Rubs shoes - what to do? How to distribute new shoes at home

Why rubs shoes? Such a question always arises when revealing the fact that acquired shoes, which correspond to the size of the legs and were tried on several times in the store, suddenly became cramped in everyday use.

Criteria for quality shoes

Shoes are an important detail of a personโ€™s appearance and one of the main foundations for shaping his image should meet such criteria as:

  • convenience;
  • harmony with the shape of the foot;
  • good quality;
  • attractive view.
    rubs shoes what to do

It is on these principles that such an important thing is chosen. And itโ€™s sometimes frustrating when the first time a shoe is worn, it rubs, which causes great discomfort when walking. In proportion to the appearance of corns on the legs, the mood catastrophically spoils. The opportunity to return a close pair of shoes back to the store is not always available, buying another one is unprofitable, and not everyone can afford such unplanned expenses. How to distribute new shoes at home?

how to carry new shoes at home
The easiest way to carry tight shoes is to give them to the shoe workshop, where they are stretched on special equipment. But you can try to take rescue measures yourself, at home. What to do to prevent shoes from rubbing?

Immediately after purchase

Firstly, you donโ€™t need to go out in new shoes immediately after their purchase, otherwise pain, discomfort and calluses will be an unpleasant end to a difficult day.

The pain in the legs can be relieved if, after removing the shoes, immediately immerse them in hot water. If blisters are found, dip the feet for 10 minutes in a warm bath with green tea in order to soothe the pain, reduce the likelihood of infection, and kill the bacteria.

It is necessary to wear out the acquisition gradually: at first it is better at home (preferably several days), giving the foot time to get used to new shoes or boots. It is recommended to grease the legs with a greasy cream. Then you can cover short distances in new shoes: for example, to the nearest store.

rubs leather shoes

If the seam of the shoe is rubbed, it should be treated with alcohol, greased with soap, rubbed with a candle or tap on it with a hammer, laying on top of a piece of material. The skin will lose stiffness and stop rubbing. The procedure must be repeated several times until the desired result is obtained. What else to do so that the shoes do not rub?

Old newspaper mode

Perhaps the above measures will not have the expected result. In this case, if you rub leather shoes, you can try the newspaper method, which was widely used in Soviet times. It was necessary to take a large number of newspapers, soak them in water, tear them into small pieces, which โ€œtightlyโ€ push narrow shoes. After these manipulations for about a day, the shoes should be put to dry. Moreover, drying should be done in a natural way, without placing shoes next to the battery or other heating devices. In most cases, the result met expectations. Perhaps the newspaper method is not to everyone's liking. The problem remains: rubs shoes. What to do? What measures can still be taken?

Wet towel handling

An affordable way to solve this issue is to use vinegar. It requires moistening a small towel, which is placed in tight shoes and left overnight. After drying, the shoes should fully take the shape of the legs and no longer cause discomfort. You can wrap a box with new shoes with a wet towel, and also leave it for several hours. This will create a moist environment due to which the skin will become supple and softer. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated more than once. After such actions, the shoes will wear out much easier.

Stretch your shoes with alcohol

How to distribute new shoes at home? Close inside shoes can be rubbed with vodka, alcohol or beer, then put them on your feet in woolen socks and walk around the house for a while. Alternatively, shoes inside can be sprinkled with boiling water. You should know that alcohol is not suitable for fabric and suede shoes, it is able to spoil its appearance. In this case, it is better to choose another way of wearing.

Or put in the freezer

Rubs shoes - what to do?

why rubs shoes
You can use the cold: in tight shoes you need to put plastic bags, fill them with water and tie tightly. Then put the shoes in the freezer. Water, freezing, will begin to expand and stretch the shoes.

Help Sprays

What to do to prevent shoes from rubbing? You can use store tools, in particular special sprays, the action of which is aimed at stretching tight shoes. Spray places should be sprayed with aerosol, then immediately put on a new thing and walk in it for several minutes (preferably in woolen socks). It may be necessary to repeat this action several times, but in the end, the result will please: the legs in the update will become comfortable. For a faster effect, before using the spray, it is recommended to warm the shoes from the inside with a hot hairdryer.

so that new shoes do not rub
In order not to buy a special tool, you can use the usual deodorant available at home, which is applied on the sides of the foot, as well as on the back surface from the heel to the ankle. Working as a protective lubricant, it will protect the foot from friction.

A couple more useful tips

If rubbing shoes, what to do? You can fill the toe of the shoes with a small amount of fleece - a breathable air material that, unlike a napkin, will not slide into a lump. Or you can use cotton swabs.

Also, to double the protective effect, you can buy an anti-rubbing balm for the feet at the pharmacy, which can be used to lubricate the legs in the places where the blisters and corns form.

Often rubbing the skin on the legs and the formation of calluses occurs due to the constant displacement of the foot from side to side. To avoid this, you can use tightly fixed and non-moving gel or silicone insoles.

Still rubbing shoes. What to do?

It is possible to reduce pain in raising the foot (which is important for shoes with a high stiletto heel) if you buy pads for raising the feet, which are glued to the front of the shoes (sandals, shoes) at the place where the foot rests on the shoe.

To prevent new shoes from rubbing, you can use the soft strips sold in stores, which must be glued on the inside.

rubs shoes what to do
As an analogue in places of rubbing, you can stick a band-aid. Also on sale are small silicone linings (heels), which are attached to the back in places of friction and prevent the formation of corns. Stretch shoes to the required size and convenient shape can be special pads present in the assortment of shoe stores.

A few shoe tricks

  • If shoe laces for some reason were left without tips, it is recommended to grease their ends with nail polish. The latter will harden, and the laces will easily enter the holes.
  • If light shoes have lost their appearance, they can easily be repainted in black: grate raw potatoes, then grease with black cream and peel to a shine.
  • Stains that appear on colored shoes can be removed by rubbing them with a lemon peel.
  • If new shoes stain stockings, it is recommended to sprinkle the inner surface with talcum powder.

How to keep shoes attractive and well-groomed

In order for the shoes to be worn for a long time, it always looked well-groomed and attractive, it is required to keep it in a dry, warm place and often rub it with cream. It is worth remembering: the better the shoes, the less problems there will be with them after the acquisition.

the seam of the shoe rubs
Be sure to make a few tries before buying. It is better to do this in the afternoon, when the leg is larger than in the morning. You should always carefully look after your own legs, and then new shoes will not bring discomfort, but sheer pleasure.


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