Russian psychologist Vladimir Kozlov: biography, books and reviews

Vladimir Vasilyevich Kozlov is a well-known Russian psychologist who specializes in the fields of social work and psychology, psychology of consciousness and crisis science. He is the founder of the school of integrative psychology, which has received wide recognition not only in Russia but also abroad, and is considered one of the universally recognized leaders in domestic and world transpersonal psychology. Vladimir Vasilievich has a doctorate in psychological sciences at once in two specialties and regularly manages the iconic grant projects of the Soros Foundation.

Biography of a scientist

Psychologist Vladimir Kozlov

Vladimir Vasilyevich Kozlov was born in 1957. He was born in the village of Podlesnoye, located on the territory of modern Chuvashia. He graduated from Yantikovskaya high school, then served in the army.

Vladimir Vasilyevich Kozlov began working in the field of psychology in 1981 in a psychological laboratory at the fuel equipment plant, which was located in Yaroslavl. He received higher education at Yaroslavl State University, actively engaged in the introduction of functional music in production in his early years, he experimented a lot in this direction. Later he used these developments in his thesis at the bearing plant in Vologda.


Vladimir Vasilievich Kozlov

In 1983, Vladimir Vasilievich Kozlov became a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology. By distribution, he was sent to Perm to the long-distance communications equipment plant. His first specialty is a psychological engineer.

Until 2000, Vladimir worked at the Yaroslavl Pedagogical University at once in several departments - psychology and pedagogy of primary education, general psychology, philosophy. And since 1991, he began to cooperate with Yaroslavl State University named after Demidov. He defended his PhD thesis on the conditions of expanded consciousness. In the late 90's he defended two more dissertations, receiving a doctorate in psychological sciences. The first of them was in general, and the second in social psychology.

Since 1994, Russian psychologist Vladimir Vasilievich Kozlov was the Executive Director of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences and was a member of the Presidium. And in 2010, he was appointed president of this academy.

Scientific work

Psychology of crisis

Basically, the scientist’s work is connected with psychological theories, a methodology for resolving crises of groups and individuals, the introduction of modern psychotechnologies.

He formulated approaches that help in researching all kinds of methods used in altered states of consciousness, conducted multilevel studies of how these methods affect neuropsychology, psychophysiology, mental state, cognitive sphere, group dynamics, as well as personality qualities and characteristics.

School of Integrative Psychology

Integrative psychology

The main achievement of V.V. Kozlov is the creation of a scientific school of integrative psychology. At the moment, the scientist is its leader. Under his leadership, several dozen dissertations were defended, Kozlov, in addition, was a scientific consultant and 13 doctoral dissertations.

The school of integrative psychology has gone through many important stages of its development. So, here in 1990, the development of integrative psychotechnologies began, and since 1993, systematization of theoretical concepts and approaches has been carried out, as well as the development of our own approaches and models that are aimed at revealing the space of the state of consciousness, the main trends of groups and individuals.

After 1997, Kozlov began to develop a strategy for interacting with clients, as well as trying to determine the key stages and goals of self-improvement and personal integration, and to develop crisis theories. Since 1999, work has been ongoing on the formation of integrative psychology as a completely new psychological theory and methodology.

According to experts, the main merit of the researcher is the systematic introduction of fundamentally new educational programs for psychotherapists and psychologists. Great efforts of the scientist are aimed at integrating a professional psychological community.

Having become the curator of the metropolitan Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Kozlov founded the International Institute for Intensive Integrative Psychotechnologies. He runs a number of scientific journals, which in every way popularize the achievements of modern psychological science.

The scientist is now actively conducting trainings for everyone, on which he helps to realize what internal resources a person actually possesses. In the reviews, his students note that the theory of integrative psychology helped most of them learn to live a full life, getting the most out of it.

Personal life

Psychology of death

In the biography of Vladimir Vasilyevich Kozlov, family and colleagues have always played an important role. He was born by Vasily Grigoryevich and Nadezhda Mikhailovna Kozlov. It was a large family, and the hero of our article has six more brothers and sisters. The most famous of them is the director of the Chuvash Art Museum, the painter Gennady Kozlov.

Vladimir Vasilievich married Olga Lazaryants, who was five years younger than him. In 1985, they had a daughter, Nadezhda, and four years later - Barbara and in 1991 - son Vadim.

Psychologist Books

The biography of Vladimir Vasilievich Kozlov, the author of the book "Political Psychology", contains many interesting and extraordinary studies. For example, the mentioned textbook contains the basics of political psychology that are relevant, judging by the reviews, for a wide range of readers. The researcher examines in detail the tasks of political psychology, crisis management, provides recommendations and conclusions on the use of the potential of political psychology in practice.

VV Kozlov’s book “Work with a Crisis Person” is very popular. This manual provides an overview of psychotechnological and theoretical approaches to working with people in crisis. Details are given of techniques and models that specialists can use to provide qualified assistance to people experiencing a personality crisis.

"Psychology of altered states of consciousness"

Psychology of altered states of consciousness

According to reviews of professionals in the field of psychology, it is this work of Kozlov that is of the greatest interest. It presents the latest and most modern psychotechnologies that can be used by specialists in this field, who use non-standard states of consciousness for the transformation and integration of personality.

This is a study to which the scientist devoted most of his scientific work. The author solves an incredibly complex task: he analyzes the most extensive layer of ideas related to the capabilities of a particular individual to realize his potential in the best way. The book presents a large number of approaches and concepts, ranging from the practices of ancient shamans to the most modern research and theories.

In the publication you can find methods and techniques that are currently recommended for use by specialists in trainings aimed at the personal growth of participants. In the reviews, readers note that the book is especially suitable for meticulous and interested researchers, since it, in fact, is a real reference book with detailed guidance and practical exercises.

In total, the psychologist Kozlov has several dozens of books.


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