Aktovsky Canyon: how to get there? Aktovsky canyon: excursions, trekking

The whole complex of the amazing natural Aktovsky canyon, along with the banks of the river with the unusual name Dead Dead Water, is part of the Granitno-Stepnoy Pobuzhie regional landscape park, created in 1994 by the Nikolaev authorities.

The canyon is located next to another Arbuzinsky, but the first is larger.

Aktovsky Canyon. Location

The canyon is located on the Deadwater River near the village of Aktovo, Nikolaev Region (Ukraine). Deadwater is a tributary of the Southern Bug River.

The canyon starts at a kilometer from the village of Petropavlovka. Its depth is about 50 meters, and the area is more than 250 hectares.

Aktovsky Canyon
Surprisingly beautiful is the unique natural complex (forest and water ecosystems with rocks and granite boulders). It is the only one in Europe, which in miniature with amazing accuracy in time of formation and in its landscape resembles the famous canyons of North America.

The canyon is about 5000 meters long. The height of the rocks along the banks of the river is up to 50 meters. In places, sheer huge stone walls formed. In addition, huge boulders lie on the banks of the river.

Bit of history

The canyon is located on one of the oldest land areas of Eurasia, formed from volcanic rocks. Once upon a time there was a sea that dried up almost 60 million years ago.

Only 100 years ago, ships walked along the river. Now everything has changed. During the Soviet era, it was decided to equip collective farms in these areas. In this regard, the channel in many places was blocked with the help of dams, and the banks were turned into grain fields. The result - the flow of the river slowed down significantly, the bottom became silty. The bed itself is overgrown with reeds.

Acting Canyon, Devil's Valley

Canyon description

Actovsky Canyon is distinguished by the quirkiness of the riverbed. Dead water (high concentration of hydrogen sulfide in water), steep coastal walls, unique majestic beauty of granite-basalt rocks (their height reaches 100 m).

All this attracts tourists from many European countries. Although the rather difficult terrain does not allow rafting along the river, it is attractive to ardent fans of extreme sports - climbers and climbers. These lovers very often visit these amazing places.

Trikratsky forest, Aktovsky canyon

The forest was planted in the 70s of the 19th century by V.P. Skarzhinsky (count). Initially, this territory was an ordinary park with simple paths and numerous bridges thrown across the river forks. Therefore, the park was called the "Labyrinth."

Trikratsky forest, Aktovsky canyon

In the very center of the forest and now there is a lake, which fishermen with pleasure chose. Not far from the forest is Aktovsky canyon.

Tricrata forest is the common name of all state protected forests that are located in the Voznesensky district of Ukraine (Nikolaev region) near the village of Tricrata. There also included tracts called "Vasiliev Apiary" and the same "Labyrinth".

The Arbuzinka River flows through the Tricrat forest. The entire area of โ€‹โ€‹this protected huge tract is 247 hectares.

Aktovsky canyon, excursions

The most valuable thing here is the old oaks. Their age is from 120 to 200 years. There are more than 350 of these trees. The forest is also notable for the fact that colonies of beautiful gray herons live in the Miron Garden .

"Devil's Valley", landscapes

The most beautiful and unusual place on Ukrainian lands is Aktovsky Canyon. "Devil's Valley" is his second name. It is also called "Small Crimea". Aktovsky canyon and the Dead Dead River are part of the Bug Guard National Park.

Majestic cliffs rise along the banks. It is not clear how and why such a rocky structure appeared in the middle of a vast vast steppe.

Aktovsky Canyon, how to get there
It is incredibly beautiful here, especially at dawn. When the first rays of the sun appear, the color of the rocks takes on an amazingly fabulous peach-pink hue.

In some places, the river turned into almost a swamp. The layer of silt and mud on the river in some places reaches 5 meters. But, strangely enough, small babbling cascades and waterfalls still remain.

Several hundred species of various plants grow in these places, most of which are listed in the Red Book.

Canyon Legends

Aktovsky Canyon has an amazing, not fully understood history. There are legends telling about the history of the strange gloomy name of the canyon river.

In these reserved places, a long time ago, ancient tribes conducted many ritual rites.

Also, many Scythian kings were once buried in the valley. According to one legend, they were sent on their last journey along the Deadwater River. From here came such an eerie name.

Aktovsky canyon, trekking
There is one more legend. During one of the Tatar raids, the locals cooked a poisonous broth and poured into the river with the flow over the camp of enemies. Tatars drank water and all died.

Another legend says that such a name came after the terrible tragic battle of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks with the Turks, after which even the water itself was not visible due to the bodies of those killed in the river.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus called this river the Greek Exampes, which means "dead water."

Hiking and hiking

Getting here is tricky, but worth the effort. After all, here is one of the most beautiful and unique natural places in Ukraine.

Very remarkable in terms of tourism is the Aktovsky Canyon. A trip to these exotic lands will be remembered for a lifetime.

What attracts here?

Aktovsky canyon, swamps
Landscape lovers can see beautiful forests, cliffs, canyons and abandoned quarries, rivers and lakes. Among animals and birds foxes, hares, pheasants and herons live here. Especially for anglers there is an opportunity to do what they love in local rich rivers and lakes. And in general, it is quiet and comfortable.

Many hiking trips to the Aktovsky canyon. Excursions to the villages of Tricrati, Aktovo and nearby canyons are becoming more and more popular with tourists every year.

Often, travelers do not reach the canyon itself, and are limited only to hiking on the rocks in the village of Aktovo (although it is beautiful there). This is due to the fact that it is difficult to drive, paved and unpaved roads.

Mostly photographers, climbers, ecotourism lovers and just extreme people get to the valley itself.

Road to canyon

The path, of course, is difficult. But lovers of romance should definitely visit this amazing natural museum - Aktovsky Canyon. How to get to it?

From Odessa should go through the city of Nikolaev, and then along the river. Southern Bug, through New Odessa and the city of Voznesensk, after which, at the exit from the city, in front of the church itself, turn right and go to the village of Trikraty. Expensive to these places is quite normal.

In the village there is an old road from paving stones, you need to go along it for about 10 minutes. On the right there will be Arbuzinsky Canyon, which you need to pass by, follow the main road from the village, turn left. After 5 minutes, the field appears. Beautiful cliffs are visible behind it, and the canyon itself is located upstream of the river.

But to get to those places, you still need to go through the fields and the dirt road. It is necessary to leave the village to the right of the tractor base, and so along the field to the very landing, through which there is a small passage. Further the road passes between the canyon and the forest. If something is not clear, you can ask the locals of the villages.


To go to these reserved places far, the roads are bad, there are no conditions for a comfortable stay (bases, hotels, shops). And yet, what the nature of these places is ready to give tourists is, without a doubt, worth all the advantages of civilization.

Actovsky Canyon is an untouched corner of pristine nature. Sometimes itโ€™s worth sacrificing comfortable conditions in order to see unique and beautiful protected places with fabulous landscapes, clean air and amazing animals, so that later you will remember the days spent alone with nature for life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33457/

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