Resource "TurPravda": reviews about Turkey

Since in our time on the Web you can find absolutely all the information about necessary and unnecessary things, the era of reviews simply swept its open spaces. Going on vacation, people turn over sites in search of a hotel and, of course, make their choice, based on the responses left.

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TurPravda, the largest travel internet travel portal, is the place where people write reviews about everything they have encountered while traveling. Here you can find out all about the rest and hotels from tourists who have already arrived from vacation. And you can believe the reviews about Turkey at "Turpravda" or not, we will figure it out below.

About the site

"TurPravda" positions itself as a site for posting reviews and sharing experiences between tourists. In fact, on its pages you can find a lot of positive and negative opinions about many hotels, find out the cost of a flight and see photos of tourists. This is a dynamically developing project, which successfully fell into the niche of social networks. Over time, the creators turned out to be a kind of social network of tourism topics with their existing audience. On the pages of "TurPravda" - reviews of Turkey, Crimea, Bulgaria, Egypt and other countries. Here you will find opinions about all popular resorts, hotels and tour operators.

Who answers the questions

The site has more and more users, the number of which is growing every day and many of them can, indeed, express their opinion of an expert nature, which is very important for ordinary users. Social networks are gaining more and more popularity and it is clear that people need to express their opinions and knowledge in the environment where it is in demand. Site experts are ordinary users who develop their blog there and answer questions. And the site administration in every way supports and stimulates them.

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Discussion of travels around Turkey on “TurPravda” and reviews help tourists to decide more easily: where to live, how to move, what to see, what to eat, what is not worth it, where it is cheaper, etc. Choose an air carrier, book hotel rooms in time and pack your own a suitcase so as not to remain, for example, with a discharged phone or without a panama.

What is the rating of hotels made of?

The creators of the site see the future in social networks and real users with their personal experience to create a catalog of hotels with an objective opinion. Here, not only specially trained content managers control and filter reviews, but higher-level posts themselves control them. Thus, the maximum objectivity and truthfulness of the published information on the TurPravda website is achieved, including reviews about Turkey.

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In social networks, you can add to friends and track events that are related to a particular person, participate in events that are associated with a particular country or hotel. The site hosts various competitions for active tourists.

How to relax cheaply in Turkey

You need to understand that one of the most expensive points on vacation is a flight, but with some skill and patience, you can pick up such a flight connection that some segments will cost a small price. Reviews of hotels in Turkey on "TurPravda" suggest that accommodation itself is usually inexpensive, and knowing which tour to buy and from whom you can spend relatively little, and as a result, with some preparation, the cost of such a trip can be reduced by two or even three times .

Should I rely only on reviews

People who, in fact, rely on reviews and sometimes encounter some inconsistencies, begin to wonder if it is worthwhile, in general, to believe everything they write. If you pay attention to the reviews of travelers in Turkey, you can see that there are very similar opinions, but there are completely opposite ones. So what to believe?

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It is important to understand that vacationers are people of completely different social status and habits. And if one likes noisy parties, and he himself will be happy to hang out until the morning, then for another, the noise under the windows is a disaster and vacation is spoiled. And if a person wakes up with a sore head, then the weather is nasty and the beach is dirty and the sun is too hot. Therefore, special hotel ratings are created that you can always rely on. Moreover, after reading the reviews, it is worth reading a couple of articles about the mentality in Turkey, what the locals wear, what is accepted and what is not, what are the prices in the stores and the way.

All this can be done on one resource, and here not only is there information about Turkey, its climate and mores, but there is also the opportunity to participate in a live forum.

How to distinguish real reviews from unreal

Due to the fact that the Network is developing very quickly and the number of different sites is growing, like mushrooms after rain. There are also sites on which you can simply buy positive reviews and stories about a hotel in Turkey to raise the rating or, conversely, in order to discredit a competitor. But purchased reviews from unreal users are very easy to distinguish: it is worth paying attention to some of the three main signs that are not immediately apparent to the user:

  1. Too much has been written. Now imagine a situation when you come from vacation and without taking apart your suitcases, sit down to write down five pages about your wonderful vacation and the beach. I can not agree that some people are eloquent in themselves and may not notice how 40 minutes passed. and the review turned out to be three pages.
  2. Photos without people. Pay attention to the photos that users post. If there is no person on it, then there is a possibility that this is fake. Here, of course, one can also argue and say that there are shy people, but still such accounts are questionable. And the thing is that while relaxing on the sunny coast, we wear what? Sunglasses! And always a lot of cool photos are brought from the resort, which I want to brag about and surprise everyone with a bronze tan, an unusual cocktail, clear water, incredible water activities and beautiful backgrounds.
  3. No mistakes. If there is not a single mistake in the text, punctuation marks are correctly put down everywhere and there is nothing to complain about, then this review is definitely written to order. Believe me, even excellent students make typos and mistakes. You can only believe in this if the copywriter wrote such a review.

