American mink: maintenance and care

Mink is a dexterous and agile animal. Because of the silky thick fur, it is bred for industrial purposes.

american mink

As for the species of this beautiful animal, there are only two of them in the world. This is European and American mink (eastern). The last of them belongs to the class of mammals and the order of carnivores. American mink is a species from the marten family. She represents the genus of ferrets.

Species differences

American mink was previously considered the closest relative of Europe. However, this statement has been refuted by the most recent genetic studies. The European look is similar to the column (the animal, whose fur has a longer pile), and the American one - with the marten and sable. Based on this, the eastern mink sometimes stands out in a separate genus, called Neovison. Thus, we can conclude that these two species had an independent occurrence. Their significant similarity was the result of evolution in the presence of similar living conditions.

What is the difference between European and American mink ? The appearance of these species has slight differences. The European mink has a much smaller skull, and indeed it is somewhat smaller. For example, in the American species of the animal, the body length reaches 50 cm, and the weight of its largest individuals approaches 2 kg. European minks weigh 0.5-0.8 kg and are very similar to ferrets.

On the legs of a European-looking animal there are membranes. They make him a great swimmer. On the legs of representatives of the American species, the membrane is poorly developed.

What is the difference between European and American mink ? Lighter coloration of the fur. In addition, representatives of the European species on both lips have white spots. This color is also present in American mink. Only such a spot is located only on the lower lip, as well as on the chin.

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What is an American mink, what does this furry animal look like? Like the European one, it has a relatively small head. In addition, it can be distinguished by a flattened muzzle, short and round ears and a well-developed mustache (vibrissa). The shape of the head is easy to determine the male and female. Moreover, this difference is manifested even in monthly puppies. The male has a more massive and wide skull. This creates the impression that its shape is more dull.

Most mink eyes are black. The exception is only some mutant forms. Their eyes can be brown, red, orange, yellowish and even greenish.

American mink (see photo and description below) has a roll-shaped body that is elongated. Her forelimbs are slightly shorter than the hind limbs. The claws on them are practically non-retractable, and the soles of the feet are bare.

american mink photo

American and European mink have small limbs. Moreover, they are almost completely covered by fur. Despite the presence of swimming membranes, all five fingers on each of the legs are capable of independent movement. This helps the animal to hang on the walls of the cage, and deftly climb them.

How does an American mink swim? See photo and description below. Due to poorly developed membranes, these animals move in lakes or in rivers due to the wave-like movements of the tail and hull.

American mink photo and description

They can swim under water at a distance of 30 m, plunging to a depth of 4-5 m. The speed of movement in this case is from one to one and a half kilometers per hour. But on the ground, the animal can move much faster. At short distances by land, he runs at a speed of up to twenty kilometers per hour.

The greatest length of a jump for an American mink is 1.2 m in length and 0.5 m in width. On loose snow the animal moves with difficulty, preferring to dig moves in it.

Territory of distribution

American mink is from the Western Hemisphere. Its natural habitat ranges from Florida, New Mexico, Southern California, Arizona to the Arctic Circle.

But in the early forties of the last century, these animals were introduced into the territory of the USSR. Here they adapted well and began to breed. Today, American mink is the main competitor to the European species. This situation is observed in such countries: France and Germany, Scotland and England.

As for the European mink, recently, its habitat has declined markedly. Today, this animal can be found only in the Balkans and in Finland, in Poland, in the west of France and in the European territory of Russia. And all this despite the fact that relatively recently the habitats of this species were much more extensive. They covered all European territories occupied by forests (except for the north-west and south). Biologists explain the disappearance of the animal by the influence of hydroelectric power plants and the acclimatization of a more successful and large competitor - the American mink.


For its habitat, the American mink (see photo below) selects the same places as the European one. She prefers to settle in dense forests along swamps and lakes. Also, the animal loves the river, on which in the winter there are many "hollows".

what is the difference between European mink and American

Mink European and American differences are in the arrangement of their shelter. In the second of the two species under consideration, it is more complicated. These are earthen burrows, sometimes borrowed from the muskrat. They have long winding passages (up to 3 m), which connects several chambers. Such holes in the habitat of one individual can be from 6 to 8. In the nesting chamber, the American mink always lays out litter from dry leaves, grass and moss. Often the animal arranges a restroom directly in its shelter. In this case, he places it behind the nesting chamber. Also, a latrine can be located near the entrance to the hole.

In addition to burrows, individuals of the American species more often than European ones equip their brood nests in the trunks of fallen trees and in butt ridges.

Breeding fur animals

The fur of the American mink is much more valuable than its European counterpart. In North America, this animal has long been hunted, placing their fishing gear in the winter forest. But today, mink farms have become the source of fur. Initially, they were discovered in Canada, and then, due to the ease of breeding of this animal, many other countries adopted a similar experience. At such farms, breeding work was carried out. The result was black American mink, as well as platinum, white and blue. Artificial breeding of furs made it possible to get much more fur than fishing in nature allowed.

Farm equipment

American mink can be kept both at home and in special rooms. But in that, and in another case, the animal must be placed in a cage.

Anyone who decides to engage in a fur business will need to build their own farm. Her buildings should stand on a flat, dry area, protected from snow drifts and winds.

