The scariest girl. What is she like?

Most people are unhappy with their appearance. Many are embarrassed by being overweight, and in trying to get rid of it, we are ready for a lot. The story of this girl is not like the others. She was nicknamed "the scariest girl." But this nickname is not only very offensive, but also undeserved.

Unusual girl

the worst scary thing

Seeing Lizzy Velazquez on the street, most think that this young American brought herself diets and probably suffers from anorexia. On the Internet, her photo can be seen no less than images of Hollywood stars. Looking at them, you involuntarily think that this is Photoshop. But she did not ask and never wanted such fame. However, the girl is not at all joking. She is forced to live with a terrible, incurable disease and endure ridicule all her life. The Velazquez family has three children. Fifteen year old Marina and twelve year old Chris are absolutely healthy.

How did it all happen

Her life has never been easy. Lizzy was born a month ahead of schedule. She weighed only one kilogram. It immediately became clear that something was wrong with the baby. Doctors did not give her any chance. They were sure that the worst girl would not live even a month. Despite the disappointing predictions, the child showed a great desire to survive, and he succeeded. By the age of two, Lizzy began to weigh about like a five-month-old baby. It was difficult for her to pick up clothes, and her parents were forced to buy things in a doll store. But these were the smallest difficulties that they had to face. Contrary to the expectations of doctors, the girl learned to speak, walk and do the same as healthy, healthy children of this age. Due to a weak immune system at four, Lizzie was blinded in one eye, and the second became poorly seen. At sixteen there was a rupture of the appendix, as a result of which the girl almost died.

Life today

the scariest girl in the world photo

At 23, the scariest girl in the world (whose photo can scare an unprepared viewer) looks at least three times older. She regularly undergoes a variety of examinations. However, until now, doctors have not been able to determine her illness. It is only known that this is not anorexia, but some kind of genetic deviation. Her body expends energy very quickly. In this regard, Lizzy is forced to eat every 15-20 minutes, that is, up to 60 times a day. Every day, it absorbs from 5000 to 8000 calories. To maintain normal life, she needs to eat nutritious and nutritious foods. Its menu consists of products such as pizza, chocolate, chips, flour products, hamburgers, ice cream and so on. The scariest girl always carries food with her, and under her bed she has a whole food warehouse.

the scariest girls in the world
Despite such a “diet,” she fails to recover. During the year, the weight varies within one kilogram.


There are only two such cases recorded in the world. This rare disease has similarities to progeria (premature aging). Medicine cannot cure such gene mutations . At the moment, the scariest girl of the many drugs takes only ordinary vitamins. She has healthy teeth, bones and internal organs. According to doctors, she can even become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby in a natural way. However, it is unlikely that she will pass on her illness to children.

Personal life

The most terrible girls in the world, like any unusual people, are constantly criticized and ridiculed. And Lizzy Velazquez is no exception. Life taught her to be strong. To date, she has written several books on how to overcome her complexes, learn to believe in herself and make real friends. She constantly inspires others to make a difference . Lizzy studies at the university and leads an active social life.


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