How to plant roses in the home garden

Roses for the garden - a real decoration, pleasing to the eye from spring to late autumn. Choosing plants for the site, no one ignores the queen of flowers. You should learn how to plant roses correctly, otherwise all labor will be wasted.

Roses for the garden
Where to start dating? It is worth deciding on the varieties of flowers, since it is difficult to grow roses without knowing the characteristics of the plant. In home gardening, tea-hybrid, climbing, miniature roses, Patio roses, shrub roses are used.

The best time for planting is autumn and spring. The positive aspects of autumn planting are good seedlings. But it is possible to freeze immature plants. In the spring, frosts are not terrible, there is time for good rooting. But planting material in the spring is not so fresh and viable.

How to plant roses of different types? The main difference in planting is the distance between plants. Between bushes of tea-hybrid roses, the distance should not be less than 0.5-0.7 m, and miniature roses feel good in groups with a distance of 0.3 m between plants. High climbing roses need at least 2 m of living space, and bush roses require a distance of one and a half meters. Less demanding are the low roses of the Patio, between their bushes there is enough 0.45 m of free space.

How to grow roses
How to plant roses in the area in relation to the light? If you make a mistake, you can not get flowering bushes. Roses are very fond of sunlight, feel good even in the sunshine. In the shade they grow, give juicy greens, but almost never bloom. They do not like roses of drafts and cold wind. These parameters should be considered when planning a landing site.

Regally beautiful bushes can grow in one place for many years. To do this, provide them with a complex of nutrients. The main portion of the required plant nutrition is obtained at the time of planting. Before planting roses in the holes, you need to revive the roots of the seedlings by pruning them with a secateurs of 1 cm. Pruning is especially relevant during spring planting, when plants harvested in autumn are used as planting material.

How to plant roses
Landing holes require particularly careful preparation. They need to be made spacious enough so that the roots do not crumple, and deep enough to deepen the vaccination site by 5 cm. As a nutrient mixture, light soil mixed with rotted mullein is used.

Loamy soils and chernozems are well suited for the proper development and growth of roses. Sandy soil requires a radical improvement and the addition of peat and humus. Roses on sandy soil freeze more often, and in summer it overheats and easily loses moisture. The soil under the roses must be mulched with peat.

Caring for a planted rose in the first year determines the further development of the bush. Immediately after planting, plants are abundantly watered, but water stagnation must not be allowed - the roots will die. During the growing season, care consists in the timely removal of weeds, loosening of the soil and top dressing. Around the second decade of June, plants need to be fed with slurry, then repeat the procedure. The feeding schedule is built in such a way that it includes 3-4 feeding, the last - no later than the last decade of August.


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