American mink prefers temperature conditions corresponding to the climate of the middle zone. If in the area where the farm is equipped, the thermometer column rises above 30 degrees in the summer, then the room must have an air cooling system. Also, all rooms where the animal is kept are provided with electricity and water.

Around the farm, it is mandatory to establish a sanitary zone with a width of at least three hundred meters. And the distance to the nearest road should be from 25 to 30 m. The content of the American mink also requires the adoption of measures to prevent the animals from leaving the territory of the economy. To do this, it is necessary to build a high fence by digging it into the ground by 30 cm, and in the upper part, nail a visor directed towards the farm.

Conditions of detention

American mink (see photo below) should be placed in cages whose floors are raised above the ground. The content of animals is separate. Adults should be in individual cages installed under a gable canopy, which is called a shed. This device must be electrified and provided with water supply. As a rule, sheds are made in the form of rectangles, along the longitudinal sides of which are placed cages with animals. Such a device facilitates the process of feeding minks and cleaning manure behind them. In addition, with this arrangement, all stages of care can be easily automated.

European and American mink

Sheds must be covered with a net, which is buried in the ground by 30 cm (in this case, the animal will not be able to dig up the fence). The roof of the canopy is made of asbestos-cement sheets, on top of which a wooden grid is arranged. A ruberoid is placed on it. In the passages between the cages, the width of which should be at least 1.17 m, it is necessary to lay concrete tracks. The subfloor should remain unpaved. This is necessary to absorb urine. In the cages for animals, hinged houses are equipped. The rest of the territory is used for walking.

Cell making

A moving and very active animal is considered an American mink. Because of this, keeping it in cramped cells is unacceptable. The animal needs free territory for walking. It is believed that the mink grows under normal conditions if a territory of 5.25 square meters is allocated for each individual.

For the construction of cells it is necessary to use the right material. They can serve as a galvanized metal mesh. For the cage, you can not take such material, which over time becomes covered with rust, because it will leave a dirty coating on the fur of animals.

For the manufacture of cells, a standard mesh with 25 mm cells is taken. However, puppies up to two weeks old can freely fall out through such holes. That is why in those cages where the females are kept, mats made of mesh with a smaller cell are laid on the floor.

For the purpose of breeding, were you interested in such a small animal as the American mink? In this case, keeping and caring for the animal must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. In the cells not only feeders and drinking bowls are necessarily placed, but also small containers with water. Minks will bathe in them.

In addition, all elements in the cell must be well fixed. Otherwise, the active animal will turn everything upside down.

Litter material

The bottom of the cage containing the American mink must be covered with small wooden shavings, straw or hay. Moreover, for each animal, the volume of such material is at least seventy kilograms per year. When caring for a mink, the laying is changed as it becomes contaminated. But it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to lay out the bottom of the cells with rotting or damaged material.


What does an American mink prefer to eat? The description of her natural diet is quite extensive. Under natural conditions, the animal preys on small mammals, birds and fish. Predators of reptiles and mollusks, amphibians and crustaceans eat. Due to their large size, American minks sometimes hunt for muskrats, and in the famine they are ready to attack poultry.

American mink

In captivity, these predators are fed meat and fish, grain and compound feeds, bone, fish or meat flour, milk and dairy products, succulent feed, fodder yeast, sprats, oilcake, as well as fish or combined fats. These foods should make up seventy percent of the animalโ€™s daily diet. Moreover, it is impossible to save on the nutrition of minks. Everything that these animals do not get with food will be reflected in their hair. It is not for nothing that it is believed that 70% of the beauty of the fur is provided by quality feed.

As for plant foods, oatmeal or buckwheat and barley, pea and millet groats are used. They give minks sunflower, soy and pumpkin cakes , as well as beets and carrots, potatoes and turnips, berries and grain vegetables, tomatoes and cabbage. In the spring and summer periods, young grass and green onions, as well as root vegetables, are added to the food.

Diet type

The main task when feeding minks is to feed the animal as much food as possible.

There are various types of feeding fur animals. The first one is fish. They talk about it if seafood makes up more than fifty percent of the calorie intake. The type of feeding may be meat. It is considered such when the caloric content of animal products is more than fifty percent. Feeding is mixed, or meat. This name is given to the diet with an equal content in it of both fish and meat products.


They feed animals only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. And you need to do this at strictly defined hours. The exception is pregnant females. They need food more often - 3-4 times during the day.

mink american description

You need to feed animals every day, without taking any break. Fasting, even for a short time, is immediately reflected in the fur. It thins and fades.

Drinking is also important for minks. The animal must be provided with water constantly. This is especially true for periods when the animal eats dry or canned food.

Breeding and breeding minks

It is necessary to prepare for the appearance of offspring in animals in advance. Moreover, this whole process requires careful planning and organization. As a rule, in March, females mink race begins. Then the animals mate. Their offspring appears in the second half of April or early May.

10-15 days before the expected date of birth in the cells where the females are kept, it is necessary to lay soft shavings or hay. This is useful for a brood in which there are usually 5 to 6 puppies. In a kind of nest, small animals will be up to 40 days, eating motherโ€™s milk and gradually becoming accustomed to feeding. After this period, minks are planted in separate cells.

With proper care and maintenance, the American mink by September will delight you with lush winter fur. Until December, animals can be selected for skins.

The maintenance and cultivation of American minks lasts no more than 5.5-6 years. After that, the ability to reproduce in animals decreases and the quality of the fur deteriorates.


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