Proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws, oil selection, instructions

Observing the correct proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws avoids the vast majority of problems encountered with this tool. At the same time, lubricants must be selected both to the saw set and to the engine.

Ready-made solutions

Proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws

The continuity of its operation, the consumption of components and engine wear depend on the quality of the composition of the fuel mixture for a chainsaw.

Ready-to-use mixes can always be found at various retail outlets. In them, the proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws are already observed. These include mixtures of "Partner", "Calm", "Husqvarna."

However, the latter are not a cheaper analogue of the total purchase of oil and gasoline and the independent manufacture of compounds.

Raw material requirements

How to breed gasoline for a chainsaw

The gasoline used in the preparation of the mixture should not be lower than grade A-92. Can be used and such as AI-92 or AI-95. Their shelf life should not exceed three months. This is due to the fact that after its expiration in gasoline the mass fraction of resins increases, which causes polymerization reactions to occur, which negatively affects the combustion chamber, in which a carbon layer is formed. Gasoline must be unleaded, since the use of a leaded variety will damage the engine.

Shelf life of the oil must also be observed. To prepare the mixture, you can use any high-quality two-stroke oils of the “Partner”, “Calm” or “Huskvarna” type. The choice of oil should be determined by the fact that it is impossible to use the latter for four-stroke engines and boats to prepare the desired composition.

When making a mixture, be sure to read the instructions on engine boosting. The last indicator shows the ratio of the volume and power of the motor to the maximum speed).

Characteristic of the oil for the mixture

Oil selection

Chainsaws are equipped with two-stroke engines, so the choice of oil should be appropriate. They can be API-TA and API-TB classes, designed for them, which are air-cooled, and are able to work under heavy loads.

Motor oil consists of base and additives. The latter provide the best mix of oil and gasoline. They help prevent corrosion processes, as well as the formation of deposits, which reduces the smoke output and maintains the cleanliness of motor parts. The effect of additives can be found on the packaging.

Types of oils

Fuel mixture for a chainsaw

Mineral oil is suitable for use in the warmer months. This is due to the fact that it has a high viscosity. These oils can be bought from 113 rub./l (TNK 2T).

Synthetic oil has great fluidity, which can also be used in winter conditions at low temperatures, i.e. throughout the year. It is mainly used for industrial chainsaws. This type is thermally stable and chemically stable. Their cost starts from 135 p. / 0.2 l ("Bison Expert").

With not very large loads on the tool, semi-synthetic oils can be used for year-round use. They include mineral types as a basic component, to which synthetic ingredients are added. The cost of these oils ranges from 185 p. / 0.946 L (Resoil Ultra 2T).

Oil manufacturers are painted in various colors so that you can control how to breed gasoline for a chainsaw.

The container capacity must be selected based on the use of the tool. With the rare action of a chainsaw, 0.8-1 l of volume per season is sufficient. In the case of daily hours of use, you need to focus on 5-liter canisters.

Chain oil

The saw headset is not lubricated with engine oils. For this purpose, special fuel for a chainsaw is used, which is characterized by high adhesion to the surface. Chain oil reduces friction and wear on parts that come into contact with each other.

Modern brands of chainsaws have a tank on the body, in which there is a chain oil, with which the saw set is lubricated automatically.

During the operation of the tool during the cold season, semi-synthetic or synthetic oils are selected, while warm - mineral oil.

On some brands of oil, you can see the marking of SES, which indicates that they are made on a plant basis and do not harm the environment.

Main question

Fuel for chainsaw

It consists in observing the proportions of oil and gasoline for a chainsaw. An extra first ingredient will cause soot to form on candles and pistons. Excess gasoline helps to cause scuffing on the pistons, which will cause a quick engine failure. The exact proportions are indicated by the manufacturers themselves.

Husqvarna and Stihl recommend taking 4 liters of gasoline per 100 ml of oil. This is typical for tools with an engine power of up to 1.5 kW. With more power, the proportion should be 1/50. On average, when answering the question "How to breed gasoline for a chainsaw?" It is recommended to proceed from the following proportions: 20-50 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline.

"Partner" and Jonsered recommend using 3.3 liters of gasoline per 100 ml of oil.

As you can see, different manufacturers have different approaches to observing the proportions of oil and gasoline. Therefore, you must strictly adhere to the instructions that go to the specific brands of the tools in question.

Mixing should be carried out in special canisters, which are marked with graduated divisions and have two holes: one for oil, the other for gasoline. The components are poured there, the tank tilts and mixes with the lids closed. Drops of water or solid particles should not get into the prepared mixture.

Mixing oil with gasoline

However, these containers have a minimum mark of 1 liter, therefore, with smaller volumes, you can make a measurement yourself. To do this, you can take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.5-1 l. Pour water in them at 102 ml (up to 816 ml) using measuring dishes. After filling each portion, a mark is made at the level of which numbers from 2 to 18 are written in steps of 2. In order to measure the oil, we use a syringe without a needle with a volume of 10-20 ml. A step in 102 ml of water provides a proportion of 1/50. With other proportions, it must be changed accordingly.

The finished composition is stored for no more than 1 month. It is even better to use it up in a few days. This is due to the fact that oxidation processes occur in it that change its chemical composition. The ideal mixture flow rate is one day. If the engine breaks down due to overexposed fuel, this will be recognized as a non-warranty case. If after the end of the season the cooked mixture remains in the chainsaw, then it is necessary to turn off the engine and remove its residues.


We found out that it is necessary to maintain the proportions of oil and gasoline for chainsaws. It is best to follow the instructions for chainsaws and oil manufacturers. The average proportion of gasoline: oil should be 1 / 25-1 / 50. In this case, gasoline should be grades A-92, AI-92 or AI-95. Oils can be mineral, if their summer use is planned, synthetic or semi-synthetic for all-season use.


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