Vladimir Cathedral in Kronstadt: description, address, photo

The Cathedral of the Mother of God of Vladimir is located in the very center of the city of Kronstadt and is considered its real gem. The city has been open for visits only since 1996, and until that time it was not possible to see the Vladimir Temple for pilgrims.


The first building of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kronstadt was built in 1730 and was a small wooden church intended for the religious needs of the garrison regiment.

Inside the cathedral

Over the next 45 years, the temple was rebuilt several times due to dilapidation, and also rebuilt after fires.

The last, stone building (now existing) was laid in 1875. It was built according to the project of architect H. Greifan. Construction was completed by 1879, but finishing work continued until 1882. Ovens and fans were later installed.

In 1888, in honor of the Virgin’s icon “Satisfy My Sorrows”, a chapel was consecrated in the lower tier. It was a basement in which until 1896 the funeral service of the lower ranks was funeral.

In 1902, the temple was given the status of a cathedral.

Temple service

Architecture and Interior

The building is a five-nave basilica in a mixed style, set on a high granite basement. The Byzantine style harmoniously intertwines with Russian elements of architecture of the 17th century.

The bell tower, 50 meters high, is set in the traditional style - "octagon to quadrangle" and covered with an octagonal tent with an onion dome. Gilded crosses are installed on the domes. At the entrance there is a high staircase with a granite portico.

During construction, the walls were painted gray (today blue). The original decoration was inside the cathedral. The floor was made of mosaics, cherry walls and a ceiling decorated with Byzantine ornaments.

The internal layout fully copies the basilica of the churches of the V-VI centuries. For a more complete resemblance to the Byzantine style, the ceiling was made using special decorated recesses - caissons.

The carved iconostasis is made of dark walnut, and the royal gate is made of cypress wood. Pulpit is fenced with a light marble balustrade. Carved doors leading to the altar are made of walnut wood.

This 50-meter-high temple became the dominant building of the time in Kronstadt. Its headquarters were visible from all points of the city and were a guide for the ships.

Soviet period

After the revolution, the cathedral became a parish church. In 1922, all valuables were removed from the church, and in 1931 it was closed and used as a food warehouse. The crosses were removed, and the bell tower was dismantled.

The temple icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir has disappeared, and to this day her fate is not known.

The decoration of the cathedral

After the war, the church building of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kronstadt was in poor condition. The authorities were not going to repair it. It was decided to demolish the cathedral, but when trying to blow up the building there was a threat of destruction of neighboring houses, and the cathedral was left in a dilapidated state.

The building itself survived, but the bell tower, porch and altar were destroyed. Over the next years, the authorities considered the possibility of converting the destroyed building into a pool or a stable. But for unknown reasons this did not happen.

So he stood before perestroika, slowly collapsing completely. In 1990, the building was returned to the Orthodox Church and work began on the restoration of the temple. By 1999, the repair of the lower building was completed, and divine services resumed there.

Restoration work continued until 2006. Brickwork was moved, the foundation was restored, the facade was plastered, indoor ornaments were recreated, sculptural compositions were restored. On the domes of the cathedral, the gold of the domes shone again.

Cathedral Icons

Vladimir Cathedral today

Today, the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in Kronstadt returned to its original appearance. It is an active temple, and services are held there daily.

Since 1993, a Sunday school has been operating at the church, in which there are 4 groups for children from 5 to 16 years old. Every Sunday, classes are held in the church for adults, where lectures and films on Orthodox themes are watched.

The Kronstadt Cathedral of the Mother of God of Vladimir is a pilgrimage center for those who are partial to the Orthodox Church. The temple also organizes trips to the holy places of Russia and abroad.

Kronstadt Cathedral

Opening hours and temple address

The schedule of services in the Kronstadt Vladimir Cathedral is as follows:

  • 9:00 - confession.
  • 10:00 - morning liturgy.
  • 16:00 - announcing conversation.
  • 18:00 - evening service.
  • 13:00 - baptism (only on Saturday and Sunday).
  • 17:00 - All-night vigil (on Saturdays).

Vladimirsky Cathedral in Kronstadt is open for visits daily from 9:00 to 20:00.

Every day from 12:00 to 18:00 hours, memorial services and baptisms are performed. Before the Sacrament of Baptism, on the eve, you need to go through a reading talk with the priest.

The Vladimir Cathedral in Kronstadt is located at: st. Vladimirskaya, 32.

The current phone number of the church can be found on the official website of St. Vladimir Cathedral.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33477/

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