Zone 51. Myths and Reality

Not one map has its designations. She was considered the most classified base in the United States. And only at the end of the last century its existence was officially recognized. Zone 51. Myths and reality.

Secret base

The area where zone 51 is located is in Nevada.

zone 51

You can get there by car, but the road there is always deserted. Neither the village, nor the road sign, only huge shields indicating that there is a danger zone ahead. On the one hand, the base is guarded by the military, on the other hand it is surrounded by mountains. Hangars are located on its territory, the purpose of which is to store jet aircraft and rocket carriers. It is believed that in the zone there is a research laboratory for the creation of modern nuclear weapons.

Employee Stories

One of the first to tell about the secrets of the zone was Bob Lazar. In his statements, he claims that the main object of the base is underground, and this is nothing more than a ufo laboratory for the study of UFOs.

area 51 photos
How scientists obtain information about extraterrestrial civilizations remains a mystery, but there are a number of assumptions that the data comes from the wrecked alien ships. There is a theory that the US government does not just hide information about UFO research, but directly contacts them. At the end of the last century, one of the employees of zone 51 made a statement that alien creatures were placed on the territory of the base by scientists. Then the American authorities hurried to refute this fact. Even President Bill Clinton himself spoke, who officially recognized the existence of such a training ground in Nevada, but categorically denied all rumors about a ufological laboratory. But with his speech, Clinton only warmed up assumptions about such studies.

Opinions of ufologists and eyewitness accounts

It's no secret that there are people who are engaged in a thorough study of UFOs. Their observations suggest that the number of unidentified flying objects has increased dramatically in recent decades. In addition to statements from former employees, there is evidence of ordinary citizens that 51 zones have become a place of observation of strange phenomena and objects. In the 90s of the last century, one of the local residents said that a fireball was falling at a low speed over the territory of the base . It hovered a few hundred meters above the ground, but as soon as the spotlights illuminated this object, the ball slowly began to rise up, and then disappeared at lightning speed. Around the same time, only a year later, area 51 again became an object of attention. Several bright small objects flashed across the entire territory of the base at high speed. Bob Lazar claims that zone 51 very often attracts strange objects. A special device mounted on the base begins to vibrate and make noise.

51 zones
What is really there?

Many believe that a base is indeed located in Nevada. Often they call it that - zone 51. Satellite photos can be seen on any maps. But is there really a hidden scientific laboratory for the study of alien civilizations, and even more so for the establishment of relations with them? Perhaps rumors about the existence of zone 51 are spreading in order to divert attention from the real secret bases. If we take the report of Robert Lazar as a basis, then interest in this place is a usual advertising move, which was made in order to show the superiority of the American people over other countries. But still there are experts who are more than sure that a secret laboratory is located under the ground of zone 51. And until now, every day about 1,500 workers deliver aircraft to this military base, and in the evening takes them back. And what they do there remains a mystery.


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