New Ferris wheel in Izhevsk in Gorky Park: description, mode of operation, price

"All people come from childhood" - folk wisdom sounds. And every person, whether an adult or a kid, loves to ride a carousel. This is both exciting and developing the vestibular apparatus, and allows you to test yourself, and also see the beauty of your favorite city from a bird's eye view.

It is the new Ferris wheel in Izhevsk that is in Gorky Park that allows these dreams to be realized.

ferris wheel Izhevsk

About city

Izhevsk is the capital of the Republic of Udmurtia, which is part of the Russian Federation. It is also the center of the Urals and Volga region.

Izhevsk was founded in the 18th century as a village around an arms factory. And later it became a city.

Currently, 646 thousand inhabitants live on its territory. Izhevsk is a large cultural, scientific, educational, industrial, commercial center of the region and the country.

There are a fairly large number of enterprises in the engineering and defense industries, cultural centers, educational institutions, parks.

ferris wheel Izhevsk new

One of the most popular is the Maxim Gorky Summer Garden.

A park

In Izhevsk, the majority of local residents, as well as guests of the city, prefer to relax in the warm season and in the autumn-winter period on the territory of this city garden, located on the banks of the Izhevsk Pond. Here, except for attractions, various quests, contests, festivals, charity events, music programs, and so on are constantly held. In Gorky Park in Izhevsk, both children and adults can always find something to their liking.

Gorky park Izhevsk

In addition, the beautiful nature, scenic views that open from the garden to the pond and promenade are excellent sources of inspiration all year round.

And, of course, attractions are the most favorite pastime of both children and the older generation. Moreover, in April 2017, a new Ferris wheel was built here, which reaches a height of 50 meters. It became such a striking event in the city that more than 30 thousand people visited the Summer Garden only during the first weekend (after the launch of the attraction).

A few words about the history of the park

A summer garden on the banks of the pond was founded in the middle of the XIX century around the estate, which was called "Treasury House No. 15". The commanders of the Izhevsk weapons manufacturing plant also lived in this building, and various events organized by officers and local intellectuals were held, and even Emperor Alexander I stopped.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Summer Garden was open to every resident and guest. The Summer Theater was built on its territory, where performances were staged. Especially the audience loved the productions of Maxim Gorky. Therefore, soon the Summer Garden (or park) began to be called the name of the writer.

A brass band also played, dancing evenings were held.

In the 60s, the rides “Whirlwind”, “Chamomile”, “Orbit” and others were installed. In the 90s, the first ferris wheel 25 meters high was installed, which is familiar to more than one generation of citizens.

Today in Gorky Park (Izhevsk) there are about 18 attractions and entertainment for all ages and for every taste: children, youth and families.

New Ferris Wheel

In Izhevsk in April 2017, a significant event took place for local residents - a new attraction was installed. Not far from the old Ferris wheel, a new one appeared, which is 2 times its height.

ferris wheel Izhevsk Price

The attraction was designed according to a standard design, since the same ones were mounted in Kazan, Perm, and in other cities of Russia.

At a cost, the new Ferris wheel in Izhevsk cost 80 million rubles. This amount was allocated by investors.

A new attraction was built in the park on a 9-meter high. And from its highest point, almost the whole city is visible. Equipped with year-round cabins:

  • closed with air conditioning and heating;
  • half-closed up to 6 people;
  • extreme up to 4 people;
  • cabin for the disabled (wider doors and special appliances);
  • VIP cabins with air conditioning, heating, tinted glazing and soft sofas.

Ferris wheel is a truly family attraction. And also safe, reliable and quiet.

The ride on the ride Ferris wheel in Izhevsk at a price of 150 rubles in a regular booth and 950 in VIP by citizens is acceptable.

Rules for visiting the Ferris wheel:

  1. Children under 3 years old ride in their parents' hands, payment is only for an adult.
  2. Children under 12 years old - accompanied by an adult (with payment for both).
  3. It is forbidden to ride people with impaired vestibular apparatus.
  4. It is forbidden to ride an attraction while intoxicated.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to get up, open the cabin doors or swing during the ride.
  6. It is forbidden to take animals, food, as well as smoke, drink alcohol with you.

Payment Methods

In order to ride the Ferris wheel in Izhevsk, you must purchase a special client card that will allow access to all carousels. You can buy it at the box office and immediately replenish it or through a self-service terminal located in the park.

A plastic card is attached to the turnstile - and in this way payment for the service occurs. The cost of visiting each attraction is indicated at the entrance to the park or near the ticket office.

Also, when using this plastic pass, bonuses are awarded.


ferris wheel Izhevsk mode of operation

  • On the day of the opening of the new attraction in Gorky Park there was a real full house.
  • To ride in Izhevsk on a Ferris wheel, people had to stand in long lines.
  • The opening day had a very pleasant and relaxed atmosphere in the city.
  • The wheel spins fast enough, but it's great to ride.
  • The attraction is made with the latest technology, a very beautiful design, the cabins are cozy.
  • Reasonable cost.


The operating mode of the Ferris wheel (Izhevsk) and other attractions (subject to favorable weather) is from Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 21:00.

The Gorky Summer Garden is open until 23:00 daily.


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