is about a week. You should not take the medicine for less than seven days, even if you notice improvement. Duration of application should be considered individually.

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To whom the drug is contraindicated

Do not use the “Prospan” syrup for a child who is under 1 year old, with increased sensitivity or intolerance to the components. Inhalation is contraindicated in babies up to two years. In no case do not use the medicine with cough medicine, as this contributes to complications due to stagnation of sputum.

Side effects

Occasionally, an allergy to ivy extract may occur. Perhaps a slight laxative effect and nausea with a three-fold increase in the daily norm.

What do mothers say?

Many parents were satisfied using Prospan syrup for children. Instructions, reviews show that the medicine is effective for treating cough of a different nature. Moms speak of him as a light effective drug, which also has a plant basis.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33434/

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