Father (tomato): description, growing and planting seedlings

Imagine that there was a time when we had no tomatoes on the table. How could you do without all these goodies: a tomato salad , tomato juice, ketchup, adjika ... For the treatment of certain diseases, for replenishing vitamins, in cooking - you need delicious tomatoes everywhere. Every year, more and more fans of this vegetable. To satisfy all the needs of consumers, breeders annually introduce new varieties. The Tomato Father, the description of which you will find in this article, is an excellent result of their hard work. This is a delicious large-fruited salad variety that can please gardeners with an excellent crop.

Tomato. Variety Batyan

father tomato

I would like to start the description of this variety of tomatoes with the fact that they are not only tasty, slightly sweet, but also beautiful in appearance. Father (tomato) is a large-fruited variety. Fruits in their shape resemble a heart, at the end there is a small elongation, like a “nose”. The peel is pink with a raspberry shade, the color of the fruit is very bright and saturated. The pulp is sugary, few seeds. The father (tomato) in ripe form can reach quite large sizes weighing about 300-400 g.

This Siberian variety belongs to early ripening plants; the bush is large, tall, and can reach two meters in height. This feature should be taken into account by gardeners when transplanting seedlings into the ground; it is recommended to place no more than 3 seedlings per 1 sq. M. m. Dad grows with proper care quickly and can please the first pink tomatoes 90 days after planting.


tomato nanny reviews

Father (tomato) is appreciated by lovers of tomatoes primarily because this variety is universal. It is used to make salads, juice, salting and, of course, fresh. It gives a large harvest, easily tolerates transportation and practically does not suffer from the invasion of pests and diseases.

Father is a tomato of one of the best varieties that can be grown, as the people say, "for yourself." If you plant such tomatoes on your site, then the whole family will be provided with tasty fresh vegetables for the whole summer. This plant has a rather long fruiting period. Due to the very high yield, the tomatoes will be enough in full not only for salads, you can also make twists for the winter. Judge for yourself: from 1 square. m. Father can give about 17 kg of large tomato.

Growing and planting seedlings

Since this variety is early, seedlings can be sown in February-March. Before sowing, be sure to check them for germination so that you do not get unnecessary expectations. To do this, it is enough to lower the seeds into the water: those that are "drowned" can be safely sent to the ground, they will give friendly shoots. It is also necessary to treat the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before sowing.

The first shoots will please you in 3-4 weeks, maybe a little earlier. Wait until the first pairs of leaves appear, and proceed to dive. You can immediately plant the sprouts in the greenhouse, if any, just remember to pinch the roots slightly.

tomato grade father

Ready adult seedlings for open beds are recommended to "resettle" after 60-70 days. Time is set not only by us, but also by weather with climatic conditions. You just need to wait for the steadily warm air temperature and the time when the threat of frost completely disappears. At such a time, it is safe to plant grown plants from the greenhouse into the garden.

There are no difficulties in caring for Batyany tomatoes , everything is the same as with other tomatoes. Water in time, preferably with warm water, in time weed out and fertilize, according to the instructions, mineral and organic fertilizing. Do not forget that this is a tall variety, the plant must be tied in time to the pegs, at the very beginning of the garter, leave the loop free, the tomato continues to grow, and it will need space for the stem.

Tomato Batian: reviews

tomato nanny description

Each gardener chooses varieties to his taste. These pink station wagons will probably suit everyone. Very good tomato Batyan, reviews of vegetable growers about this plant are only positive. And it could not be otherwise, the variety deserves the highest rating!

Reviews from gardeners say that growing tomatoes in a cold climate is a very complicated process. It is necessary to select a suitable variety and agricultural technology. The father is the best suited for Siberia, many have already tried and were satisfied. Landings pleased with a large harvest.

The reviews also note that this successful variety of Siberian breeders combines large-fruited, early maturity, excellent taste and high yield. Tomato is good for fresh consumption, and for harvesting for the winter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3347/

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