Turkey hotels reviews and stories

What was remembered by Russian tourists on vacation in Turkey

It is important to note one more fact: all the reviews about hotels in Turkey on the site are exclusively from Russians, which is important. Since European tourists are less demanding and unpretentious to some of the nuances that excite vacationers from Russia. So, based on the opinions of Russian travelers, we can note positive factors, which undoubtedly please:

  • fabulous weather;
  • clean beaches;
  • Russian-speaking staff;
  • service of the highest level;
  • beautiful landscapes;
  • the food and the quality of the drinks are excellent;
  • sifted sand;
  • crystal clear pools;
  • drink refrigerators everywhere;
  • all hotels have a large group of animators who occupy children;
  • exciting entertainments;
  • just unforgettable diving;
  • everywhere there is a diving school;
  • courteous men;
  • there are a lot of souvenir shops and you can trade the price well.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting a few. It must be understood that complaints about a leaky towel, wet laundry, uncomfortable furniture, etc. are minor and, in most cases, isolated.

all reviews about turkey hotels

Turks are very concerned about their reputation, as competition on the coast is very high. All hotels correspond to the declared level and even more. Reviews of people who rested in a two-star hotel and write a review that the service is average and small rooms are not very clear. Of course, in hotels at the level of 2-3 * you can find flaws, but this is indicated by their category.

The main rule of all hotels in Turkey - perfect cleanliness, impeccable courtesy and helpfulness of staff, coziness and comfort in the rooms. Here, even in hotels with 2 * refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners and all necessary pieces of furniture are installed.

What to eat

TourPravda reviews about holidays in Turkey claim that the cuisine is very tasty, and this does not depend on the level of the hotel in which you live. The only difference is the range of dishes: those served at five-star resorts may not be in budget holiday destinations. Dishes worth a try:

  • "Kokorech" - the inside of a lamb on coals.
  • “Balyk-Ekmek” - it is better to try on the embankment.
  • "Dzhadzhik" - yogurt soup.
  • Chorbasy - cream soup made from various ingredients.
  • Kebab is a meat dish.
  • Lahmajun - Turkish pizza.
  • "Kefte" - spicy bean cakes.
  • "Manty" - here they are unusually small.
  • “Merdzheimek” is a lentil-based appetizer.
  • Huge mussels.


  • “Rakhat-lokum” and “halva” have long been known to Russians, but here their taste is simply delicious.
  • Baklava is a layer cake.
  • Kadaif is a light dessert.
  • "Simit" is a crispy bagel.
  • "Tulumba" - fried tubules.
  • "Dondurma" - the master of the dondurma performs tricks no worse than a real circus performer.
  • “Writing” - balls of sweet threads.


  • “Ayran” - the consistency is different; it is sold everywhere and is found in all refrigerators in the country.
  • Locally made tea and Turkish coffee.
  • “Salep” is a powder from the roots of orchids.


  • "Crayfish" - aniseed vodka.
  • Beer EFES.
  • "Bose" - made from cereal crops.

Where to go

In Kemer, reviews on TurPravda about Turkey recommend the Olympos-Beidaglari National Park, and in Antalya, the Kursunlu Falls.

Rating of the most interesting places in cities and attractions that must be visited:

  • In Alanya, the ruins of the city of Olympos.
  • In Belek - Aspendos Amphitheater.
  • In Bodrum - Camel Beach.
  • In Bursa - Archaeological Museum of Antiquities.
  • In Kusadasi - Dilek Park.
  • In Marmaris - the city of "Lorima".
  • In Istanbul, the Sultanahmet Mosque.
  • In Fethiye - Kabak Valley.

Also TurPravde reviews about Turkey in Side recommend visiting Manavgat mosque. A resource with such information will especially help tourists who have limited travel time.

Hotels: expensive, cheap

The most attractive for our tourist is the magic word "all inclusive" and first of all you need to understand why you need a hotel. Unlike Russians, economical Europeans believe that not everything is worth paying in advance. Determining the level of the hotel is very simple, everything is written in the title:

  • Dear ones are those on which 5 * is installed.
  • Cheaper - 4 *.
  • And the most budget ones - 3 *.

The site contains all the useful reviews about hotels in Turkey, the best hotels and hotel ratings with full information about booking and flight.

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The hotels with the least Russian-speaking tourists are in Side, Kusadası, Marmaris, Bodrum, Oludeniz and Cesme. There are many vacationers from Europe and Germany. In most hotels there will be foreign language, the same applies to animation programs for children. Most tourists from Europe travel to the Aegean coast. Bodrum is a party destination of the Turkish coast, beloved by European youth .

In hotels of VIP-level, as a rule, there is a contingent from different countries.


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